refs #9178
- not 100% sure about this, but i think it makes right now the most sense
- we have already a url service and creating another lib/url is confusing at the moment
- i'll copy the last utility `makeAbsoluteUrls` to the url service for now
- see next commit for explanation (!)
refs #9178
- i am not super happy about `const imageLib = require('../lib/image')`
- i don't really like the name `imageLib`
- but i had no better idea 😃
- if we use the same name in the whole project, it's very easy to rename the folder or the variable
refs #9178
- they definitely don't belong to server/utils
- i think the best place is putting them into the card apps
- the the post model needs to ask the app for it's converters
- move tests as well
refs #9178
- Ghost uses the Node crypto lib always direct (require('crypto'))
- it doesn't make sense to outsource a single crypto statement (for the asset hash)
- we either have to write a crypto wrapper to avoid writing long crypto statements or we keep the direct usages for every case
- for now, wrapping the crypto calls into a lib/crypto has no priority
refs #9178
- continue with killing our global utils folder
- i haven't found any better naming for lib/promise
- so, require single files for now
- instead of doing `promiseLib = require('../lib/promise')`
- we can optimise the requires later
refs #9178
- each package/module has a local utility (e.g. api, helpers, adapters)
- these are very small utility functions which are only used from this package
- they don't belong into the global lib/utils
refs #9178
- this logic belongs to a static model helper
- the visibility property is a model property, the knowledge about the visibility values belongs to the model
- rename the functions, so they make more sense
refs #9178
- we have to take care that we don't end up in circular dependencies
- e.g. API requires UrlService and UrlService needs to require the API (for requesting data)
- update the references
- we would like to get rid of the utils folder, this is/was the most complicated change
- differentiate error codes
- return 404 if image was not found
- else return a 500
- use i18n keys
- use errors.utils.isIgnitionError (!)
no issue
- moved isLocalImage fn to storage utils used the RegExp of getLocalFileStoragePath to detect also relative image paths and added tests.
- Added test for independent protocol request (skip, because not supported/implemented)
- Registered new server helper `{{reading_time}}`.
- Added new global util `word-count` based on the util in Ghost admin, which returns the number of words in an HTML string.
- Based on the word count of the post html, the helper calculated the estimated reading time:
- 275 words per minute
- additional 12 seconds when post has feature image
- Renders a string like 'x min red', unless reading time is less than a minute. In this case, the rendered string is '< 1 min read'.
refs #9192
To anyone seeing this go by - I'm about to start some fairly major refactoring work on the url utility. Before I do that, I wanted to make sure I had 100% coverage, and understanding of some of the weird cases.
The majority of the changes I've made are adding tests, but I was also able to clean up a little bit, remove a few lines or change them to make use of other tools.
refs #9178
* Add eslint deps, remove old lint deps
* Add eslint config, remove old lint configs
* Config for server and tests are different
* Tweaked rules to suit us
* Fix linting in codebase - lots of indent changes.
* Fix a real broken test
Changed the functionality in `make-absolute-urls.js` util to not convert the URL when starting which an `#`, as it indicates and internal link.
The util is used inside of the `{{amp_content}}` helper and to render the RSS feed. I tested the changes with the most popular RSS reader 'Feedly' and it seems like these internal links get converted to absolute URL inside of Feedly automatically.
no issue
- This started as an attempt to simplify the admin redirect code
- I realised we were sometimes using utils.redirect301 and sometimes not
- Decided to move this into utils.url as it's more relevant to URL generation
- Unified usage of redirects in the codebase
- Updated tests & ensured we have basic coverage
- rename adminRedirect -> redirectToAdmin
- Tweak method signature, fix channel edit redirects
- Tests: Optimised test descriptions for url-redirects_spec.js
- ensure caching works as expected
- set `linkify-it` `fuzzyLink` option to false so that it only auto-links URLs starting with `http(s)://` or other valid schemes
refs #9028
- add two new endpoints for uploading/downloading the redirects (file based)
- reload/re-register redirects on runtime
- migration for 1.9 to add permissions for redirects download/upload
no issue
- mirror LTS behaviour to master
- if your blog or admin url is configured to http, it's still possible that e.g. nginx allows both https/http
- that's why we should generate the api url without protocol in this case
- so it depends how you serve your blog, example:
- blog url is
- generated api url for the sdk is // (dynamic protocol allowed)
- you serve your blog via, protocol is https
- you serve your blog via, protocol is http
refs #8868
* 📐 Use request util in image-size
- swapped the usage of `got` for requests with the request util
* 💄 Use catch predicates
- Uses catch predicates instead of conditionals in `getImageSizeFromUrl`
- Return `NotFoundError` if applicable in `getImageSizeFromFilePath` as the caller function `cachedImageSizeFromUrl` is differentiating those between this error and others.
