refs #2600
One day in the future it would be nice to have a CLI for Ghost
In the meantime, lets have an easy way to force migrations to run
This is for development, or dead end situations only
It will at least do a DB backup ;)
- Prevent navigation to the setup screen if Ghost setup
has previously been completed.
- Fix templates that were incorrectly using foreach instead of each.
- Add validation for minimum password length.
- Fix up functional tests and split out tests for setup to a separate
instance of casper because setup requires a new database.
- Add a cleanDatabase task to grunt which resets the database to
Refs #3161
- Move two inline template snippets from the post tags input
component into the .hbs template file so they can be
pre-compiled. Needed when shipping only the handlebars runtime
in production mode.
Closes#3105, Closes#3175
- Removed notification on successful post's `page` status change
- Removed notification on successful post `featured` status change
- Added `closePassive()` notifications on error in the post-settings-menu
- Persistent notifications will close whether their `DELETE` request was
successful or not.
#### Misc
- Added `name` attribute to `post-setting-menu.hbs` inputs to facilitate testing
- Removed `return <Promise>` from action in `PostSettingsMenuController`. Actions should only return `true`
- Toggling `post.featured` won't fire NProgress.
- added `/ghost/api/v0.1/uploads/` endpoint
- removed upload method from `controller/admin.js`
- moved removal of temporary files from storage to endpoint (needed to
account for failed uploads)
- changed and moved tests
- Oversight: I think that we use `.otherwise()` and `.catch()` a bit
too extensive and mask the real error objects. We probably need an
error handling strategy at some point in the future.
Closes#3254, closes#3138, closes#3245
### Settings Routing and View refactoring
- Refactored `SettingsView` to handle transitions between mobile and desktop layouts
- `SettingsRoute` will only transition to `settings.general` if the screen is large enough to show both the menu and the content
- Added `SettingsIndexView` to handle showing the settings menu on mobile screens
- Added `SettingsContentBaseView` to be inherited by any settings view that is not index.
- Updated Settings templates appropriately to work with new views
- Removed extraneous `active` class from `settings-content`
- Changed settings menu to use `gh-activating-list-item`
- Retooled settings tests
### Mobile Utils
- Renamed file to `mobile.js`, since it's inside of `utils/`
- Added `mobileQuery` MediaQueryList to help detect layout changes
- Removed unused `hasTouchScreen`, `device.js` should be used instead.
- Removed unused `smallScreen` function
- Moved FastClickInit to codemirror-mobile
refs #2600
- fixed issue with defaults not being populated on upgrade
- added logging to all actions in the migration process to help debugging
in future
- did a little bit of refactoring
- Change validations on both server and client to allow the
Website field to be empty or a valid URL.
- Add new schema validation helper isEmptyOrURL.
- Remove duplicate call to UserValidator in the save action
of the SettingsUser controller.
- User.last_login and User.created_at are already Moment objects
so Moment#fromNow can be called on them directly.
refs #2600, refs #2379
Refactoring fixtures to make permission management a little easier
- Separate fixtures into JSON file and split permissions fixtures from other fixtures
- make fixture migrations more robust by fetching objects, not relying on
ids and checking before adding
- changed owner fixture slightly to remove any confusion between the 'Owner' role and 'Ghost Owner' user.
- moved 003 fixture versions out of config into logic, possibly not a good
- refactored permissions fixtures and added permissions_roles fixtures to
make it easier to read / add
- updated to use new change password method
- have all save settings use notifications
- create assetUrl helper for creating asset paths with subdir's properly
- move all url based helpers onto a url object in ghost-paths
- Created `NProgressSaveMixin`, which extends the `save` method of a model
to fire NProgress.
- Extended `UserModel`, `PostModel`, and `SettingModel` with the new
- NProgress can be disabled by passing an options hash to the save function with the `{disableNProgress:true}`
- Now that the ValidationEngine isn't the only thing playing with options inside of `model#save`, refactored it to pass the options down the super chain.
Refs #2170
This removes the circular dependency problem from our models thanks to
- add the registry plugin
- switch all models and collections to be registered
- switch relationships to be defined using a string, which calls from the registry
- Add a UserValidator to the validation engine that runs a set
of validations based on the user status.
- Added validations for invited users and active users.