no issue
Local tests can now setup Stripe during the global setup process, and the webhook server is run out-of-process.
Running tests in CI against localhost will use environment variables to setup Stripe.
Providing a test URL will avoid setting up Stripe and will assume that it is already done.
- updated the `formatOnWrite` transform map for posts to include the new `nodes` and `transformMap` options used by `urlUtils` for transforming node payload data
- added `nodes` to the `lexicalLib` module that pulls in our default nodes to be passed in to the URL transform utilities
- added `urlTransformMap` to the `lexicalLib` module that maps transform type and data type to URL transform utility functions that accept a single URL argument
This commit totally removes Bluebird from the importer. Updated `@tryghost/promise` to use native async/await and refactored importer logic to avoid the need of `reflect()`.
- New event type `aggregated_click_event` that is disabled by default in all the existing activity feeds
- This returns click events, but only the first click events for each member/post combination.
- It includes the total count of unique link clicks for that member on that post combination
- Had to resort to some custom knex queries to make this work easily
- Requires `@tryghost/bookshelf-pagination@0.1.31`, included in `@tryghost/bookshelf-plugins@0.6.1` (this fixes an issue with custom selects breaking the total count query of pages)
- Went a bit overboard with the pagination tests to cover as much unknown edge cases as possible
New command to generate demo data, creates data for over 20 tables in
Ghost, suitable for testing most features of the dashboard, as well as
making guided product tours using newsletters, tiers, many posts and
Usage: `yarn start generate-data`
Optionally, keep your existing posts / tags with: `yarn start generate-data --use-existing-tags --use-existing-posts`