- the collection router had a hardcoded default context "home"
- this is wrong
- the context array get's automatically filled for the collection
- if you are serving a page e.g. /page/2/ -> it's "paged"
- if you are serving / -> it's "home"
- same for {{body_class}}, it outputs "home-template" on "/"
- this is the same behaviour as in 1.23.x
no issue
- reverse must happen once in the constructor
- otherwise we reverse the array on each request
- Ghost would randomly pick the first and then the second template
no issue
- there was a timing bug in Ghost
- we do operations in parallel on bootstrap
- 1) we fetch the resources as early as possible
- 2) we do all the rest (express bootstrapping, theme loading, router registration) etc.
- it can happen that (2) happens too slow and ends in the situation that the queue, which is responsible
to handle both parallel actions, does not wait for the routers and closes the event
- this is a short term fix
- i need to reconsider if there is a better long term fix
refs #9601
### Dynamic Routing
This is the beta version of dynamic routing.
- we had a initial implementation of "channels" available in the codebase
- we have removed and moved this implementation
- there is now a centralised place for dynamic routing - server/services/routing
- each routing component is represented by a router type e.g. collections, routes, static pages, taxonomies, rss, preview of posts
- keep as much as possible logic of routing helpers, middlewares and controllers
- ensure test coverage
- connect all the things together
- yaml file + validation
- routing + routers
- url service
- sitemaps
- url access
- deeper implementation of yaml validations
- e.g. hard require slashes
- ensure routing hierarchy/order
- e.g. you enable the subscriber app
- you have a custom static page, which lives under the same slug /subscribe
- static pages are stronger than apps
- e.g. the first collection owns the post it has filtered
- a post cannot live in two collections
- ensure apps are still working and hook into the routers layer (or better said: and register in the routing service)
- put as much as possible comments to the code base for better understanding
- ensure a clean debug log
- ensure we can unmount routes
- e.g. you have a collection permalink of /:slug/ represented by {globals.permalink}
- and you change the permalink in the admin to dated permalink
- the express route get's refreshed from /:slug/ to /:year/:month/:day/:slug/
- unmount without server restart, yey
- ensure we are backwards compatible
- e.g. render home.hbs for collection index if collection route is /
- ensure you can access your configured permalink from the settings table with {globals.permalink}
### Render 503 if url service did not finish
- return 503 if the url service has not finished generating the resource urls
### Rewrite sitemaps
- we have rewritten the sitemaps "service", because the url generator does no longer happen on runtime
- we generate all urls on bootstrap
- the sitemaps service will consume created resource and router urls
- these urls will be shown on the xml pages
- we listen on url events
- we listen on router events
- we no longer have to fetch the resources, which is nice
- the urlservice pre-fetches resources and emits their urls
- the urlservice is the only component who knows which urls are valid
- i made some ES6 adaptions
- we keep the caching logic -> only regenerate xml if there is a change
- updated tests
- checked test coverage (100%)
### Re-work usage of Url utility
- replace all usages of `urlService.utils.urlFor` by `urlService.getByResourceId`
- only for resources e.g. post, author, tag
- this is important, because with dynamic routing we no longer create static urls based on the settings permalink on runtime
- adapt url utility
- adapt tests
- adjust the `deduplicateSubDir` function's regex to only match duplicate subdirectories when the `url` is only a path rather than full url or the duplicate match starts with a `/`
refs TryGhost/gscan#106
needs TryGhost/gscan#107
GScan can return errors, which was not handled in our theme validator and caused Ghost to crash completely. GScan will now return an Ignition error when its not able to read the `.zip` file.
e. g.: `{"errors":[{"message":"Failed to read zip file","context":"","errorType":"ValidationError","errorDetails":"invalid relative path: ../tife/"}]}`
refs #9601
- while i was testing different collections and different filters, i somehow thought that the default
collection does not contain featured posts 😀🙊
- this is wrong (!!!!)
- the url service is not yet connected
- so: this is not a bug
- it's easier for the architecture if we read the setting files synchronously,
because the dynamic routing component is part of the express bootstrap and
the whole routing bootstrap is synchronously
- for now: we only read one file anyway
- it's for now easier to read the file synchronously, then i don't have to change
any existing express bootstrap architecture
- this is just the first optimisation regarding relative/absolute urls
- the full strike will happen when i start with the url utility re-write
- for now: there will be only one subscriber of url events -> the sitemaps service
- the sitemaps service outputs absolute urls
- we don't want to receive an url event and ask the url service again to get an absolute version of the url
- currently we generate a relative resource url
- if you configure a subdirectory, the urls have to respect that
- e.g. you configure `localhost:2368/blog`, your url results in e.g. `/blog/my-post/`
- this is not yet a critical bug, because the url service is not connected yet
- @TODO: consider absolute vs. relative urls in the url service
no issue
- removed the `routeKeywords` property from the config and used hard coded keywords.
- removed `routeKeywords` from public configuration API endpoint, as it's no longer used in the Admin.
