fixes#3275, fixes#3290, ref #3086, ref #3084
- Ensure that we use the current logged in user and not just user 1 when
- removing hard coded user: 1 except where absolutely necessary
- passing context, rather than user to models
- base model has a new function to determine what id to use for created_by etc
closes#3128 (now really)
- added express variable disableLoginLimiter
- added disableLoginLimiter to all tests that use Ghost as module and
do authentication
- fixed isSetup not working for status other than active
- removed ‚Ensure a User is Registered‘ test as this is covered by the
new setup test
refs #3283, refs #2739, refs #3096
- Renames permissions which didn't follow bread
- Adds permissions for notifications, mail and tags
Still todo:
- wire up the new permissions where they are needed
- add permissions for roles
- added `/ghost/api/v0.1/uploads/` endpoint
- removed upload method from `controller/admin.js`
- moved removal of temporary files from storage to endpoint (needed to
account for failed uploads)
- changed and moved tests
- Oversight: I think that we use `.otherwise()` and `.catch()` a bit
too extensive and mask the real error objects. We probably need an
error handling strategy at some point in the future.
- updated to use new change password method
- have all save settings use notifications
- create assetUrl helper for creating asset paths with subdir's properly
- move all url based helpers onto a url object in ghost-paths
- moved setup to authentication API
- added `POST /ghost/api/v0.1/authentication/setup` to execute the
setup process
- added `GET /ghost/api/v0.1/authentication/setup` to check if blog is
already set up (needed for #3145)
- removed unused methods from api/users.js
- user generated by fixture is hijacked
- user is updated with name, email, password, slug and status
- creates new user if db is migrated but no user exists
- previously removed tests are back
- added fixture for owner role
- added fixture for initial user (new db)
- added conversion administrator -> owner (existing db)
- changed tests to take over owner user
- removed some functional tests until /setup works with owner user
- added role to user obj (only returned from the user endpoint)
- added `/users/?include=roles` and
`/users/?include=roles,roles.permissions` query parameters
- added and updated tests
-Fix validation so that all values are validated instead
of just values that evaluate to true.
-Ensure validation methods consistently return promises
and switch error handling from try/catch to promise.catch
to get rid of unhandled rejection warnings.
-Add 0 and 1 to list of acceptable values in boolean validation.
- added users.invite() to add user from email with random password
- added `GET /ghost/api/v0.1/users/` to invite users and resend
- removed one user limit
- added global utils for uid generation
- changed some „“ to ‚‘
- add Notification model
- update injected Notifications object to handle persistent notifications
- load server notifications on setup if logged in otherwise on successful sign-in
- changed all existing notifications.closeAll calls to closePassive
- fixed dismissable/dismissible spelling in server API & tests
- add notifications.closeNotification method so DELETE calls can be made for server-originating notifications
- Remove clientold
- Remove clientold tests
- Cleanup old admin helpers
- Remove old routes from admin and controllers from admin controller
- Comment out / remove old and broken tests
- Cleanup Gruntfile.js, bower.js, package.json etc
Still TODO:
- cleanup / add removed tests
- do we still need countable?
* Implemnted the ember validator correctly for both reset request and actual reset (with the token)
* added reset validator
* changed the request route addresses to be `/authentication/passwordreset`
* changed the format of data to be `{ thing: [ {data } ] }`
* notifications
* tests for these use cases
- added oauth2orize library for server side oAuth handling
- added ember-simple-auth library for admin oAuth handling
- added tables for client, accesstoken and refreshtoken
- implemented RFC6749 4.3 Ressouce Owner Password Credentials Grant
- updated api tests with oAuth
- removed session, authentication is now token based
Known issues:
- Restore spam prevention #3128
- Signin after Signup #3125
- Signin validation #3125
- oldClient doesn't work with this PR anymore, session authentication
-Refactor api.mail.sendTest to take a "to:" parameter.
-Inject recipient address into the mail api's sendTest method
from the route handler.
- added destroy user method
- added remove user permission
- added API end point for get reset token
- added API end point for reset password
- added API end point for change password
- Lazy load the defaultSettings value in Settings model
- Populate individual defaults before read/edit
- Populate all defaults before first browse call
- Remove populateDefaults calls from init code
-wire up delete post action in ember admin
-refactor ember modal dialog
-override RESTAdapter.deleteRecord to workaround Ember expecting
an empty response body on DELETEs
-update slug API to handle users and apps in addition to
posts and tags
-update existing tests
-add new functional tests for slug endpoint on http api
- Removed slug generation from the post API
- Added new, self-contained slug API
- Fixed slug permissions in the fixtures files
- Added a HTTP route for the new API method
- Added integrational tests
closes#2610, refs #2697
- cleanup API index.js, and add docs
- all API methods take consistent arguments: object & options
- browse, read, destroy take options, edit and add take object and options
- the context is passed as part of options, meaning no more .call
- destroy expects an object, rather than an id all the way down to the model layer
- route params such as :id, :slug, and :key are passed as an option & used
to perform reads, updates and deletes where possible - settings / themes
may need work here still
- HTTP posts api can find a post by slug
- Add API utils for checkData