- add "enableDeveloperExperiments" config flag
- allow any HTML payload through in the HTML mobiledoc card
- same approach as taken in the markdown card, running the markup through SimpleDOM isn't necessary and is prone to breaking because of it's limited parsing and error handling abilities
To use Koenig modify your `config.development.json` file and add the following flag to the top-level object:
"enableDeveloperExperiments": true
If you restart the dev server you will then see a new section on the Labs screen with a Koenig Editor checkbox to enable/disable the editor.
⚠️ The editor is in a _very_ broken state, it's there for developer testing and on-going development. _Do not_ try to use this on any production data!
no issue
- reported in slack (
- do not expose old release notification
- e.g. you are on 1.20.0
- you receive a notification for 1.20.1 to update
- you update to 1.20.1
- ensure we protect exposing the release notification (compare against blog version)
- protect against wrong formats
- @TODO: the notifications could store a `version` property
- by that we could use `notification.version` and don't have to match the version in the message
no issue
- discovered while testing
- activate theme
- download theme
- modify theme
- upload theme
- override? yes
- translation files are not reloaded, because the database is up-to-date
- remove un-used events in theme api layer
- trigger event from theme service
- Remove hardcoded notification in admin controller
- NOTE: update check notifications are no longer blocking the admin rendering
- this is one of the most import changes
- we remove the hardcoded release message
- we also remove adding a notification manually in here, because this will work differently from now on
-> you receive a notification (release or custom) in the update check module and this module adds the notification as is to our database
- Change default core settings keys
- remove displayUpdateNotification
-> this was used to store the release version number send from the UCS
-> based on this value, Ghost creates a notification container with self defined values
-> not needed anymore
- rename seenNotifications to notifications
-> the new notifications key will hold both
1. the notification from the USC
2. the information about if a notification was seen or not
- this key hold only one release notification
- and n custom notifications
- Update Check Module: Request to the USC depends on the privacy configuration
- useUpdateCheck: true -> does a checkin in the USC (exposes data)
- useUpdateCheck: false -> does only a GET query to the USC (does not expose any data)
- make the request handling dynamic, so it depends on the flag
- add an extra logic to be able to define a custom USC endpoint (helpful for testing)
- add an extra logic to be able to force the request to the service (helpful for testing)
- Update check module: re-work condition when a check should happen
- only if the env is not correct
- remove deprecated config.updateCheck
- remove isPrivacyDisabled check (handled differently now, explained in last commit)
- Update check module: remove `showUpdateNotification` and readability
- showUpdateNotification was used in the admin controller to fetch the latest release version number from the db
- no need to check against semver in general, the USC takes care of that (no need to double check)
- improve readability of `nextUpdateCheck` condition
- Update check module: refactor `updateCheckResponse`
- remove db call to displayUpdateNotification, not used anymore
- support receiving multiple custom notifications
- support custom notification groups
- the default group is `all` - this will always be consumed
- groups can be extended via config e.g. `notificationGroups: ['migration']`
- Update check module: refactor createCustomNotification helper
- get rid of taking over notification duplication handling (this is not the task of the update check module)
- ensure we have good fallback values for non present attributes in a notification
- get rid of semver check (happens in the USC) - could be reconsidered later if LTS is gone
- Refactor notification API
- reason: get rid of in process notification store
-> this was an object hold in process
-> everything get's lost after restart
-> not helpful anymore, because imagine the following case
-> you get a notification
-> you store it in process
-> you mark this notification as seen
-> you restart Ghost, you will receive the same notification on the next check again
-> because we are no longer have a separate seen notifications object
- use database settings key `notification` instead
- refactor all api endpoints to support reading and storing into the `notifications` object
- most important: notification deletion happens via a `seen` property (the notification get's physically deleted 3 month automatically)
-> we have to remember a seen property, because otherwise you don't know which notification was already received/seen
- Add listener to remove seen notifications automatically after 3 month
- i just decided for 3 month (we can decrease?)
