refs TryGhost/Ghost#7427, requires TryGhost/Ghost#8158
- both Ghost and Ghost-Admin run the watch command in background, that didn't work
- the caller can decide if running the watch command in bg or not
- furthermore, the caller can decide if printing stdout/stderr
- The title is now a contenteditable div which stretches and wraps to behave like the editor.
- It also tries to seemlessly move the cursor between the editor and title to make one coherent editing experience.
refs,, requires
-Adds new "card" menus
- Navigation with keyboard in both axis.
- Search with keyboard in both menus.
- Adds a "+" Menu for cards
- Adds a "/" Menu for cards
- if the block has content and it becomes a markdown or HTML Embed card then the content is included into the card.
- Image and HR cards appear below the current section
- Adds new toolbar with both inline and block styling.
- Adds a new 'divider' card.
no issue
- on some systems (and occasionally on Travis) 20ms was not enough time for the task button state to have resolved resulting in random test failures
no issue
- updates `oauth2-ghost` authenticator to reflect the fact that `makeRequest` now returns a ember-ajax and matches the `oauth2` authenticator behaviour
- handle `UnauthorizedError` errors in application route's error handler to avoid tests breaking from unhandled exceptions
- adds "(Un-)Suspend User" options on user profile page with a modal confirmation screen
- separates team index into "active" and "suspended" users
- adds "suspended" badge to user profile when suspended
no issue
- cleans up some of the render code
- aligns things with the "ember way"
- move metaTitleScratch and metaDescriptionScratch bindings to post model
- convert all signin related actions to ember-concurrency tasks and consolidate in the signin controller rather than spread across controller+route
- add `successClass` and `failureClass` params to `gh-task-button` that can be used to override the default success/failure button classes
- prevent clicks on `gh-task-button` from triggering form actions (this behaviour should never be necessary, task buttons should either be separate to the form as in the "forgot?" button or the form action performs the same task and can be triggered by a standard form submit)
- updates all settings screens to use EC tasks and `gh-task-button` to get save-state save buttons
- removes now-unused `settings-save` mixin
- moves the order of button color CSS so that grey buttons can change to green/red after completing
- removes the heading from `apps-loading` template so that there's no odd flash when loading slack/amp screens directly
no issue
- with the new editor there's no longer a `.rendered-markdown` preview element so the meta description placeholder stopped working
- this uses the `post.html` attribute in place of the old preview element, the downside to this is that `post.html` and therefore the meta description placeholder is only updated on save but that's better than not having any placeholder
- adds `theme.activate()` method and associated adapter method for activating themes rather than relying on `settings.activeTheme`
- minor refactors to the `modals/upload-theme` component to use a full theme model
- changes to `gh-task-button`:
- can take `buttonText` (default: "Save"), `runningText` ("Saving"), `successText` ("Saved"), and `failureText` ("Retry") params
- positional param for `buttonText`
- default button display can be overridden by passing in a block, in that scenario the component will yield a hash containing all states to be used in this fashion:
{{#gh-task-button task=myTask as |task|}}
{{if task.isIdle "Save me"}}
{{if task.isRunning "Saving"}}
{{if task.isSuccess "Thank you!"}}
{{if task.isFailure "Nooooooo!"}}
- update existing uses of `gh-task-button` to match new component signature
* 👷✅ Editor tests
Added acceptance tests for koenig markdown-like support.
Added some unit tests for koenig located in the /lib/koenig/test-support directory.
no issue
- `broccoli-clean-css` is used to compress codemirror CSS files so it's still needed
- update usage in `ember-cli-build.js` to match 2.0's class interface
- `fileStorage: false` config is going away, it predates storage engines and will simplify future image optimisation work
- simplifies UI, it can be brought back in the future in a more robust fashion if required
no issue
- add functionality for night mode feature flag using alternate
- modify lazy loader service to work with alternate stylesheets
- update feature service to use user accessibility property & add tests
no issue
- cleans up the interface to maintain consistency between loadScript and
- update gh-cm-editor component to await result of loadStyle
no issue
- disables user email input field when using Ghost OAuth because email addresses are synced from the central identity management system
- adds a link to account management when using Ghost OAuth and viewing your own user
no issue
- I was a little overzealous with the file cleanup, not realising that the template compiler must be specified even if it's not installed within the addon
no issue
- removes local addon dependency files to avoid confusion now that the host app manages dependencies
- removes unused tests directory
- these files may come back eventually, there's an open ember-cli RFC to improve in-repo-addon isolation and testing
refs TryGhost/Ghost#7860
- removes post type filter links
- adds dropdown filters for post type, author, and tag
- replaces custom refresh on query params change with Ember's standard `refreshModel` config