Initial Subscribers screen
- set up mocked api endpoints
- basic subscribers screen with data loading, infinite scroll
"Add Subscriber" screen
- uses modal to display a new subscriber form
- validates subscriber e-mail address
- moves pagination from route into controller to use filtered/sorted CPs on top of a live-query so that new subscribers are added to the list and the total can be properly managed
- there is currently a pretty serious performance issue where the whole table is re-rendered when the live-query is updated. `ember-light-table` doesn't allow for live-binding and has no options to easily manipulate it's rows using an external interface - it's possible to move the page loading into the component so we only render new rows but that leaves it difficult to react to new subscribers being added through the UI. I believe the number of components used within the table is also adding to the performance problems.
- most likely solution is to drop `ember-light-table` in favour of rendering the table directly - glimmer should do a good job of fast updates even though the underlying array will be completely swapped out
"Import subscribers" screen
- uses modal to display an import subscribers CSV file upload form
- displays upload progress
- displays import stats and reloads subscribers table once import has completed
- adds `gh-file-uploader` component (NB. pared down copy of `gh-image-uploader`, ripe for some refactoring)
- fixes subscribers acceptance test failing because fixtures did not have the labs flag enabled
Unfortunately this doesn't have 100% test coverage as we're limited in how we can simulate file uploads 😞
Fix performance issues with subscribers table
- moves the table definition from the component up to the controller
- switches back to manually manipulating table rows instead of using a live-query
This is a quick-fix in that it allows us to continue using the `ember-light-table` component but it does mean that we lose some flexibility that the live-query gave us. For now it's not much of an issue and it allows us to defer deeper performance/flexibility work until we have a concrete need and requirements.
Hook up Export CSV button
- use a hidden iFrame to trigger the browser to hit the CSV export endpoint and download the file
Re-order subscribers table by clicking column headers
- displays currently sorted column and sort direction
- clicking a column header re-fetches the data from the server with the appropriate query params
Fix scroll triggers for infinite pagination + icon change
- adds a debounce as well as the throttle so that we always get a final scroll trigger once scrolling has stopped
- changes the subscribers icon from the temporary team icon to the mail icon
no issue
- moves the `NavItem` object from the navigation controller to an explicit `NavigationItem` model file
- adds a custom transform `navigation-settings` that transforms the navigation settings JSON string to/from an array of `NavigationItem` objects
- simplifies the `settings/navigation` controller as it no longer has to export it's own internal model and handle serialization and deserialization
This pattern should also help simplify the apps/slack integration code if implemented there.
refs #6458, closes#6457
- replaces jquery-ui.sortable with ember-sortable for drag-n-drop handling
- moves the "new/blank" nav item out of the nav items list
- allows it to be excluded from the draggable list
- cleans up handling of the `navigationItems` array as there's no longer a need to ignore/exclude this extra item
- clears validation errors when typing in the respective field
- adds acceptance test for adding/removing nav items
- improves acceptance test for saving nav items to cover more edge cases
- added keyForAttribute method in application serializer
- override keyForAttribute in settings serializer to not apply camelCase/underscore conversion
- rename under_scored properties to camelCased
no issue
- add ember-suave dependency
- upgrade grunt-jscs dependency
- add a new .jscsrc for the client's tests directory that extends from client's base .jscsrc
- separate client tests in Gruntfile jscs task so they pick up the test's .jscsrc
- standardize es6 usage across client
no issue
- update grunt-jscs dependency
- fix deprecated `validateJSDoc` configuration
- fix numerous linting errors, including:
- use of future-reserved `public` and `private` variable names
- use of `[]` instead of dot-notation (especially `express['static']` and `cacheRules['x']`)
- extra spaces in `const { run } = Ember` style constructs
One issue that did become apparent is that there are conflicting rules that prevent the use of object function shorthand such that both of these:
{ myFunc() {} }
{ myFunc () {} }
are called out due to either the missing or the extra space before the `(`
no issue
- standardize on "{TestType}: {ModuleType}: {module-name}" for test description strings
- standardize on `{module-name}-test.js` for test file names
- fix deprecation notices for ember component unit tests without explicit `unit: test` or `needs: []`
issue #5841
- fix relative link checks in navlink url input component
- fix navlink url input component sending absolute URLs instead of relative URLs to action handler
- remove URL manipulation in navigation settings controller (url input handles URL manipulation, validator flags anything that's still incorrect)
- capture cmd-s in url input to ensure changes are actioned before save
- automatically add mailto: to e-mail addresses
- add gh-validation-state-container component so .error/.success validation classes can be applied to any container element
- add validation-state mixin that can be mixed in to any other component to give it access to validation status (used in gh-navitem component to keep alignment when inline error message elements are added)
- validate and display inline errors on save
- improve ember test coverage for navigation settings related controller and components
no issue
- upgrades ember-cli, ember-cli-mocha, ember-mocha dependencies
- switches Brocfile.js to ember-cli-build.js
- fixes controller tests with missing needs
Pulled into a separate PR as it doesn't affect running code but does provide access to the very useful component integration tests.