* Smoother animations
* Removed blurring in Chrome temporarily
* Centering is now done in CSS (the height is calculated in JS to work in FF and Opera)
* Modals now need close: true to be set to enable the close icon and shortcuts for closing (ESC key, background clicking)
Issue #149
- added back button to content preview and settings
- added hammer.js interactions
- needs some tweaking for mobile view
- problems with touch events (additional click event after 300ms)
closes#701, closes#702
- if image upload is called from editor the url icon provides a text field and a save button
- if on settings pages (general and user) the save button will capture the entered url or uploaded url
- both modes have the reset button
- fixed bug that is created by url when image is dragged onto window
- use models instead of knex so that we know we get correct data
- preprocesses post_tags, adds the right tags back to the posts
- deduplicate posts (if they have the same title and slug?)
- Adds new generic methods for handling errors to errorHandling.js
- Initialises generic methods as middleware
- Created error.hbs view in admin
- Error handler searches for error.hbs view file in user theme folder
and renders it if available, otherwise lets the error fall through
to express.
- We *could* change the final behaviour to render a default ghost
template should the user template be missing
- Because it currently isn't possible to require(ghost) in errorHandling.js,
it was necessary to duplicate some aspects of the ghost path init code
inside errorhandling.js. This should be cleaned up and moved back
into ghost.js when possible.
closes#657, closes#761
- Got rid of initTheme from ghost.js (yay)
- Divided up the logic for static assets and views
- Ghost admin static assets are now served from /ghost/
- New logic to figure out if we're on the admin, or a theme and which theme we are on
- Activate theme method reregisters static access and uncaches views
- Re-ordered all of the middleware, and ensured we had a 404 handler at the end
- Activate theme method ensures that middleware maintains order
- Maintain a list of markers for CodeMirror which reference image codes
- Upload start triggers a selection
- Upload success replaces the selection
- No ref-style image markdown handling
- Showdown image URL handling improved at the expense of titles
- Tests updated