- got rid of old _private & variable pattern in favour of const and module.exports
- changed weird capitalisation naming conventions to be camelCase
- removed some very old TODOs that we're never gonna get TODONE
- these are mostly old ideas that never made it, and it's been so long they're clearly not important
refs: 4474ca1a1d
refs: 0799f02e80
The BasicErrorRenderer was created as a fallback for when we needed to not render templates, which is
chiefly when we're trying to render a 404 for an image. Using a template puts us at risk of an infinite 404 loop
if the missing image is referenced in the 404 template.
As of 0799f02e, the HTMLErrorRenderer no longer uses templates - instead we serve a very simple HTML page.
This can be used instead of the BasicErrorRenderer, as it results in a properly formatted error.
Even when sending responses in plain text, the content type is returned as HTML and therefore having an
unformatted error makes no sense - if we really need a non-html format I guess there should be no body at all.
- moving this middleware because we're about to add a second piece of middleware
- it's easier to see what we have when each middleware is in its own file rather than in one big middleware.js file
- When we handle errors in Ghost, we are supposed to use a pattern of supplying 3 messages:
- message: what went wrong
- context: details about why how or where the error happened
- help: where the user can go to get help with this error
- We do this in many places and our JSON error handler and CLI error logging tools are designed to output this extra information
- However, stack traces, which start with message as the first line and then output the stack are totally missing this
- By injecting the additional messages into the stack once an error has been "ghostified" we should get clearer messages everywhere
- I've additionally injected a "Stack Trace:" line that makes it easier to read the error vs the stack
- This code looks a little weird because the lines are inserted backwards, but that allows us to always to the insert at position 1 as per the comment,
so we don't have to keep track of whether we already injected something or not
refs: 2af9e2e12
- This new HTMLErrorRenderer is borrowed heavily from finalHandler
- This is the module that express uses to render errors if there is no custom errorhandler
- It just renders a really simple html page wrapping err.stack in a <pre>
- This results in a nicely formatted, but unstyled error page
- I also updated BasicErrorRenderer to use the same res.statusCode + err.stack pattern rather than err.message
Note: This error renderer is _only_ used for renderering errors on the `/ghost/` route
- In almost all cases, errors here are rendered by Ember
- The only error that can be rendered here is a missing template error see: 2af9e2e12
- If the admin templates default.html or default-prod.html are missing, don't throw a 500
- Instead throw a well considered 400 error with extra help for what to do to fix it
- Reduced our maintenance middleware code down to the bare minimum!
- We have an old maintenance middleware in place to handle when a site is forcibly put into maintenance mode, or the urlService hasn't finished booting
- This maintenance middleware was mounted on every sub app, instead of globally for reasons I no longer remember
- Recently, we introduced a new, static version of maintenence middleware to show during the boot process so we can get the server started earlier & not drop requests
- This version has its own HTML template and doesn't depend on any of Ghost's error rendering code
- To simplify and help with decoupling, this commit merges the two middleware, so that the new independent & static middleware renders its template for any one of the 3 possible maintenance modes
- It only needs to exist in the top level app 🙌
TODO: move the maintenance middleware to its own file/package so it's not part of the app.js as that is weird
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/135
- Without sensible defaults the web app was not initializing either the backend nor the frontned parts of the application. Fixed the defaults so the problem doesn't happen again and optimized mock-express-style initialization to only initialize the frontend routing
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/135
- These flags are meant to control initialization of sections of the boot sequence depending on the needs - with or without bakend (API)/frontend (public handlebars site)
- Ideally these flags should not be passed deep into the components, and if the are (like in the web/parent/app case) it's a smell that we need to move things up into the boot process!
- These are simple functions that get data from config in a specific format
- They are also used by the topmost part of the application
- Config helpers seems like a reasonable fit to get them out of the web folder
- Functions have also been renamed to try to get them to make more sense
- This is a minor bugbare, but it will affect some configuration I'm about to do for c8
- I've been wanting to do it for ages, middleware is plural all on it's own so it's an odd affectation in our codebase
- This also only exists in 2 places, everywhere else we use "middleware"
- Sadly it did result in a lot of churn as I did a full find and replace, but consistency is king!
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/120
- Changed endpoint name as it suits way better to the `/upload` postfix convention we use along with all other endpoints that support file uploads
closes https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/120
- Allows to update and upload brand new thumbnail images for previusly uploaded media resources
- The endpoint is available udner alpa flag as part of Admin API at `PUT /media/thumbnail/`
- As an input accepts following parameters:
- *required* `file` field containing an image file
- *required* `url` field containing parent media file URL
- *optional* `ref` as a field to put in an ID to reference the resource on the client side
- The response has following format:
media: [{
url: ''
ref: 'unique-id-420'
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/114
- Files API is meant to be used for non-executable file uploads of all sorts
- The files are stored and retrieved for download as-is
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/95
- The uploaded media thumbnail name should have a "_thumb" postfix to be able to distinguish thumbnails from other files. This can be handy if we decide to store them in a different location in the future.
