no issue
- moves us back to the older but faster Travis infrastructure
- removes the client tests and related setup as they are now handled in the Ghost-Admin repo
no issue
- perform `bower install` alongside `npm install` in the `ember:init` task - every usage of `shell:bower` was immediately preceded by `shell:ember:init` so it makes sense to move all ember initialisation steps into the one grunt command
- remove `.bowerrc` file so that the standard ember conventions of `npm install && bower install` inside the client directory work without ending up with folders such as `core/client/core/client/bower_components/*`
This does have the effect of causing `bower install` from the root dir to fail with `bower ENOENT No bower.json present`. As far as I can tell we have not documented running `bower install` manually anywhere and I believe the new behaviour matches the expected behaviour more closely as well adding more consistency to the way client-side dependencies are installed.
- adding timeZone Service to get the offset (=timezone reg. moment-timezone) overall available
- new publishedAtOffset date as CP using timeZone service and moment-timezone to calculate offset incl. DST
- removing timezone-obj transform as it became obsolete with moment-timezone
- reading timezones from configuration/timezones api endpoint
- adding a moment-utc transform to only work with utc times in backend
- when switching the timezone in the select box, the user will be shown the local time of the selected timezone
- added clock service to show actual time ticking below select box
- default timezone is '(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, London'
- if no timezone is saved in the settings yet, the default value will be used
- showing local time in 'Publish Date' when it's a draft and no actual publishedAt value exists
- Removed the format 'DD MMM YY @ HH:mm (UTC Z)' which resolves to '01 Jan 16 @ 14:00 (UTC +02:00)'
- Changing the date.js helper in core/server for moment-timezone
- Fix timezone select: updates `selectedTimezone` to return the matching object from `availableTimezones`
- Including timezones in test for date-helper
- update to moment-timezone 0.5.1
- moving form-group of 'selectTimezone' further up so
- Tests:
- Set except for clock service in test env
- adding fixtures to mirage
- adding 'service.ajax' to navigation-test.js
- adding 'service:ghostPaths' to navigation-test.js
- Code improvements
- Changing clockservice to ES6