No Issue
- Set 'status: all` when calling generateSlug from the user model
so that all user slugs are checked for duplicates instead of
only active users.
- implementation based on #1545
- added integration test. Modified mocked posts because code requires published_at timestamps to be different.
- fixed 2 broken tests that depended on mocked posts to have "new Date()" as their timestamps
- added checks to only query db if next/previous post requested
No issue
The style for the URL input when uploading images are a bit broken.
This PR reduces the horizontal spacing in the settings menu uploader (to widen the input), corrects the button with black text in the editor uploader and makes sure all image upload inputs fill the container.
- Adjust ValidationEngine so it no longer assumes the properties
it is validating are proxies via ObjectController.
- Fixup controllers, templates, and routes to use models where
data needs to be validated.
refs #4644
- Changes tests using assert style to use should style for consistency
- Updates moment().subtract() to remove deprecation warning
- Changes test and test-coverage grunt commands to run in a way which is
compatible with both *nix and win envs
- refs #4644 as this is a step towards getting coverage working properly
no issue
- We send emails from Blog Title <>, but it should be from "Blog Title" <>
- It worked fine without quotes unless you have a comma in your Blog Title in which case different mail systems get confused in different ways
- adds a file handler for markdown file (.md and .markdown)
- handles titles and featured images
- gets status, date, and slug from the filename
- has a test suite
- Check for Gravatar now allows the highest rating for images
- Defaults to silhouette in the event a user deletes their Gravatar
- Allows highest rating for Gravatars (x), since Ghost should have no opinion on image ratings.
- Notifications that used to read ‘View Post’ now read ‘View Page’ if
the post is actually a page
- The Editor Save Button now also makes a distinction between posts and
Refs #4750
- Make "Feature" a Controller with promise support.
- Use via 'needs' instead of injecting from an initializer because
we need authenticated access to the API.
- Check whether feature is enabled when entering Code Injection route.