no issue
- fixed "Active with errors" button successful theme upload with no warnings/errors
- fixed fatal errors not showing due to change in API error response
- fixed "Retry" button not showing when there were fatal errors
- fixed "Upload successful!" message after clicking "Retry" on a failed upload
closes, refs
- removed `overflow-y: auto` on posts list to fix the vertical scrolling
- added `overflow-wrap: break-word` so that post previews are forced to wrap for long words such as URLs
- added `-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch` to the main scrollable pane so that iOS Safari uses momentum scrolling
no issue
- the `config:base` preset sets a maximum of 2 PRs per hour
- we have specific timings for Renovate in this repo so the max limit is more hindrance than help
no issue
- the API response for theme activation when a fatal validation error occurred has changed but the client wasn't updated resulting in a modal containing an "Activation failed" header but no details
- updates the error details extraction path and adjusts the tests to match the real API response
- update publish menu states to use `{{post.displayName}}` instead of hard coded `post`
- update settings menu image uploader to generate CTA using `post.displayName`
no issue
- the new version of our Zapier App uses API Key auth so we need to expose the details on the Zapier integration screen
- extracted `copyTextToClipboard` into a util function
- added `integrationModelHook` method to `settings.integrations` controller to remove duplication in the `settings.integration` and `settings.integration.zapier` routes
- fixed missing "Zapier" title token
no issue
The server never supported uploading .yml files
* updated uploader `invalid extension` error message to be more abstract
* fixed routes uploader validation allowing .yml files
no issue
- ignore `ember-exam` until it's compatible with latest stable of `ember-mocha`
- see
- moved `ember-exam`, `ember-mocha`, and `testem` into their own group so changes to test env don't cause addon upgrade PRs to fail
- the error was occurring due to `session.user` CP being populated with a rejected promise when attempting to access the first route. The CP has no dependent key so any further attempts to access `session.user` would be rejected
- marking the CP as "changed" immediately after logging in means that the next request will create a new promise and successfully fetch the user