- updates offer setup to allow new `trial` as discount type, was prev only `fixed` and `percent`
- updates offer setup to allow `amount` as free trial days value
- updates offer setup to allow `trial` as discount duration value for trial offers, was prev only `once`/`forever`/`repeating`
- updates offer type validation to include `trial`
- add offer duration validation which includes `trial` for free trial offers
- this copies over tests from `email-analytics-provider-mailgun` that
are more relevant here
- there is now duplication in tests across the two packages but this
will be resolved soon
- A few users had noticed they get weird content in their excerpts when using e.g. an html block with an iframe
- This use case is common for people embedding podcasts at the top of their posts
- this test checks that the mailgun client respects the changes in
settings, which is something that we used to ask
`email-analytics-provider-mailgun` to do when the mailgun client was
made in that package
- since then, we've pulled it out, so we should move the test to the
`mailgun-client` library
- this commit pulls all code involving the Mailgun client SDK into one
new package called `mailgun-client`
- this means we should be able to replace `mailgun-js` (deprecated) with
`mailgun.js` (the new, official one) without editing code all over the
- this also lays some groundwork for better testing of smaller
- Added count.replies to comments
- Added replies endpoint
- Limited returned replies to 3.
- Replaced likes_count with count.likes in comments
- Instead of fetching all the likes of a comment to determine the total count, we'll now use count.likes
- Instead of fetching all the likes of a comment to determine whether a member liked a comment, we'll now use count.liked (which returns the amount of likes of the current member, being 0 or 1). This is mapped to `liked` to make it more natural to work with.
The `members.test.snap` file changed because we no longer include `liked: false` if we didn't fetch the liked relation. And in the comments events of the activity feed the liked property is therefore removed.
These changes requires an update to the `bookshelf-include-count` plugin:
- Updated to also work for nested relations
- This moves the count queries from the `bookshelf-include-count` plugin to the `countRelations` method of each model.
- Updated to keep the counts after saving a model (crud.edit didn't return the counts before)
- these files are copied into the `ghost/core` folder by monobundle so
they can be included with NPM, but they shouldn't be in git because
they'd just be duplicates of the top-level files
- in order to pack the tarball correctly, we need monobundle to run
- up until now, it's the responsibility of the release script to make sure
to run it before `npm pack`
- this commit ensures it gets run, so the generated .tgz file is valid
refs 03cbc89a53
- this util was added to fix an issue with the types of columns in
MySQL, but the issue was back in 2014 (!!)
- we're long past doing it in this way so we'll likely never use it
- `eslint-plugin-ghost` v2.15.0 bumped `eslint-plugin-unicorn` to a
version that required Node 14.18.0
- we don't support that minimum right now so this commit bumps the Ghost
plugin which contains a revert to that plugin
- this commit bumps `eslint-plugin-ghost`, which bumps compatiblity to
- this also removes a lot of the manually-added
`parserOptions.ecmaVersion` that we had in imported packages, in favor
of the value set in `eslint-plugin-ghost`
This allows theme developers to wrap the output of the comment_count
helper in an element, which will only be shown when there is content
to output.
This makes styling a lot easier, as the default output for no comments
is nothing, meaning that separators defined with CSS will not be rendered.
- exposes trial start and end dates in member's subscription object
- allows portal and admin to show member's trial information in UI
- this Renovate config was pulled from Admin but it's inadvertantly
stopping `postcss` updates in core
- this commit restricts the dependency updates to the Admin package only
- we no longer need `bthreads` because we can use native
`worker_threads` now we don't have to support Node 10 any longer
- this allows us to clean up a dependency and stick with native
- the referenced node-sqlite3 issue should be fixed (or at least, we now
maintain it so we can fix it if not)
- if we're running a pre-release, we haven't released it on GitHub so
Admin shouldn't provide a link to it
- instead of pulling in `semver`, I've just gone for the simpler method
of looking for the pre-release string identifier
The references commit updated the admin-api-schema to require the `trail_days`
property, which is not yet supported by the Admin. When saving membership
setting we also save all the Tiers, which then causes the validation to fail.
Until the Admin supports the property we should remove validation from the API
Without this check, an inactive price in our database will just be
reactivated each time it is required. This can cause issues when
prices have been deleted.
By adding this constraint to the query, we will create a new price in
Stripe and our database when attempting to use an inactive price, this
is particularly useful when trying to fix problems caused by Stripe
prices being deleted.
This is done at the mapper layer, so that the model can be used for the
Admin API - where will probably want to expose the underlying content.
We've also disabled editing of deleted/hidden comments, to avoid
accidentally overriding the comments html when sending up deleted
- most of these tasks were duplicates or had been extracted out into
npm/yarn scripts
- in order to get closer to removing Grunt, I've cleaned up the majority
of those script
- this also removes an intermediate command to building Admin, so it starts
ever so slightly quicker
refs 82dcc042cd
- `coffeescript` was only added in the first place because of an update
to `grunt-bg-shell`, which required it
- since then, we've removed `grunt-bg-shell`, so we don't need this
dependency any further