addresses #2422
- creates settings user controller
- creates user model object
- updates user fixture to be compatible with user model
- updates settings/user template
- add validator to Ember Admin
- use validator to validate user model is valid
- add mock response to /users/me/ path
- creates models/base file for all models to inherit from
- add mock response to /ghost/changepw/ path
Closes#340. Closes#375
* Replaced session with id of current user
* Added method to ghostlocals to always send profile picture and full name to templates (template checks if falsy)
* Modified user saving (`forge().set(new).save()` died on me, `forge().save(new)` didn't)
* If user has profile picture, that will be used
* If user has name, that will be used
* Password changing doesn't care about your email. Uses cookies. Tasty!
* User pane uses current user id. Had to set path to me, otherwise goes to `browse` instead of `read`.
* Added logic to user api to check for `id === 'me'`, and then use the cookie value
* User data saves are now correct
* There is no logout error
- settings screen now loads a model when a pane is requested, rather than when the whole screen is requested
- added browse, read and edit methods and routes for users to the API
- added user model & template to client and wired everything up.
- provided default images for cover and profile picture