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/95
- Each media file quires a thumbnail and these changes provide a capability to upload them along with media files.
- The thumbnail file is always required and has to be the format of already supported image formats
- The thumbnail should be uploaded as a part of "thumbnail" attachment in the request
- The regression tests added with this changeset will be claened up and moved to unit-tests (this is a dirty-but-working version!)
- The thumbnail always gets a name of the uploaded media file and keeps it's own extension.
- The thumbnails is accessible under the url present in the "thumbnail_url" reponse field
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1115
This feature is now GA, and the flag has been hardcoded to `true`, here we clean up the
remaining references as they're no longer needed.
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Members/commit/9e59f5a9
Since we have a DynamicRedirectManager for handling adding/removing
redirects at runtime, we no longer need the custom-redirects middleware.
The redirects service does however need an init method now to add the
custom redirects at Ghost boot, so it's been refactored into our Class &
DI pattern.
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1115
This allows users to create Offers for Tier/Cadence pairs in order to
provide discounted subscriptions to Members! We have support for
percentage based discounts & fixed price discounts, either for the first
payment, all payments, or a number of monthly payments.
Offers also have a code, which can be used as an easy way to share them,
as visiting https://site.com/offer-code will automatically open Portal
with the Offer prepopulated.
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1175
We found the ETag header sent when serving the Admin template for /ghost/ was not changing between versions which after an upgrade could result in out of date cached content being served containing links to JS/CSS files that no longer existed.
The culprit is weak etags served by Node's `send` package, coupled with Admin template filesize not changing between versions and `npm pack` setting a fixed modification date for every file. See https://github.com/pillarjs/send/issues/176 for more details.
- updated the Admin app's controller to read the template and generate an md5 hash of the contents so we can serve a strong ETag header value when serving the `/ghost/` html
no issue
- following on from f4fb0fcbaa,
this commit moves around some package requires in Ghost
- these are often niche packages that do something in a subsystem of
Ghost, and are not necessarily be needed to boot the application
- these packages use non-negligible CPU and memory when they are
required, so it makes sense to lazy-require them
- the concern here is that we obscure the code too much by moving
random requires further into code, but the changes are small and the
improvements big
- this commit bring the boot time since 4.19.0 down ~31% and initial
memory usage down by a total of ~12%
- we're slowly trying to draw the lines between the backend and the frontend correctly
- these files deal only with serving the frontend so they should live there
- there are lots of mixed requires in these files, so having them in the right place makes that clear
refs https://linear.app/tryghost/issue/CORE-1/multiple-adapters-per-type
- Having this preemptive change allows to separate implementation of "image" storage from future usecases like "videos", "audios" etc. Even if the "image" adapter is not configured the default behavior will fallback to use the "active" storage adapter. If there's a need to handle "images" differently through a custom apapter that'll work out of the box ;)
no issue
- right now, we mount all API endpoints (v2, v3 and canary), alongside some
other routes, when Ghost is booting. This is wasteful because we don't
necessarily need any of the endpoints to get Ghost up and running
- even when Admin is used, it uses `canary` so `v2` and `v3` sit in memory
- the better approach here is to lazy load these endpoints, so they only
get mounted when needed
- this commit adds the `lazyUse` function into our Express lib,
which takes a mount path and a module function to execute down the
line. This gets passed to the wonderful `express-lazy-router` lib which
detects when we're calling an unmounted module and will mount it for
- from local testing, this speeds up boot time by about 18% and reduces
initial memory usage by about 6% 🚀
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/13380
- Now that i18n.t has been removed everywhere, we can cleanup the final usages
- Still TODO: merge the i18n logic into themeI18n, and get rid of shared/i18n entirely
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1138
Portal offer urls use offer id to load offer details UI and stripe checkout in frontend. This endpoint allows portal to fetch offer details from offer id to create Portal UI with relevant details for potential members.
refs https://linear.app/tryghost/issue/CORE-103/decouple-internal-frontend-code-from-url-module
- By becoming a parameter in the routing bootstrap process URL is Service no longer a "require" inside the frontend controllers but rather becomes a part of the "internal API" of the bootstrapper. This is not the end form of it, rather a step closer to decouplint routing from the URL serivce.
- The bootstrap module needs a facelift to have cleaner distinction between init/start methods. This is left for another time
- The helper registration code is "framework" code and very specific
- At the moment the "theme engine" is full of lots of disparate theme related stuff
- I'm trying to make the frontend framework code clearer and also expand it to make it more useful
- The helper system now also exposes 3 methods allowing you to register a directory, a helper or an alias
- I've updated the codebase to use these both for our core helpers and for "apps"