Closes#3083 Refs #3229
- Populates the dropdown list in the invite user menu with the
list of roles a user is permitted to create.
- Users API now checks the invite user request for allowed roles.
- Change API response from 200 to 201 on successful invitation.
- Change API response from 500 to 201 when the user was created but
the email was not sent. The client will show a warning notification
when it sees 'invite-pending' as the new user's status.
- Add support for "?status=all" to the /users endpoint.
- Refactor the route and controller for the /settings/users page so
that there's only one network API call to load users instead of two.
closes#3309, refs #3229
- adds different message depending on status
- doesn't delete the new user if the problem was an email error
- filters the 2 lists based on all statuses
- Add a UserValidator to the validation engine that runs a set
of validations based on the user status.
- Added validations for invited users and active users.
- new controller and template for invite-new-user-modal
- actually triggers email invite via POST /ghost/api/v0.1/users/
- setting default language value (on the client) when creating a user
- only available role is "Author" - pending 3196
- updates to UsersIndexController to allow dynamic property calculation and template rending