Always using the utility function ensures that we have the ability to
update/change/etc these paths without scouring the codebase.
For example, if we ever decide to bump the API version it would be nice
if there was only one location it needed to be updated at.
- added `/ghost/api/v0.1/uploads/` endpoint
- removed upload method from `controller/admin.js`
- moved removal of temporary files from storage to endpoint (needed to
account for failed uploads)
- changed and moved tests
- Oversight: I think that we use `.otherwise()` and `.catch()` a bit
too extensive and mask the real error objects. We probably need an
error handling strategy at some point in the future.
- disables save button at beginning of image upload
- enable save button at image upload fail, at image upload and download success and also at dropzone init
issue #1754
- remove path (it was only used once, and not needed)
- change webroot to subdir
- add unit tests for config.paths
- various other cleanup
- renamed client-side ghostRoot to subdir
- added url helper for client
- add button to toggle back to uploader from image-url interface
- put save button next to url-input
- make box-height consistent
- position ui-elements to have equal padding all around to border
issue #1365
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions where absolutely necessary
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions in which keeping parameter
list added clarity to the underlying api, even when those parameters
are not currently used
- removed unused parameters in a few places
* Add tooltip text to assorted icons within CMS
* Add tooltip for blog URL to Ghost logo
* Change 'Options' to 'Post Settings'
Change 'Options' to 'Post Settings'
closes#988, closes#956, closes#975
- fixed multiple ids and refactored triggers
- persistence requirement overridden
- trash can now removes url in editor
- if empty url is saved http:// is inserted and dropzone initialized
- fixed bug where ![] is replaced with  for image url
- added fileStorage setting to uploader
- added fileStorage helper (could become standard way of providing config data for frontend???)
- added data element to editor and settings
- if no config value is set fileStorage: true is default
closes#701, closes#702
- if image upload is called from editor the url icon provides a text field and a save button
- if on settings pages (general and user) the save button will capture the entered url or uploaded url
- both modes have the reset button
- fixed bug that is created by url when image is dragged onto window
- Maintain a list of markers for CodeMirror which reference image codes
- Upload start triggers a selection
- Upload success replaces the selection
- No ref-style image markdown handling
- Showdown image URL handling improved at the expense of titles
- Tests updated
issue #432
adds a modal template for image uploads
adds buttons to settings page to upload images for blog logo and icon
once image is uploaded displays an 'X' to reset back to dropzone
saves image and renders settings page.
add url field when clicking on url icon
fix position of 'X' for both settings and editor
- Made fail warning and button display none to reduce DOM content.
- Made toolbar red for fail not orange
- Fixed loading-cat which was persistent in cases of low bandwidth (particularly downstream)
issue #40 and issue #280
- Adds uploader jquery plugin
- includes settings for enabling/disabling upload progress bar
- adds routing for image uploads
- adds directories by year and month based on upload date
- Implements plugin on settings - general pane
- Implements plugin on editor
- adjusted general tab to save uploaded image src
- Add error handling
- Storing information on editor
- Add events