refs #9248
- Bookshelf gives access to ".changed" before the update
- Discussion:
- We also need to know what has changed after the update to be able to decide if we should trigger events
- Furthermore: Bookshelf cannot handle relation updates, it always marks relations as changed even though they did not change
- Bumped bookshelf-relations to be able to
- know if relations were updated
- ensure we unset relations on bookshelf's ".changed"
refs #10388
This updates the base model to retrieve column information, and explicitly set every property whose column is `nullable` and content is the empty string (`""`) to `null`
refs #9865
- Changed id passed for api_key to an object to be able to differenciate between admin and content api requests
- Added integration id to frame context
- Small refactoring of frame context initialization
refs #10286
- this is just a hotfix for v0.1
- we keep the x_by fields for now and deprecate them
- as soon as an integration updates/inserts a resource, we just store the owner ID
- we currently work on a new concept for v2
- v2 no longer exposes or uses x_by, see
- we need to iterate on this change, because we currently use the naming `context.api_key_id` in the auth/API layer
- This PR introduced additional db calls in URL service due to the need for a model recalculation (we can't rely on the objects that come with events)
refs #10124
- Author model returns only users that have published non-page posts
- Added a public controller for tags (should be extracted to separate Content API controller
- Made resource configuration dynamic based on current theme engine
- This needs a follow-up PR with fixes to the problems described in the PR
refs #10105
- `options.where` is an older deprecated logic
- before the filter language was invented, Ghost generates statements for knex
- if we want to replace GQL with NQL, we can't generate these statements
- they are not understood from NQL, because NQL uses mongo JSON
- go through usages and rewrite the statements
- invent `extraFilters` for now
- we need to keep the support for `status` or `staticPages` for now (API requirement)
- IMO both shortcuts in the extra filters should be removed in the future
This commit is required for!
* Added updateLastSeen method to user model
refs #10138
* Refactor codebase to use user.updateLastSeen
refs #10138
This is to ensure all updates go via the same method, meaning any
specific logic can be handled in one place, it also helps with grepping
the codebase to find where this occurs
* Created updateUserLastSeen middleware for v2 admin
refs #10138
This is intended to be used with the v2 admin api and _possibly_ the
content api, to give us an accruate report on thelast time a user access
a ghost instance.
* Wired updateUserLastSeen up to v2 Admin API
* Fixed broken test for v2 admin api
This test was broken because it was incorrectly testing for a method to
be called exactly once - this was irrelevant to the functionality being
tested for.
* Updated user check method to set status to active
* Debounced the updateUserLastSeen middlware an hour
* Resolved some PR comments
With the new framework it is hard to handle 404 errors outside of the
serialization layer, this is because we cannot force destroy, edit or
findOne to error if the model is missing. This lets us do that.
- Added post model implementation to be able to store up to 10 versions of mobiledoc
- Bumped GQL to support filtering on the mobiledoc revision table
- Added tests ensuring new functionality works
Moved URL attributes logic from the model into API layer
refs #9866
- Moved URL related attribute calculation for posts, users, and tags into API layer
- Added test coverage for url attributes in tags/authors/primary_tags/primary_authors
refs #9866
- Removed `toJSON` call in `findPage`
- Added JSON serialization on API layer
- Reason: model and api layer were coupled - all other model actions just returned the raw data and no specific format
- Corrected test suites to serialize fetched models to JSON
- Removed `absolute_urls` attribute from validOptions findPage methods as it's no longer needed in the data layer
- Changed 'include' test as this option is now tolerated and returns data
refs #9881
This is because when extending these methods, you need to know the
contents of the extraAllowedProperties to replicate it in the subclass,
breaking the principle of open/closed.
The API _should_ be returning absolute URLs for everything, 3rd party applications require absolute urls to read and display ghost data correctly. Currently they have to concat the blog url and the resource url, which is very uncomfortable.
Changing the public api like this would be considered a breaking change however so we've opted to put it behind a query parameter named `absolute_urls`.
no issue
- we have to explicitly reset the previous `updated_at` field, because Bookshelf auto-updates this field on each update
- we have to extend the condition to avoid updating the `updated_by` field
- detect and respect `options.migrating`
no issue
- discovered while testing
- SQLite3 has a restriction that you cannot query more than 999 SQL variables (e.g. fetch all tag relations for all posts)
- if you have more than 999 posts in your database, Ghost wasn't able to finish the bootstrap
- the url service tried to fetch all posts & relations, but could not complete, because SQlite3 has thrown
-> "too many SQL variables"
- i have added a recursive query strategy only for SQLite3
- use offset/limit
no issue
- add a new migration for 1.25 to insert the draft demo post for existing blogs
- ensure new blogs get the draft demo post as well
- tested on sqlite3 + mysql
- added handling if Ghost Author user doesn't exist anymore (fallback to owner user)
refs #9601
### Dynamic Routing
This is the beta version of dynamic routing.
