no issue
- ember-watson does not need to be included in our dependency list, it has limited one-time usage and is better used as a global install for developers who want to run any of it's codemods
no issue
- use the configured `blogUrl` value rather than using `window.location.href` with a poor regex that was incorrectly matching on domains containing multiple `/ghost` parts such as `http://ghost.local:2368/ghost`
- treat `Post.authorID` as a string not a number as it's now an objectid
- update `isAuthoredByUser` method so that author's posts aren't hidden from them
- update the post compare method so that it doesn't try to parse objectids as integers (may need revisiting now that we don't have auto-increment IDs to fall back on)
- remove `uuid` attrs from all models except Post
- remove uuids from mirage factories and fixtures
- add a workaround for tags where the selectize-based tags input on the PSM relies on a unique identifier for each tag which doesn't get sent back to the server when saving (fixes the broken tags input caused by uuid removal in
- invite.role instead of invite.roles
- be able to serialize/deserialize response from and request to server
- server returns role_id
no issue
- recent changes to the way our modals work has resulted in the subscribers import modal appearing blank. The `liquid-if` used for transitioning between upload and result state of the doesn't run properly and the styles end up hiding it's contents
- this PR is a quick-fix that removes the animated transition so that imports are still possible
no issue
- switch `jscs` and `jshint` inline config to `eslint` config
- fix eslint errors, predominantly in tests where the config now the main app config more closely
no issue
- drop `jshint`, `jscs`, and `ember-suave` dependencies
- remove `grunt` related linting dependencies and tasks
- remove linting build from Travis so that linting can be performed as part of the normal test suite (refs TryGhost/Ghost#7427)
- add `ember-cli-eslint` and `eslint-plugin-ember-suave` dependencies
- configure `eslint` to match our previous coding style
- update config to run eslint tests as part of the normal test run
- add `npm run lint` command to only run linter tests