refs #5845
- Updates tag settings screen to match content screen behaviour. Each now tag has it's own route that is link-able from other areas of the app
- Updates a number of places where jQuery event handler code was not wrapped in Ember's run loop
closes#5903, refs #5409
- switch alert/notification component tests from unit to integration where appropriate
- rename `notifications.closeAll` to `notifications.clearAll` to better represent it's behaviour
- add concept of a "key" to alerts/notifications and ability to close only specified keys through notifications service
- close duplicate alerts/notifications before showing a new one
- specify a key for all existing alerts
- close failure alerts on successful retries
- clear all currently displayed alerts on successful sign-in
issue #5751
- moves `makeRequest` override of simple-auth's OAuth authenticator into our own custom authenticator (previously our override was not taking effect until after ember-simple-auth's initial authentication routines, hence why it was working for post-login token refreshes but failing on app-boot)
- fix disappearing alerts after transitions by not clearing all alerts/notifications when closing menus
- remove `notifications.closeNotifications()` calls left over from needing to clear validation notifications
issue #5409
`notifications.showErrors` was historically used to display multiple error notifications whether from validation errors or responses form the API. This usage needs to be reviewed as inline validations should handle the validation side and we should be displaying alerts for actual errors.
Eventually `notifications.showErrors` should be left unused and therefore removed.
issue #5409
- change persistent/passive notification status to alert/notification
- replace showSuccess/Info/Warn/Error with showNotification/showAlert
- fix and clean up notification/alert components
Refs #5501
- Switch role select dropdowns from gh-select based components to
- Prevent transition out of editor while there is an in-flight save.
- Adds gh-view-title component to implement mobile menu button for titles on any page
- Refactors the `content-cover` out into the application template
- Fix various z-index issues with content-cover and gh-alert
- Move `.settings-menu-expanded` application view state from body to `.gh-viewport`
- Unify nav menu / mobile menu actions and code
No Issue
- Switches to the newer style of dependency injection.
- Instead of injection Controllers via "needs," use
- Get rid of initializers that were only injecting objects
into various factories. Converts these objects into Ember.Service
objects and declaratively inject them where needed via
Ember.inject.service(). The added benefit to this is that it's no
longer a mystery where these properties/methods come from and it's
straightforward to inject them where needed.
No issue
- ember-simple-auth@0.8.0-beta.2.
- Switch from SimpleAuth global to ember-cli-simple-auth and
ES6 imports.
- Refactor controllers to handle changes in 0.8.
- Introduces a new initializer to override some configuration
items that are set in environment.js but need to be set with
information that's only (easily) available at runtime.