refs #5652, #5719
- adds a timeout to `gh-spin-button` so the spinner is always shown for at least 1 second
As a stopgap solution before #5719 can be implemented it was decided to keep the button spinning for a minimum time, even if the associated action completes quickly. Discussion can be found at
refs #5652
- wrap emails input in `{{gh-form-group}}` component to give element success/error classes
- pull validation messages into submit button
- clean up validation related aspects of step three controller
refs #5652
- always put button text inside opening/closing helper tag
- only include type if it is 'submit' as button is default
- wrap attributes in double quotes
refs #5652
- ensure gh-spin-button passes type & tabindex through to markup
- add gh-input class to auto focus input
- add tabindexes to setup/two + make first field autofocus and button submit
No Issue
- Takes the inline validation messages and displays below form
- Removes unnecessary gh-error-message components from signin and reset pages
- Returns error messages to sign-in validations
refs #5652
- safari doesn't support the nice toLocaleString function
- this adds a manual, cross-browser way of adding commas in the right places to long number strings
ref #5652
- resolves issues with setup flow for the time being
- password is cleared on deactivate, rather than during step 2
- using transitionToRoute instead of transitionTo to remove deprecation warning
Lastpass injects its password-fill icon into password inputs, this shows up awkwardly with the forgot-password button. Adding a white BG hides this.
Followup on #5641
- Sourcemaps are adding ~.4mb to the release zip, which is not cool
- Long term, we need to swap this out for a system that will let us do sourcemaps in dev, and
generate a separate non-minified css file without the sourcemap when doing a release
- Short term, I'm disabling sourcemaps & they'll need to be enabled when needed
- fix disappearing alerts after transitions by not clearing all alerts/notifications when closing menus
- remove `notifications.closeNotifications()` calls left over from needing to clear validation notifications
issue #5652, closes#5641
- removes inline errors for empty fields
- separate validation routines for sign-in and forgot password
- highlight fields with errors when trying to submit