We are currently work on dynamic routing (aka channels).
An important piece of this feature is the url service, which always knows the url of a resource at any time.
Resources can belong to collections or taxonomies, which can be defined in a [routing yaml file]( We are currently shipping portions, which will at end form the full dynamic routing feature.
### Key Notes
- each routing type (collections, taxonomies, static pages) is registered in order - depending on the yaml routes file configuration
- static pages are an internal concept - they sit at the end of the subscriber queue
- we make use of a temporary [`Channels2`]( file, which simulates the current static routing in Ghost (this file will be modified, removed or whatever - this is one of the next steps)
- two way binding: you can ask for a resource url based on the resource id, you can ask for the resource based on the url
- in theory it's possible that multiple resources generate the same url: we don't handle this with collision (because this is error prone), we handle this with the order of serving content. if you ask the service for a resource, which lives behind e.g. /test/, you will get the resource which is served
- loose error handling -> log errors and handle instead of throw error and do nothing (we log the errors with a specific code, so we can react in case there is a bug)
- the url services fetches all resources on bootstrap. we only fetch and keep a reduced set of attributes (basically the main body of a resource)
- the bootstrap time will decrease a very little (depending on the amount of resources you have in your database)
- we still offer the option to disable url preloading (in your config `disableUrlPreload: true`) - this option will be removed as soon as the url service is connected. You can disable the service in case you encounter a problem
- **the url service is not yet connected, we will connect the service step by step. The first version should be released to pre-catch bugs. The next version will add 503 handling if the url service is not ready and it will consume urls for resources.**
- the url service generates urls based on resources (posts, pages, users, tags)
- the url service keeps track of resource changes
- the url service keeps track of resource removal/insert
- the architecture:
- each routing type is represented by a url generator
- a routing type is a collection, a taxonomiy or static pages
- a queue which ensures that urls are unique and can be owned by one url generator
- the hierarchy of registration defines that
- we query knex, because bookshelf is too slow
- removed old url service files + logic
- added temp channels alternative (Channels2) -> this file will look different soon, it's for now the temporary connector to the url service. Also the name of the file is not optimal, but that is not really important right now.
These code changes introduce a YAML parser which will load and parse YAML files from the `/content/settings` directory. There are three major parts involved:
1. `ensure-settings.js`: this fn takes care that on bootstrap, the supported files are present in the `/content/settings` directory. If the files are not present, they get copied back from our default files. The default files to copy from are located in `core/server/services/settings`.
2. `loader.js`: the settings loader reads the requested `yaml` file from the disk and passes it to the yaml parser, which returns a `json` object of the file. The settings loader throws an error, if the file is not accessible, e. g. because of permission errors.
3. `yaml-parser`: gets passed a `yaml` file and returns a `json` object. If the file is not parseable, it returns a clear error that contains the information, what and where the parsing error occurred (e. g. line number and reason).
- added a `get()` fn to settings services, that returns the settings object that's asked for. e. g. `settings.get('routes').then(()...` will return the `routes` settings.
- added a `getAll()` fn to settings services, that returns all available settings in an object. The object looks like: `{routes: {routes: {}, collections: {}, resources: {}}, globals: {value: {}}`, assuming that we have to supported settings `routes` and `globals`.
Further additions:
- config `contentPath` for `settings`
- config overrides for default `yaml` files location in `/core/server/services/settings`
**Important**: These code changes are in preparation for Dynamic Routing and not yet used. The process of copying the supported `yaml` files (in this first step, the `routes.yaml` file) is not yet activated.
no issue
This PR adds the server side logic for multiple authors. This adds the ability to add multiple authors per post. We keep and support single authors (maybe till the next major - this is still in discussion)
### key notes
- `authors` are not fetched by default, only if we need them
- the migration script iterates over all posts and figures out if an author_id is valid and exists (in master we can add invalid author_id's) and then adds the relation (falls back to owner if invalid)
- ~~i had to push a fork of bookshelf to npm because we currently can't bump bookshelf + the two bugs i discovered are anyway not yet merged ( replaced by new bookshelf release
- the implementation of single & multiple authors lives in a single place (introduction of a new concept: model relation)
- if you destroy an author, we keep the behaviour for now -> remove all posts where the primary author id matches. furthermore, remove all relations in posts_authors (e.g. secondary author)
- we make re-use of the `excludeAttrs` concept which was invented in the contributors PR (to protect editing authors as author/contributor role) -> i've added a clear todo that we need a logic to make a diff of the target relation -> both for tags and authors
- `authors` helper available (same as `tags` helper)
- `primary_author` computed field available
- `primary_author` functionality available (same as `primary_tag` e.g. permalinks, prev/next helper etc)
no issue
- this commit cleans up the usages of `include` and `withRelated`.