- we had a initial implementation of "channels" available in the codebase
- we have removed and moved this implementation
- there is now a centralised place for dynamic routing - server/services/routing
- each routing component is represented by a router type e.g. collections, routes, static pages, taxonomies, rss, preview of posts
- keep as much as possible logic of routing helpers, middlewares and controllers
- ensure test coverage
- connect all the things together
- yaml file + validation
- routing + routers
- url service
- sitemaps
- url access
- deeper implementation of yaml validations
- e.g. hard require slashes
- ensure routing hierarchy/order
- e.g. you enable the subscriber app
- you have a custom static page, which lives under the same slug /subscribe
- static pages are stronger than apps
- e.g. the first collection owns the post it has filtered
- a post cannot live in two collections
- ensure apps are still working and hook into the routers layer (or better said: and register in the routing service)
- put as much as possible comments to the code base for better understanding
- ensure a clean debug log
- ensure we can unmount routes
- e.g. you have a collection permalink of /:slug/ represented by {globals.permalink}
- and you change the permalink in the admin to dated permalink
- the express route get's refreshed from /:slug/ to /:year/:month/:day/:slug/
- unmount without server restart, yey
- ensure we are backwards compatible
- e.g. render home.hbs for collection index if collection route is /
- ensure you can access your configured permalink from the settings table with {globals.permalink}
### Render 503 if url service did not finish
- return 503 if the url service has not finished generating the resource urls
### Rewrite sitemaps
- we have rewritten the sitemaps "service", because the url generator does no longer happen on runtime
- we generate all urls on bootstrap
- the sitemaps service will consume created resource and router urls
- these urls will be shown on the xml pages
- we listen on url events
- we listen on router events
- we no longer have to fetch the resources, which is nice
- the urlservice pre-fetches resources and emits their urls
- the urlservice is the only component who knows which urls are valid
- i made some ES6 adaptions
- we keep the caching logic -> only regenerate xml if there is a change
- updated tests
- checked test coverage (100%)
### Re-work usage of Url utility
- replace all usages of `urlService.utils.urlFor` by `urlService.getByResourceId`
- only for resources e.g. post, author, tag
- this is important, because with dynamic routing we no longer create static urls based on the settings permalink on runtime
- adapt url utility
- adapt tests
- we add bookshelf-relations step by step if we need it
- with we have rewritten the test env to use Bookshelf
- this is important for our new url service
- because the service is listening on model updates and updates the urls based on the model events
- so with moving to Bookshelf, we need any easy way to add relations
- the test env inserts test fixtures
- it adds permissions and each permission get's roles attached
- `models.Permission.add({roles: [...]})
We are currently work on dynamic routing (aka channels).
An important piece of this feature is the url service, which always knows the url of a resource at any time.
Resources can belong to collections or taxonomies, which can be defined in a [routing yaml file]( We are currently shipping portions, which will at end form the full dynamic routing feature.
### Key Notes
- each routing type (collections, taxonomies, static pages) is registered in order - depending on the yaml routes file configuration
- static pages are an internal concept - they sit at the end of the subscriber queue
- we make use of a temporary [`Channels2`]( file, which simulates the current static routing in Ghost (this file will be modified, removed or whatever - this is one of the next steps)
- two way binding: you can ask for a resource url based on the resource id, you can ask for the resource based on the url
- in theory it's possible that multiple resources generate the same url: we don't handle this with collision (because this is error prone), we handle this with the order of serving content. if you ask the service for a resource, which lives behind e.g. /test/, you will get the resource which is served
- loose error handling -> log errors and handle instead of throw error and do nothing (we log the errors with a specific code, so we can react in case there is a bug)
- the url services fetches all resources on bootstrap. we only fetch and keep a reduced set of attributes (basically the main body of a resource)
- the bootstrap time will decrease a very little (depending on the amount of resources you have in your database)
- we still offer the option to disable url preloading (in your config `disableUrlPreload: true`) - this option will be removed as soon as the url service is connected. You can disable the service in case you encounter a problem
- **the url service is not yet connected, we will connect the service step by step. The first version should be released to pre-catch bugs. The next version will add 503 handling if the url service is not ready and it will consume urls for resources.**
- the url service generates urls based on resources (posts, pages, users, tags)
- the url service keeps track of resource changes
- the url service keeps track of resource removal/insert
- the architecture:
- each routing type is represented by a url generator
- a routing type is a collection, a taxonomiy or static pages
- a queue which ensures that urls are unique and can be owned by one url generator
- the hierarchy of registration defines that
- we query knex, because bookshelf is too slow
- removed old url service files + logic
- added temp channels alternative (Channels2) -> this file will look different soon, it's for now the temporary connector to the url service. Also the name of the file is not optimal, but that is not really important right now.
