issue #4305, issue #4259, issue #1413
- change new->edit transitionToRoute to be replaceRoute
- auto focus in the editor on transition to the edit route
- change the one-time autosave to happen on codemirror focusin instead of title focusout
- re-add removed tests, and reorder broken test
Refs #4259
- Auto-save new post when title loses focus.
- If a post has '(Untitled)' for a title, regenerate slugs
on all title changes--same behavior as a new post that does
not yet have a slug.
- Adjust some functional tests to handle the automatic transition
from editor/new to editor/editor and the URL changes that go
along with it.
Ref #1413
- If the user stops typing for 5 seconds, a "typingPause" action is sent from the GhCodemirrorComponent
- Editor-base-controller ties the "typingPause" action to its "autosave"
- If a post is being saved and does not have a title, the title is set to "(Untitled)"
- Cleanup editor base controller property dependencies and code
- Full-width invite user modal button
- `<select>` can be focused in Firefox
- Increase size of background images for avatars
- Add `-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;` to icons
Closes#1990, Ref #3810
- Add `js-` prefix to jQuery calls throughout code and templates
- move MarkdownComponent classNames to template
- Fix back button on posts content preview
- Remove dead code for preview tabbing jQuery
- Popover Buttons now have an `open` class applied to them when their popover is open
- The open class is removed from the popover button at the start of the popover's fadeout
- Consolidated common code into popover-mixin
Closes#3402, Closes#3428
### Components
- Added GhostSelectComponent to handle async select creation (h/t @rwjblue)
- Added GhostRolesSelector (extends GhostSelect) for displaying user role options
- Created StoreInjector for surgically inserting the store into things that normally wouldn't have them.
### Users Settings
- InviteNewUserModal now uses GhostRolesSelector & defaults to Author
- The role dropdown for user settings has permissions set per 3402
### User Model
- Added `role` property as an interface to getting and setting `roles`
- Refactored anything that set `roles` to set `role`
- isAdmin, isAuthor, isOwner and isEditor are all keyed off of `role` now
### Tests
- Added functional tests for Settings.Users
- updated settings.users and settings.users.user screens
- fix spacing on screens
### Server Fixtures
- Fixed owner fixture's roles
Refs #3160
- gh-notifications component now takes an optional notify
parameter. If present it will be invoked as an action
when a notification is added or removed.
- Add a data-notification-count attribute to the main container
that tracks the number of "top" notification messages that
are currently being shown.
Issue #3160
- Use notifications API to display available update notification.
- Remove update_notification handlebars helper as now both the
check for an available update and the notification handling
is run from the server's admin controller index method.
- Bind the notification's location property to a css class
for styling.
- Refactor Ember notifications to better handle notification
objects. Move responsibility for css class generation onto
the notification component.
- Refactor gh-notifications component to take a location argument
that's used to assign a css class and filter notifications.
- Uses jQuery's `.fadeOut` whenever a popover is closed.
- Reordered `gh-popover`'s code into something a bit more logical and, if
I may, pretty
- Renamed `open` property into `isOpen`. `isOpen` should only be
manipulated via `close()` and `open()`
- Added `closing` property to help track state in the case of rapid clicks
on a popover's button, allowing us to abort
` Added `open()` function
- add Notification model
- update injected Notifications object to handle persistent notifications
- load server notifications on setup if logged in otherwise on successful sign-in
- changed all existing notifications.closeAll calls to closePassive
- fixed dismissable/dismissible spelling in server API & tests
- add notifications.closeNotification method so DELETE calls can be made for server-originating notifications
- add FastClick library to Gruntfile.js
- add touch-editor to client/assets/lib/
- add mobile-specific utils to util/mobile-utils.js
- add codemirror util to set up TouchEditor only if we're really on mobile
- change gh-codemirror from having a default action to a named action. prevents Ember.TextArea firing action on change
- change gh-codemirror `cm.getDoc().getValue()` to `cm.getValue()` for portability
- change codemirror-shortcuts ES6 export/import style
- changed ghostimagepreview.js to check for Ember.touchEditor in addition to Ghost.touchEditor
Closes#2984, #3020
Ref #1463, #3019
#### Shortcut Values
Shortcut values can now be either strings (as before) or objects like
{action:string, options:hash}.
#### Markdown shortcuts added
- 'ctrl+alt+u' strkethrough
- 'ctrl+alt+1' h1
- 'ctrl+alt+2' h2
- 'ctrl+alt+3' h3
- 'ctrl+alt+4' h4
- 'ctrl+alt+5' h5
- 'ctrl+alt+6' h6
- 'ctrl+shift+i' image
- 'ctrl/command+k' link
- 'ctrl+l' list
Left behind commented out stubs for additional markdown shortcuts.
#### Editor Controllers (New and Edit)
- Moved shared init function into editor-base-controller.
- Removed MarkerManager mixin from editor controllers as it's included in
the base.
issue #2989
- Adds lodash for bind and isNumber - looking for a better solution for this
- Still needs the editor and flow tests porting
- Some of the tests are commented out awaiting further implementations
Issue #2846
-Implement custom RESTAdapter and serializer for settings data.
-Convert theme selector to Ember.Select.
-Finish upload modal and wire into settings page.
closes#2426, closes#2781, closes#2913
- Concatenate vendor files on change of js in core/shared/
- Add all the markerManager stuff to its own mixin
- make markers a shared object for all that mix it in. makes it easier to use helper functions in different modules
- add getMarkdown method, returns object with two keys holding the markdown: one with markers, the other without
- Clear markers when codemirror is destroyed
- make Editor subcomponents communicate through the Editor Controller
- Set Codemirror and html preview shared scrolling
- Set CodeMirror, html preview css scroll class with util
- Create 'scratch' property in Editor controller; prevents a model save wiping image markers due to markdown bindings
- Add editor and html preview actions to handle img upload start/finish
- disable codemirror when an image is being uploaded, enables on success or failure
- Fix editor wordcount when there are 0 words
- Add modal dialog when transitioning out of the editor with an unsaved post
- Add window.onbeforeunload handling with `.unloadDirtyMessage()` on editor controller
- and various other things
Ref #1351.
- Refactored `PostSettingsMenuController` to appropriately set and display
slug and publish date and their placeholders.
- Removed api spam on title change by putting `slugPlaceholder` generation
inside of an `` call.
- Renamed `gh-blur-text-field` to `gh-blur-input`
- Created `SlugGenerator` class to abstract slug generation.
- Added `timestampVerification` function to `utils/date-formatting`
- `utils/date-formatting` now uses `strict` parsing of dates
- Added more acceptable date formats to accommodate strict parsing
- Moved `isDraft` and `isPublished` computed properties from
`EditorController` to `PostModel`
Previously, the exports were somewhat random with some files declaring
local variables then immediately exporting them, and others simply
doing the work needed in the export itself.
-wire up delete post action in ember admin
-refactor ember modal dialog
-override RESTAdapter.deleteRecord to workaround Ember expecting
an empty response body on DELETEs