refs #4993, #5073
- Removed nonexistent helpers siteDescription and bodyClass from admin templates
- Changed password.hbs to private.hbs to match the route name
- added a new input_password helper for rendering the password input with the correct properties
- removed the forward input as this can be handled via urls only
- moved 'private' to routeKeywords
- added 'private' context
- minor update to text next to the password in settings
refs #5202
- this is just a stopgap to deliver minor improvement short term,
- longer term we will do the work to refresh refresh tokens & switch this to a month
- If the theme that has been set to active is missing, set
a default express-hbs instance on the express app and allow
middleware processing to continue so that the admin client can
be accessed.
- Log a warning when this happens.
- Fix issue where frontend error page was not being rendered
refs #5091, refs #2263
- Move rss handling out of the frontend controller and into its own module
- Separate the code into logical blocks
- Wrap the generation code in a in-memory cache to prevent it being regenerated on every request
fixes#5104, refs #4348, #2263
- Create a centralised event module
- Hook it up for posts, pages, tags and users
- Use it in sitemaps instead of direct method calls
- Use it for xmlrpc calls
- Check events are fired in model tests
- Update sitemap tests to work with new code
- Fix a bug where invited users were appearing in sitemaps
- Move sitemaps and xmlrpc into a directory together
fixes#4364, refs #4439, refs #4799
- Update express-hbs to 0.8.5
- Use preventIndent option onCompile
- Update registerAsyncHelper to support passing through options when needed
- see core/client/lib/assets-delivery/index.js for how this is done
- Turn off ember-cli fingerprinting
- ember-cli 0.2.0; Update .npmignore
- Fallback to old version of ember-cli-sass due to lib-sass errors
- Keep ember-data at beta-14.1 until we find the dep that's breaking on snapshot.attr
- Fix release task to ignore blank lines in .npmignore
- Code was moved to core/server/middleware/middleware.js, which is the
home for unit-testable middleware.
- Functional code coverage for this code also exists at:
- There's no easy way to declare an XSL with the node xml module, so I
needed to move the declarations to both be strings
- Ideally the code to serve the XSL would also be inside the sitemap
module, but I think we need to refactor a bit to get there easily
- Added the XSL from #4559, with minor amends to make the tables and urls
display correctly
- Add basic init and eventing scaffold
- Add sitemap-index.xml generation
- Broke out generators to individual files, added request handler
- Add page, author and tag xml files; add index mapping
- Add SiteMapManager unit tests
- Add Generators tests
- Cache invalidation headers for sitemap-*.xml
- Redirect sitemap.xml to index and rename to sitemap-index
- Handle page convert and publish/draft changes
- Add very basic functional test for route existence
- Add cache headers to sitemap routes
No Issue
- Use Ghost version value that is already loaded instead of
reading package.json from the filesystem and parsing it on
every call into the configuration API.
- adds cache-control header back to api routes
- moves cache rules object into testUtils
- adds cache-control header test to every existing API test
ref #3795
- express updated to 4.9.2
- express 4.9.0 introduced res.sendStatus() to replace res.status().end()
- we no longer need express-session, connect or cookie-parser
- body-parser, busboy, compression, express-hbs, morgan, all bumped to
latest versions as well - there doesn't seem to be any breaking changes
addresses #2852
- Moves storage modules to use prototypes and to create prototypes
that inherit from the base storage ctor.
- Makes storage/base conform to an all Promise interface.
- removes config/theme.js
- moves caching of theme variables to api/settings.js which is where the
rest of the settings cache occurs. this removes the requirement of having
to push changes to cache, now it simply occurs alongside when settings
are changed.
- updates relevant tests.
refs #827
- Moves ./index to use Ghost in a similar manner to how someone uses
Ghost as an npm module.
- Allows Ghost to be cleanly mounted on another express application
on any arbitrary endpoint, all you need to customize is the mount path.
- adds uncapitalise middleware which detects uppercase in req.path and
redirects to the lowercase equivalent
- change the ghost route to a regex, just so it's consistent with other
routes in the file
- limit forgotten password requests to five requests per IP per hour
for different email addresses
- limit forgotten password requests to five requests per email address
- limit signin requests to ten failed requests per IP per hour
- removed special treatment for tests
- added rate limit to deny more than 5 attempt every hour
- updated spam prevention to be configurable
- added config values spamTimeout, ratePeriod, rateAttempts
- added ratePeriod:1 to config.example.js to prevent functional tests
from hitting the rate limit
- commented spam test, I’ll fix it tomorrow
no issue
- acquiring a new access token using a refresh token sets the
expiration time of the refresh token to now + 24 hrs.
- moved all occurrences of ONE_HOUR, ONE_DAY and ONE_YEAR to
migration from usage of config() to just an object of config.
no relevant issue
- Change 'loadConfig' task to 'ensureConfig' to more accurately reflect
what it is actually doing. Its sole purpose is to make sure a `config.js`
file exists, and as such the name now reflects that purpose.
- Update config/index.js to export the ghostConfig object directly
so that it can be accessed from other modules
- Update all references of config(). to config.
This was a blind global find all and replace, treat it as such.
- Fixes to tests to support new config access method
- Allow each test to still work when invoked invidually