no issue
- We send emails from Blog Title <>, but it should be from "Blog Title" <>
- It worked fine without quotes unless you have a comma in your Blog Title in which case different mail systems get confused in different ways
- adds a file handler for markdown file (.md and .markdown)
- handles titles and featured images
- gets status, date, and slug from the filename
- has a test suite
- Check for Gravatar now allows the highest rating for images
- Defaults to silhouette in the event a user deletes their Gravatar
- Allows highest rating for Gravatars (x), since Ghost should have no opinion on image ratings.
ref #4608, #4609, #4690
- fix errors with cleaning up files
- improve handling of base directories, and introduce a simple valid format for zips (must contain importable files or folders, and may contain up to one base directory)
- vastly improve test coverage
- updated regexp to properly filter out footnotes without removing too much text
- happened only when a link was used before a footnote
- old regexp was too 'greedy' and removed regular link together with the footnote
- new regexp uses a more specific <a> tag
- Run tag add operations in sequence instead of in parallel
since generateSlug will hand out duplicate slugs until one of
them is committed to the database.
- Add test.
- Misc cleanup of method parameter names and jshint hints.
No issue
- Tag Meta title and description override default response
- Tag Meta title present on all pages
- Tag Meta description available only on first page
- Updates tests
closes#4608, #4609
- image handler loads in any image files & figures out where they'll get stored
- image importer has a preprocessor which replaces image paths in
pertinent spots of post, tag and user models
- image importer stores images, keeping the path where it makes sense
- basic test for the preprocessor
Refs #4521
- Handle 'include' query param in tags API.
- Add post_count support when fetching a tag with findOne.
- Remove post_count from options.include after processing.
- Extra database query no longer used to fetch post_count.
No Issue
- Reorder promise chains to defer database queries until they
are needed.
- Execute database queries that are not dependent on each other in
parallel instead of sequentially.
- Reduce the number of variables used to hold state across multiple
promise blocks.
- Do not go async unless necessary.
- if '?include=post_count' present, query db for tag/post_count information
and append it to returned JSON
- fixed linter errors
- added integration test
- parsing to int as knex (or PostGres driver) is returning bigint as strings
- iterating through a smaller collection to avoid exception
refs #4605, #4479
- Removes versioning from the importer
- Fixes an issue with SQLITE errors not being thrown properly for posts
- Ensures that posts have a created_at date
- Makes sure that the API wrapper is properly handled
No Issue
- Switch 'pg.js' package for 'pg' as the native bindings are
now an optional add-on to pg and pg.js has been deprecated.
- pg@4.1.1
- Set the driver's parser to automatically convert integer data
returned from postgres into a javascript integer.
refs #4605
- Move as much code as possible out of the DB API
- Split the importer into 2 concepts, code which handles different
filetypes and code which takes the content of files and imports it into
Ghost in some way
- Split the import process into 4 steps, load the file into a useful
format, preprocess the data, do the import, generate a report
- Reporting is currently a no-op
- Adds a basic level of testing
- adds a post url link to 'post updated' and 'post published' in editor
- adds join function in ghost paths
- adds a '/' detection to makeRoute method
- adds test for join function
- added user_id to password reset request
- hide old password field
- updated changePassword method to check permissions
- updated changePassword method to work without oldPassword
- fixed bug for errors shown as [Object object]
- moves file checks from db and upload API endpoints to api utils
- adds code to accept and then extract a zip and pull out a JSON file
- zip handling requires a lot of dependencies - this needs a good refactor
- post model gets permalink format
- post model queries urlPathForPost to return computed url
- url helper modified to use post url
- urlForPost method abolished and replaced where necessary
- updated tests