refs #9178
- this util uses the url services (!)
- moving this file into lib would not make sense right now
- that would mean a module requires first ../lib/url, which then requires ../services/url
- the url service definitely need a clean up 😃
refs #9178
- not 100% sure about this, but i think it makes right now the most sense
- we have already a url service and creating another lib/url is confusing at the moment
- i'll copy the last utility `makeAbsoluteUrls` to the url service for now
- see next commit for explanation (!)
refs #9178
- `checkFileExists` and `checkFileIsValid` where dirty required from web/middleware
- these two functions are only used in the target middleware
- let's move them
refs #9178
- i am not super happy about `const imageLib = require('../lib/image')`
- i don't really like the name `imageLib`
- but i had no better idea 😃
- if we use the same name in the whole project, it's very easy to rename the folder or the variable
refs #9178
- they definitely don't belong to server/utils
- i think the best place is putting them into the card apps
- the the post model needs to ask the app for it's converters
- move tests as well
refs #9178
- first iteration of tidying up the unit tests
- this is useful in the current stage, because if i move files in the server folder, i need a clean folder/file structure to detect which tests needs to move
- this is a simple cleanup to reflect the current server folder structure
no issue
- this test fails sometimes, i recently increased the socket delay (maybe it was not enough)
- because these are milliseconds
- let's try 100ms
refs #9178
- continue with killing our global utils folder
- i haven't found any better naming for lib/promise
- so, require single files for now
- instead of doing `promiseLib = require('../lib/promise')`
- we can optimise the requires later
refs #9178
- each package/module has a local utility (e.g. api, helpers, adapters)
- these are very small utility functions which are only used from this package
- they don't belong into the global lib/utils
refs #9178
- this logic belongs to a static model helper
- the visibility property is a model property, the knowledge about the visibility values belongs to the model
- rename the functions, so they make more sense
refs #9178
- we have to take care that we don't end up in circular dependencies
- e.g. API requires UrlService and UrlService needs to require the API (for requesting data)
- update the references
- we would like to get rid of the utils folder, this is/was the most complicated change
refs #9178
- move express apps to one place (called `web`)
- requires
- any further improvements are not part of this PR
- this PR just moves the files and ensures the paths are up-to-date
no issue
- the new `--exit` flag might be interesting at some point
> In Mocha v3.0.0 and newer, returning a Promise and calling done() will result in an exception.
- adapt teardown/setup test utility
- adapt other mixed usages of callback && Promise usage
- differentiate error codes
- return 404 if image was not found
- else return a 500
- use i18n keys
- use errors.utils.isIgnitionError (!)
refs, refs
- if you are using the pagination helper not inside a resource context, you will receive an error
- improve error message, because it was not clear what happened
- downgrade error level to normal, because it's not a critical error from Ghost's perspective, from user perspective it is
- added help docs link and added a callout to our docs
no issue
Support for style webhooks that can be used with Zapier triggers. This can currently be used in two ways:
a) adding a webhook record to the DB manually
b) using the API with password auth and POSTing to /webhooks/ (this is private API so not documented)
⚠️ only _https_ URLs are supported in the webhook `target_url` field 🚨
- add `webhooks` table to store event names and target urls
- add `POST` and `DELETE` endpoints for `/webhooks/`
- configure `subscribers.added` and `subscribers.deleted` events to trigger registered webhooks
no issue
Had a couple of people ask about how to delete welcome posts easily, so adding a bio to the default user to draw a little more attention to it
no issue
- it can happen that concurrent requests try to renew access tokens with the same refresh token
- in this case it could happen that you received a token deletion error
- add propert locking
- ensure we don't run into deadlocks
- manual testing with async.times for parallel requests (was able to reproduce the error)
refs #5091, #9192
- Renderer figures out templates, contexts, and does a render call
- Templating is now handled with a single function
- Context call is made in the renderer
Note: to make this work, all controllers now define a little bit of config, currently stored in res._route. (That's a totally temporary location, as is res._template... when a sensible naming convention reveals itself I'll get rid of the weird _). This exposes a type and for custom routes a template name & default.
refs #9192, refs #5091
- Moved all url generation into generate-feed.js, so we can see as much data processing as possible in a single place.