no issue
- required for model events
- otherwise you won't receive a full data set
- in worst case you have to re-fetch the post
- required for the url service
- the url service always needs relations (authors,tags) to be able to generate the url properly
- no API change, we still return what you are asking for
- we first edit/add the resource
- then we fetch the data with the API options
- @TODO: this can be optimised and will improve performance
picking/selecting it from the insert/update response
- this is an internal change
no issue
- if multiple queries run in a transaction, the model events are triggered before the txn finished
- if the txn rolls back, the events are anyway emitted
- the events are triggered too early
- solution:
- `emitChange` needs to detect that a transaction is happening
- it listens on a txn event to determine if events should be triggered
no issue
- this is no longer needed for now
- it was anyway a little bit ugly to modify bookshelf's `changed` object
- if we want to change something about figuring out if a model has changed (including relations)
-> we probably need to override bookshelf
refs #9548
- we always receive date strings from the client in ISO format
- we ensure that we transform these strings into JS dates for comparison
- when the client sends relations, we need to ensure that relations are checked as well
- will only work for the post model for now, because this is the only model which uses `bookshelf-relations`
- added unit tests
- removed some model tests, which do the same
no issue
This PR adds the server side logic for multiple authors. This adds the ability to add multiple authors per post. We keep and support single authors (maybe till the next major - this is still in discussion)
### key notes
- `authors` are not fetched by default, only if we need them
- the migration script iterates over all posts and figures out if an author_id is valid and exists (in master we can add invalid author_id's) and then adds the relation (falls back to owner if invalid)
- ~~i had to push a fork of bookshelf to npm because we currently can't bump bookshelf + the two bugs i discovered are anyway not yet merged ( replaced by new bookshelf release
- the implementation of single & multiple authors lives in a single place (introduction of a new concept: model relation)
- if you destroy an author, we keep the behaviour for now -> remove all posts where the primary author id matches. furthermore, remove all relations in posts_authors (e.g. secondary author)
- we make re-use of the `excludeAttrs` concept which was invented in the contributors PR (to protect editing authors as author/contributor role) -> i've added a clear todo that we need a logic to make a diff of the target relation -> both for tags and authors
- `authors` helper available (same as `tags` helper)
- `primary_author` computed field available
- `primary_author` functionality available (same as `primary_tag` e.g. permalinks, prev/next helper etc)
- it contains a dependency bump of the latest Bookshelf release
- Bookshelf introduced a bug in the last release
- see
- see
- this has caused trouble in Ghost
- the `updated_at` attribute was not automatically set anymore
The bookshelf added one breaking change: it's allow to pass custom `updated_at` and `created_at`.
We already have a protection for not being able to override the `created_at` date on update.
We had to add another protection to now allow to only change the `updated_at` property.
You can only change `updated_at` if you actually change something else e.g. the title of a post.
To be able to implement this check i discovered that Bookshelfs `model.changed` object has a tricky behaviour.
It remembers **all** attributes, which where changed, doesn't matter if they are valid or invalid model properties.
We had to add a line of code to avoid remembering none valid model attributes in this object.
e.g. you change `tag.parent` (no valid model attribute). The valid property is `tag.parent_id`.
If you pass `tag.parent` but the value has **not** changed (`tag.parent` === `tag.parent_id`), it will output you `tag.changed.parent`. But this is wrong.
Bookshelf detects `changed` attributes too early. Or if you think the other way around, Ghost detects valid attributes too late.
But the current earliest possible stage is the `onSaving` event, there is no earlier way to pick valid attributes (except of `.forge`, but we don't use this fn ATM).
Later: the API should transform `tag.parent` into `tag.parent_id`, but we are not using it ATM, so no need to pre-optimise.
The API already transforms `` into `post.author_id`.