### API layer (`include`)
- as request parameter e.g. `?include=roles,tags`
- as theme API parameter e.g. `{{get .... include="author"}}`
- as internal API access e.g. `api.posts.browse({include: 'author,tags'})`
- the `include` notation is more readable than `withRelated`
- and it allows us to use a different easier format (comma separated list)
- the API utility transforms these more readable properties into model style (or into Ghost style)
### Model access (`withRelated`)
- e.g. `models.Post.findPage({withRelated: ['tags']})`
- driven by bookshelf
Commits explained.
* Reorder the usage of `convertOptions`
- 1. validation
- 2. options convertion
- 3. permissions
- the reason is simple, the permission layer access the model layer
- we have to prepare the options before talking to the model layer
- added `convertOptions` where it was missed (not required, but for consistency reasons)
* Use `withRelated` when accessing the model layer and use `include` when accessing the API layer
* Change `convertOptions` API utiliy
- API Usage
- ghost.api(..., {include: 'tags,authors'})
- `include` should only be used when calling the API (either via request or via manual usage)
- `include` is only for readability and easier format
- Ghost (Model Layer Usage)
- models.Post.findOne(..., {withRelated: ['tags', 'authors']})
- should only use `withRelated`
- model layer cannot read 'tags,authors`
- model layer has no idea what `include` means, speaks a different language
- `withRelated` is bookshelf
- internal usage
* include-count plugin: use `withRelated` instead of `include`
- imagine you outsource this plugin to git and publish it to npm
- `include` is an unknown option in bookshelf
* Updated `permittedOptions` in base model
- `include` is no longer a known option
* Remove all occurances of `include` in the model layer
* Extend `filterOptions` base function
- this function should be called as first action
- we clone the unfiltered options
- check if you are using `include` (this is a protection which could help us in the beginning)
- check for permitted and (later on default `withRelated`) options
- the usage is coming in next commit
* Ensure we call `filterOptions` as first action
- use `ghostBookshelf.Model.filterOptions` as first action
- consistent naming pattern for incoming options: `unfilteredOptions`
- re-added allowed options for `toJSON`
- one unsolved architecture problem:
- if you override a function e.g. `edit`
- then you should call `filterOptions` as first action
- the base implementation of e.g. `edit` will call it again
- future improvement
* Removed `findOne` from Invite model
- no longer needed, the base implementation is the same
no issue
- discovered while testing
- activate theme
- download theme
- modify theme
- upload theme
- override? yes
- translation files are not reloaded, because the database is up-to-date
- remove un-used events in theme api layer
- trigger event from theme service
refs #9178
- this util uses the url services (!)
- moving this file into lib would not make sense right now
- that would mean a module requires first ../lib/url, which then requires ../services/url
- the url service definitely need a clean up 😃
refs #9178
- i am not super happy about `const imageLib = require('../lib/image')`
- i don't really like the name `imageLib`
- but i had no better idea 😃
- if we use the same name in the whole project, it's very easy to rename the folder or the variable
no issue
> (node:63849) Warning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 101 settings.edited listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
- the settings cache was initialised per test
- it registered the model events over and over again
- add a simple shutdown function, which can be called from the test env
refs #9178
- we have to take care that we don't end up in circular dependencies
- e.g. API requires UrlService and UrlService needs to require the API (for requesting data)
- update the references
- we would like to get rid of the utils folder, this is/was the most complicated change
no issue
- rename the config option to disable preloading the urls
- always expose the urlservice as singleton
- do the initialisation of the service inside the constructor
no issue
Support for style webhooks that can be used with Zapier triggers. This can currently be used in two ways:
a) adding a webhook record to the DB manually
b) using the API with password auth and POSTing to /webhooks/ (this is private API so not documented)
⚠️ only _https_ URLs are supported in the webhook `target_url` field 🚨
- add `webhooks` table to store event names and target urls
- add `POST` and `DELETE` endpoints for `/webhooks/`
- configure `subscribers.added` and `subscribers.deleted` events to trigger registered webhooks
refs #9192
- Introduces a url service that can be initialised
- Added a concept of Resources and resource config.json that contains details about the resources in the system that we may want to make customisable
- Note that individual resources know how to create their own Urls... this is important for later
- Url Service loads all of the resources, and stores their URLs
- The UrlService binds to all events, so that when a resource changes its url and related data can be updated if needed
- There is a temporary config guard so that this can be turned off easily
refs #5091, #9192
- Renderer figures out templates, contexts, and does a render call
- Templating is now handled with a single function
- Context call is made in the renderer
Note: to make this work, all controllers now define a little bit of config, currently stored in res._route. (That's a totally temporary location, as is res._template... when a sensible naming convention reveals itself I'll get rid of the weird _). This exposes a type and for custom routes a template name & default.
refs #9192, refs #5091
- Moved all url generation into generate-feed.js, so we can see as much data processing as possible in a single place.
- Refactored the way res.locals were used, to be more like how express uses them prior to rendering
- Removed a bunch of code & tests todo with context for RSS - I can't see any way that'd be used, unless we switched the rendering to use a template.
- moved the RSS rendering to be part of the service, not controller
- updated the tests significantly
Note: RSS generate-feed has a complete duplication of the code used in the excerpt helper in order to create an item description