- Refactored the way res.locals were used, to be more like how express uses them prior to rendering
- Removed a bunch of code & tests todo with context for RSS - I can't see any way that'd be used, unless we switched the rendering to use a template.
- moved the RSS rendering to be part of the service, not controller
- updated the tests significantly
Note: RSS generate-feed has a complete duplication of the code used in the excerpt helper in order to create an item description
refs #8613, refs #9228
- if you send a request to /authentication/token with `grant_type:password` and a Bearer token, Ghost was not able to handle this combination
- because it skipped the client authentication, see
- and OAuth detects the `grant_type: password` and jumps in the target implementation
- the target implementation for password authentication **again** tried to fetch the client and failed, because it relied on the previous client authentication
- see (client.slug is undefined if client authentication is skipped)
- ^ so this is the bug
- we **can** skip client authentication for requests to the API to fetch data for example e.g. GET /posts (including Bearer)
- so when is a client authentication required?
- RFC ( differentiates between confidential and public clients, Ghost has no implementation for this at the moment
- so in theory, public clients don't have to be authenticated, only if the credentials are included
- to not invent a breaking change, i decided to only make the client authentication required for password authentication
- we could change this in Ghost 2.0
I have removed the extra client request to the database for the password authentication, this is not needed. We already do client password authentication [here](;
If a Bearer token is present and you have not send a `grant_type` (which signalises OAuth to do authentication), you can skip the client authentication.
refs #9192, refs #9178
After trying to progress with current implementation, it became clear that the route service can't control the boot sequence, because then we end up with circular dependencies between the route service and the channel service.
The route service now exposes:
- a siteRouter
- a way for apps to register routes.
- ParentRouter base class for other modules to use
- the registry
- moved the default route setup back to site/routes.js 🙈
- moved the parent channel router back to the channel service (this makes way more sense imo)
- this structure prevents circular dependencies
- split the registry out into it's own thing
- fixed-up various bits of tests and comments
- DEBUG will print a list of routes 🎉
refs #9192, #5091
- changed channels to use our new base class
- keep the flexible structure, so that channels can be reloaded
- I had to move the router into the route service otherwise we get circular dependencies
- Don't _really_ want to keep it like this - need a way to define base classes as shared
no issue
- moved isLocalImage fn to storage utils used the RegExp of getLocalFileStoragePath to detect also relative image paths and added tests.
- Added test for independent protocol request (skip, because not supported/implemented)
refs #9192, refs #5091, refs #9178
- moved channels from controllers to a service
- split out the parent router from the remaining individual router logic
- moved the tests to match
refs #5091, refs #9192
- There are several theme template "renderers" all over the codebase
- Some are in apps, and were called "controllers"
- One is in error handling
- All of them now have comments marking out how they share logic/steps
- Other comments describe routes & controllers where they live
refs #9192
- The AMP app is nothing more than a custom controller - this will come clear soon
- Moved enabled/disabled logic into router
- Removed error-related code, as this wasn't used
- Changed logic for static pages to be based on req.body, not context
- Improved the tests to match
refs #5091, #9192, #9178
- Get the RSS module into a much better shape
- Controller -> /controllers/rss
- Remainder -> /services/rss
- Moved tests to match & updated requires
refs #5091, refs #9192
- This is similar to #9218, in that I'm revealing bits of code that are "controllers" in our codebase. As opposed to routes, services, renderers etc.
- This also reveals some code which is identical to the channels controller
- There is more to do here, but for now I've got the module split up, and the tests split and improved.
- Next I'll split RSS into controller + service, DRY up the controller code, etc