- at the end it doesn't really matter, as long as the windows is not tooooo short
- listen on updates for the notifications settings
- check if notification was seen and is older than 3 month
- ignore release notification
- Updated our privacy document
- Updated for privacy config behaviour
- contains a migration script to remove old settings keys
no issue
- our API layer uses a unit to combine incoming data and options
- e.g. `` is the end result
- we have to take care that we don't pass data into the model layer
Credits: Olivier Arteau
refs #9178
- `checkFileExists` and `checkFileIsValid` where dirty required from web/middleware
- these two functions are only used in the target middleware
- let's move them
refs #9178
- continue with killing our global utils folder
- i haven't found any better naming for lib/promise
- so, require single files for now
- instead of doing `promiseLib = require('../lib/promise')`
- we can optimise the requires later
refs #9178
- we have to take care that we don't end up in circular dependencies
- e.g. API requires UrlService and UrlService needs to require the API (for requesting data)
- update the references
- we would like to get rid of the utils folder, this is/was the most complicated change
refs #9178
- move express apps to one place (called `web`)
- requires
- any further improvements are not part of this PR
- this PR just moves the files and ensures the paths are up-to-date
no issue
Support for style webhooks that can be used with Zapier triggers. This can currently be used in two ways:
a) adding a webhook record to the DB manually
b) using the API with password auth and POSTing to /webhooks/ (this is private API so not documented)
⚠️ only _https_ URLs are supported in the webhook `target_url` field 🚨
- add `webhooks` table to store event names and target urls
- add `POST` and `DELETE` endpoints for `/webhooks/`
- configure `subscribers.added` and `subscribers.deleted` events to trigger registered webhooks
no issue
- useful for managing subscribers via external systems/API calls where it's likely only the e-mail address will be known
- adds `GET /subscribers/email/:email/`
- adds `DELETE /subscribers/email/:email/`
refs #9178
* Add eslint deps, remove old lint deps
* Add eslint config, remove old lint configs
* Config for server and tests are different
* Tweaked rules to suit us
* Fix linting in codebase - lots of indent changes.
* Fix a real broken test
refs #9150
- Moves the password length fn from `models/user` to `data/validation` where the other validator functions live.
- Added password validation rules. Password rules added:
- Disallow obviously bad passwords: '1234567890', 'qwertyuiop', 'asdfghjkl;' and 'asdfghjklm' for example
- Disallow passwords that contain the words 'password' or 'ghost'
- Disallow passwords that match the user's email address
- Disallow passwords that match the blog domain or blog title
- Disallow passwords that include 50% or more of the same characters: 'aaaaaaaaaa', '1111111111' and 'ababababab' for example.
- Password validation returns an `Object` now, that includes an `isValid` and `message` property to differentiate between the two error messages (password too short or password insecure).
- Use a catch predicate in `api/authentication` on `passwordReset`, so the correct `ValidationError` will be thrown during the password reset flow rather then an `UnauthorizedError`.
- When in setup flow, the blog title is not available yet from `settingsCache`. We therefore supply it from the received form data in the user model `setup` method to have it accessible for the validation.
- Update `gscan` - it now extracts custom templates and exposes them to Ghost
- Add `custom_template` field to post schema w/ 1.13 migration
- Return `templates` array for the active theme in `/themes/` requests
- Users with Author/Editor roles can now request `/themes/`
- Front-end will render `custom_template` for posts if it exists, template priority is now:
1. `post/page-{{slug}}.hbs`
2. `{{custom_template}}.hbs`
3. `post/page.hbs`
- because of our API layer refactoring, see
- we can now see that code was written wrong because of this horrible API bug
- this fixes the formats parameter for querying a single post
no issue
- this has a big underlying problem
- each task in the pipeline can modify the options
- e.g. add a proper permission context
- if we chain after the pipeline, we don't have access to the modified options object
- and then we pass the wrong options into the `toJSON` function of a model
- the toJSON function decides what to return based on options
- this is the easiest solution for now, but i am going to write a spec if we can solve this problem differently
🐛 Fixed author role permission to change author
no issue
- To be able to fix this bug, we had to solve tasks from #9043
- This bug affects the private / undocumented API only
- Author role users should not be allowed to change the author of a post
refs #8602
- Add the wiring to pass attributes around the permission system
- Allows us to get access to the important "unsafe" attributes that are changing
- E.g. status for posts
- This can then be used to determine whether a user has permission to perform an attribute-based action
- E.g. publish a post (change status)
no issue
- our public API is still a beta/labs feature
- from
> The API is still under very (very) heavy development and subject to regular breaking changes.
