- implements custom user adapter for the `/team/:slug/` route
- abstracts slug-url behavior into a mixin (used in /settings/tags/ as well)
- adds unit tests for both tag and user adapters
* Drop set for local private editor property
* Only run preview setup on didInsertElement
* Drop set for local scrollWrapper prop
* Selectize setup on afterRender instead of next
* Use local props for editor save timers
refs #6039
- add `jquery-deparam` ember testing dependency for use in mirage config
- setup necessary mirage fixtures & endpoints for successful testing of setup flow's happy-path
- add happy-path acceptance test for setup flow
refs #6039, closes#6047, closes#6048
- delete old/unused fixtures file
- add failing tests for #6047 & #6048
- redirect to sign-in if we get a 401 when making an API request
- fix incorrect `this.notifications` call in tag controller
- raise `authorizationFailed` action in application route's `sessionInvalidated` hook so that it can be handled by leaf routes (fixes re-auth modal display)
- close "saving failed" alert when successfully re-authenticated
- adds a "window-proxy" util so that we can override `window.*` operations in tests
- fix `gh-selectize` attempting to register event handlers when the component has already been destroyed
no issue
- adds style to client/tests/index.html to force preview container and inner element to always fill 100%
- fixes issue with infinite-scroll test failing in browser but passing in phantomjs
refs #6039
- adds ember-cli-mirage dependency
- sets up mirage to match our API endpoints and responses
- adds fixture data for settings that are always present for all blogs
- converts existing acceptance tests to use mirage
refs #5845
- display matched tags in auto-complete dropdown, load tag edit screen when selected
- fix bug where only 1 search item with the same ID would be displayed (eg. if a post and tag both had an ID of 1 it would only show the first-loaded item)
refs #5845
- adds custom adapter for tags so that `store.queryRecord('tag', {slug: 'tag-slug'})` hits the `/tags/slug/tag-slug` endpoint instead of `/tags/?slug=tag-slug`
- updates tag management screens to use tag slugs instead of IDs
- adds `/tag/:slug/edit` redirect to front-end
- added UI to labs page
- added method to determine if full authentication is required
- updated public_api tests to enable public api first
refs #5845, #5969
- when on mobile devices tag management UI will only display a list and when a tag is accessed the tag settings form will slide in from the right
- tag settings form header has a 'back' button when on mobile to go back to tags list
- switching from mobile to standard modes will auto load the first tag as per standard tags screen on desktop
- if no tags are present then the blank-slate template will be shown when on mobile
refs #5845
- Updates tag settings screen to match content screen behaviour. Each now tag has it's own route that is link-able from other areas of the app
- Updates a number of places where jQuery event handler code was not wrapped in Ember's run loop
refs #5976
- adds `onChange` handler to `gh-selectize` component to update the `selection` property when selectize's value is changed (eg, by the drag_drop plugin updating the order)
- adds the `drag_drop` plugin to the list of selectize plugins used by the tags input on the post settings menu
no issue
- adds `shouldBackgroundReloadRecord` override so that we keep the current behaviour (never background reload unless instigated manually) when we upgrade to Ember Data 2.0 which will always background-reload by default
no issue
- increases individual test timeout from 5sec to 15sec
It seems Travis is occasionally _very_ slow and will timeout on heavier acceptance tests resulting in random failures. Hopefully this will reduce the number of random test failures we see.
- calls `reset()` on the uploader when re-rendered with a blank image
- calls `reset()` and `initWithImage()` on the uploader when re-rendered with an image and the uploader is still in the "blank" state
refs #5845
- add tests for `tag-settings` validator
- add validation for tag slug length
- fix display of error message when saving tag fails on the server
- add max chars text to description char count, remove error message as the count/input colour already indicates an error