- differentiate between
1. original package.json version (can contain pre and build suffix)
2. full package.json version X.X.X-{pre} (optional)
3. safe package.json version X.X (major+minor)
refs #9178, refs #8988
With 7353c87d7f we use Bluebird globally for Promises. Therefore, the request lib doesn't need to be wrapped in a bluebird Promise anymore.
This was originally done, so we can work with catch predicated in our image-size lib.
Updated the tests to proof, that the catch predicates work.
The tests fail, as soon as the Promise overwrite is commented out.
refs #9178
- not 100% sure about this, but i think it makes right now the most sense
- we have already a url service and creating another lib/url is confusing at the moment
- i'll copy the last utility `makeAbsoluteUrls` to the url service for now
- see next commit for explanation (!)
refs #9178
- i am not super happy about `const imageLib = require('../lib/image')`
- i don't really like the name `imageLib`
- but i had no better idea 😃
- if we use the same name in the whole project, it's very easy to rename the folder or the variable
refs #9178
- continue with killing our global utils folder
- i haven't found any better naming for lib/promise
- so, require single files for now
- instead of doing `promiseLib = require('../lib/promise')`
- we can optimise the requires later