* 🐛 Fixed ImageObject URL & simplify no protocol URL logic
- Using `ImageObject` as a global var resulted in having the `url` property being the same for all requests coming in.
- The logic that checked for an existing protocol (e. g. gravatar URLs) was overly complicated. Refactored it to be more simple.
- Passing the correct value to `fetchDimensionsFromBuffer` as the population of `imageObject.url` happens there. These are used in our structured data and need to be full URLs (in case of locally stored files) or the original URL (in case of URLs missing the protocol)
- Added two more debug logs in `getCachedImageSizeFromUrl` so it's logged when an image is added to the cache even tho it was returned as error.
* 👀 Differentiate error codes between request and storage
* 🔥 Remove not needed `Promise.resolve()`
We're always resolving the result in `getCachedImageSizeFromUrl`, so there's no need to return the values with a `Promise.resolve()`. The caller fn uses waits for the Promises to be fulfilled.
* ☂️ Wrap already rejected predicate errors in catch all
* Use errorDetails instead of context
* ☂️ Support /assets/ image paths
- adds a guard that checks the image URL for `/assets/` in the beginning and passes a completed URL to the request util to try and fetch the image size
- adds tests
no issue
This PR includes a new util which wraps the `got` library. It is not used in the codebase yet, but tested with `image-size` util:
- wraps `got` request library in its own `request.js` util that returns bluebird promises and validates URL before starting a request
- adds tests
no issue
- added debug logs to image size util and related fn:
- when fetched via network request
- when fetched from storage
- when added to cache
- when read from cache
no issue
- test cases were trying to fetch image sizes for `localhost:port/favicon.ico` but no server is running so they time out
- stub the `getImageSizeFromUrl` method so it resolves instantly
refs #8868
- Removed image-size in blog logo fn for meta data and made it synchronous
- Renamed `image-size-from-url.js` to `image-size.js` (incl. the test)
- Added second fn `getImageSizeFromFilePath` that reads from local file storage
- Added guard in `getImageSizeFromUrl` that checks if the image should be on local file storage and uses the new fn then instead
- Added a fn `fetchDimensionsFromBuffer` that takes the file buffer and returns an `imageObject` with dimensions.
- Added a new utils.js in `adapters/storage` for getting the file storage path
refs #8868
The `image-size` library supports now `.ico` files, which means there is no longer need to use the `icojs` library.
- removes unnecessary `icojs` dependency
- refactors `getIconDimensions` fn in blog icon util to fetch image sizes synchronus
- removes unnecessary `getIconDimensions` fn in blog icon validation, as there is no longer need to use different image size fn for different file extensions, and uses `getIconDimensions` from blog util fn instead.
- updates and adds more tests
- the serializer in our mobiledoc renderer didn't have the list of non-closing HTML tags passed in which meant that tags such as `<br>` in the markdown HTML output were being re-serialized to `<br></br>` which is invalid HTML which (at least Chrome) then attempts to fix by rendering it as `<br><br>` instead
- the elements with incorrect rendering that may result in unwanted "fixing" by browsers are `AREA`, `BASE`, `BR`, `COL`, `COMMAND`, `EMBED`, `HR`, `IMG`, `INPUT`, `KEYGEN`, `LINK`, `META`, `PARAM`, `SOURCE`, `TRACK`, and `WBR`