- Adds Tag model with a many-to-many relationship with Post
- Adds Tag API to retrieve all previously used Tags (needed for suggestions)
- Allows setting and retrieval of Tags for a post through the Post's existing API endpoints.
- Hooks up the editor's tag suggestion box to the Ghost install's previously used tags
- Tidies the client code for adding tags, and encapsulates the functionality into a Backbone view
- Added client-side trimming of title on blur if it is not already
- Added server-side trimming of title on 'saving' event of post model.
closes#488 and #107
- added dropdown for theme selection on general page
- added GET /api/v0.1/themes to retrieve available themes
- modified settings model to get available themes
- modified updateSettignsCache to remove path from settings.activeTheme
- Removed one-off styles and code for the publish button. Publish button
now uses data-toggle attribute wired up in toggle.js and forms.scss.
- Ensured split button common styles are up to date to conform with
vendor prefixing of transform properties.
- Added a hide and fadeIn() to the render method in Settings.Pane
- Any Settings.Pane which overwrites render should now make sure the parent is called
- Run through grunt validate, all OK.
* New Ghost Logo Icon
* New Lightning Icon for plugins screen
* Remove old Ghost Logo Icon
* Moved #ghost to .ghost-logo to clean up conflicts with editor, previously fixed with dodgy overnesting
closes#422, issue #295
- Added GFM mode to codemirror
- Took the github.js extension for Showdown and added all useful behaviour
- Now supports strikethrough, line breaking and
multiple underscores, and auto linking urls & emails without breaking
definition urls
- Also added definition url handling in preparation for #295
- Added unit tests for the extentions individually and integrated with
This also includes a new jQuery function to get the transition duration of an element.
Modals animations now start when `.in` is applied to the modal container.
- Made fail warning and button display none to reduce DOM content.
- Made toolbar red for fail not orange
- Fixed loading-cat which was persistent in cases of low bandwidth (particularly downstream)
- CSS classes directly correspond to notification 'types'
- Error, warn and info are reasonably standard terms for descending priority 'log levels', using these to denote red, orange and blue notifications.
- introduced validation method in the post and user model
- moved signup validation onto model
- consistent use of validation & error messaging in the admin UI
- helper methods in base view moved to a utils object
Reverting change from @c46a0c6 where I moved the new word breaking CSS rules to the body tag to apply everywhere. This doesn't play nicely everywhere - so this change moves them back to just the content preview areas where they are needed.
- Triggering router events for navigation between settings panes
caused the route function to be re-executed, which caused all
kinds of fun.
- Wrapped the settings route function in an if statement to preserve
the current view if it already a settings view.
- Added Ghost pub-sub and using that instead of History API
- Updated editor.scss to break out transition shorthand into its
constituent properties so that bourbon appends the correct vendor
- Added full set of publish options to the statusMap.
- Added setActiveStatus function to handle toggling the active action
for the publish menu.
- Cleaned up handleStatus and updatePost functions to match desired
functionality of menu items toggling the selected action and the actual
button on the split button invoking said action.
First pass at refactoring editor styles to make the Ghost writing experience more pleasurable.
- Larger font
- Bold title
- More space for writing
- Minor code standards cleanup
This change reduces the margin on the post editor between the title and body content from 15px to 5px. This change keeps the aesthetic of the editor, while enabling a little bit more body content to be on the screen at the same time. Small but significant adjustment.
- Removed break-all, which was causing excessive behaviour detailed in the issue
- Removed -webkit- hyphen prefix, as both Chrome and Safari are ignoring it
- Firefox is currently the only browser respecting hyphens, the others simply break without hyphenating
- changed keyboard shortcut to insert ![].. not !image[]
- changed regex in ghostdown to only work for ![]
- added a further regex in ghostdown to properly match for URLs inside the parens
Issue #465
- converted email fields throughout the site to be of type email
- converted the user website field to be of type url
- removed the browser validation by setting novalidate on the form, not the element
* Included node-validator as a package
* Implemented server side validation (the client side js is a mess, need a LOT of work)
* Validates email address both on signup and login screens, gives error message on malformed email addresses
* Requires at least 8 chars of password
* Tells user if password is too short
* Tells user if no such user on login
* Tells user if wrong password on login
* Tells user if server responds with a 404 (goes away, dies, etc)
* Added middleware between req and login / signup for validation
New standard - ALL .scss files are now indented 4 spaces, no tabs. I want to keep this *consistent* because it has been getting incredibly messy. This applies to all native Ghost sass - 3rd party files (normalize, typeplate, bourbon, breakpoint, etc) are not included. /cc @matthojo @erisds
* Reintroduced the redirect functionality (not logged in, tries to go to `/settings/user/`, is sent to `/login/` with info notification, after login user is taken to `/settings/user/)
* Reintroduced the "Successfully logged out" message
* Added middleware to scrub passive notifications from `ghost.notifications` after one use basically mimicing client side passive notifications
* Removed flash from everywhere. Even from package.json.
* Renamed flashed.hbs to notifications.hbs, modified default.hbs accordingly
* Added function to parse GET variables on client side