- users should expect breaking changes in any release (independent from semver versions)
- the public user API never returns any email addresses to decrease the information we expose
- there is no need to keep the support fetching a user by email address
refs #9028
- if you upload a redirects file and a redirects file exists already, we backup this file to `data/redirects-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss.json`
- decrease chance of random test failures by not comparing date format with seconds
no issue
- this endpoint does not exist anymore
- if you want to add a new user, you have to invite him via the invites API
- on invite accept, the user is inserted
refs #9028
- add two new endpoints for uploading/downloading the redirects (file based)
- reload/re-register redirects on runtime
- migration for 1.9 to add permissions for redirects download/upload
- We don't need the config option for Unsplash anymore
- The private endpoint (/configuration/private) was introduced for Unsplash
* Improved log output for welcome email error
no issue
- if Ghost is unable to send a welcome email, the server log printe a huge error log
- the reason was that each component wrapped the original error into a new error instance
- so the stack grows and grows
- the golden rule should always be: the smallest/lowest component should instanitate a specifc error
- the caller can expect to receive a custom Ghost error
* Tidy up error messages for mail failures and fix tests
- We never use "Error:" notation in our translations
- Make the error messages consistent and show a reason if possible
- no need to add a migration, because when we'released 1.0, OAuth was never an option
- it was disabled in April, 1.0-beta was released in June
- remove all remote authentication code
no issue
- if you blog runs on a custom domain, but your admin panel is configured using a different domain
-> Ghost losts the origin header
- we had this situation once with pretty urls (your request get's redirected from /posts to /posts/, see
- we've moved all our redirect logic to Ghost and ran into the same situation
- i've added proper test to ensure it won't happen again
no issue
- Consistent naming for postLookup
- makes it easier to search and inspect the various usages
- Cleanup unneeded code
- Make res.render calls more consistent
- add some consistency to the calls to res.render
- Remove ancient reference to dataProvider
- Let's call it models everywhere now...
- Use consistent formatting across the API
- we're no longer using alignment in vars
- Misc other consistency changes in API
- always refer to local utils as apiUtils
- logical grouping of requires - dependencies, utils, "lib common" etc
- use xAPI to refer to API endpoints, e.g. mailAPI, settingsAPI for clarity
no issue
v1.0.0 is no longer the standard in the docs, so I updated all of the URLs containing it with v1
Note: I tried squashing commits, but failed. I'll try again in the future with throwaway changes
Secondary Note: I tested most of the URLs listed and got no 404s!
no issue
- adds a ghost-backup client
- adds a client authenticated endpoint to export blog for ghost-backup client only
- allows some additional overrides during import
- allows for an import by file to override locking a user and double hashing the password
no issue
- Split routes out from the API app 🎨
- Use the same pattern as the blog app
- General cleanup/unification across all of the `app.js` files
- Split middleware config out from API routes
- Logical groupings make it easier to see WTF is going on 😬
refs #8859
- adds new `configuration/private` endpoint for exposing config that should not be accessible without authentication
- adds `unsplashAPI` to private config
- adds empty `unsplash` config to default settings
no issue
- Upgraded ghost-ignition
- Use debug from ghost-ignition everywhere in the code base
- Remove debug dependency
- Fixed random typo in Gruntfile.js