- instead of just a collection of utils, we now have a class that manages fixtures
- this should allow us to change the path to fixtures, e.g. between prod/dev and test, so that different fixtures can be loaded by default
- also makes it easier to test the fixture manager code itself
refs 042618fe93
- There's no longer "getValue" method passed around in UrlService, so the were unnecessary and did a wrong thing here :) Yey, less code!
- This is an effor t to define a precise set of data needed for the UrlGenerator to function, which should help with decoupling it from the frontend routes
- This is almost the last piece to free us up from the massive "router" object that has been passed around
- This is an effor t to define a precise set of data needed for the UrlGenerator to function, which should help with decoupling it from the frontend routes
- This is an effor t to define a precise set of data needed for the UrlGenerator to function, which should help with decoupling it from the frontend routes
- When editing an uploaded media thumbnail file there'a need to remove existing thumbnail to keep media files:thumbnails 1:1. - Because the API client only has a public URL under which the resource is served it can only provide that as an API input, the `urlToPath` was also added to the base class of LocalStorageAdapter (it might be moved up to the BaseAdapter in the future if we see a need)
no issue
- Not sure what the purpose of this test is. Seems like it's kind of like an db integrity check where it makes sure the change is double checked before commiting
- This comment removes the block on themes controlling card assets via config
- It also changes the default behaviour from "false" config (doing nothing) to excluding bookmark and gallery card assets
- This is essentially the same thing, as only bookmark and gallery card assets exist at the moment, but it's being done because it makes this feature future-proof for all theme developers.
- As we add new cards, all themes will automatically get the assets to make them work
- As theme developers want to, they can create their own custom assets and disble assets for any cards they support by adding them to the exclude list
- They can also remove any custom code they currently have to support bookmark and gallery cards, and set card_assets: true in package.json to use the defaults instead
- If we register the serve public file middleware for a file that doesn't exist, this will currently throw an ENOENT error
- Instead, we want to fall back to a standard 404 so that this behaves normally
- This will be useful for the card asset service, where the cards.min.css and cards.min.js files may or may not exist
The launch wizard completed flag was previously stored at per user level in accessibility column of user table, so an administrator still got the option to complete the launch wizard even if the owner had completed it previously, which is not expected pattern. This change moves the launch complete flag for Admin to common settings from per user level so a site only needs to complete the launch wizard once irrespective of which user completes it
- adds new `editor_is_launch_complete` setting to track if a site launch steps are completed in Admin
- adds new migration util to easily allow adding new setting
- adds migration to introduce new `editor_is_launch_complete` setting
- adds migration to update launch complete flag for a site if any of the users have already completed the launch steps
- Requires the new @tryghost/minifier package
- Adds a new service that will handle taking config from the theme and optionally including assets for Koenig editor cards
- It supports both css and js as cards may need one or both
- For any given config, the tool can find the matching files to include and concat and minify them into one file per type
- Currently has an override in place so that this is not yet customisable in the theme - will remove this override when we're ready for the feature
- Just like with invalid JSON redirects files we should return a BadRequestError instead of throwing a generic 500 when the redirects.yaml file fails parsing
- The assets were broken in Admin when the frontend and admin urls were different
- Fixed the issue by changing the `asset` helper to output absolute URLs when the frontend/admin urls are differents
refs 91efa4605c
- When the instance is booted without any redirects files configured it's not supposed to error but rather default to an "empty" [] redirects configuration.
- Ideally the logic shoudl not contain try/catch block at all and fail as soon as there's any error during the initialization. This wasn't changed at this time due to possible break of existing Ghost instances
Since we have a DynamicRedirectManager for handling adding/removing
redirects at runtime, we no longer need the custom-redirects middleware.
The redirects service does however need an init method now to add the
custom redirects at Ghost boot, so it's been refactored into our Class &
DI pattern.
- This is an experimental implementation of video file upload support (audio is yet to follow)
- The storage adapter still needs more thinking as it's almost the same as the "LocalStorgeAdapter" that stores images.
- Also the output serializer skipped use of url utils in favor of inline implementatoin - this should almost certainly be it's own package
The "up" migration that this util generates correctly throws if the
pre-requisite data cannot be found in the database. The "down" migration
however was incorrectly mirroring this behaviour of throwing - which
meant that it wasn't idempotent, as it does not require a permission or
role to existing if it wants to move relations between them.
This allows users to create Offers for Tier/Cadence pairs in order to
provide discounted subscriptions to Members! We have support for
percentage based discounts & fixed price discounts, either for the first
payment, all payments, or a number of monthly payments.
Offers also have a code, which can be used as an easy way to share them,
as visiting will automatically open Portal
with the Offer prepopulated.
Themes can now define custom settings via their `package.json` file, and use them in templates via `@custom.{setting}`. Values for custom settings can be changed by site owners through a redesigned "Design settings" area in the admin interface.
Full announcement, documentation, and examples will be made available soon.
- Sanne de Vries (@sanne-san)
- Thibaut Patel (@tpatel)
We want to make the title for Offers optional, our nullable validation
means that we cannot store an empty string, so we must remove the NOT
NULL constraint from the column if we want to store either an empty
value or null.
There is a bug with editing columns in SQLite with `knex` which strips all
the indexes, so we have to manually add them afterwards.
- we're slowly trying to draw the lines between the backend and the frontend correctly
- these files deal only with serving the frontend so they should live there
- there are lots of mixed requires in these files, so having them in the right place makes that clear
- There's a need to support multiple adapter variations per given adapter type (storage, sso, etc.)
- With the introduced changes we can specify a version of an adapter that should be fetched based on `:feature` postfix. For example:
`adapterManager.getAdapter('storage')` - would return the default adapter listed under "active" configuration
`adapterManager.getAdapter('storage:videos') - would return an adapter configured for videos *feature*
- Here's an example configuration for a custom video storage:
"storage": {
"active": "LocalFileStorage",
"videos": "ghost-storage-custom-video",
"ghost-storage-custom-video": {
"custom": "configHere"
- We were not requiring the full path to our fixture file, and therefore we were testing the fixtures + utility functions
- This updates the test to clearly require the exact files we are checking, except the routes.yaml where we can't
- Also updates the hash to be the correct hash for just the fixture content
* Removed NOT_NULL constraint from stripe_coupon_id
When handling disconnecting from Stripe - we remove all Stripe data from
our database to ensure we do not have bad/invalid data stored. Removing
this constraint will allow us to set the value to NULL.
* Added created_at column to offer_redemptions
Offer Redemptions are not just a joining table, but an event. A created_at
date allows them to be ordered
Because this is in alpha it is simpler to just drop the tables and
re-add them, due to offer_redemptions depending on offers, we also drop
this table and re-add it.
- While digging around this area refactored the code to use more readable async/await syntax instead of chaining then's
- Dropped unneeded "catch" block in save method as all it was doing was rethrowing an error with out additional handling
- The "bootstrap" didn't give enough credit to everything this module was doing - it's responsible for managing correct initialization and reinitialization of the frontend Routes as well as passing router creation information back to the frontend's URL service
- The refactor is done in two steps - the "bootstrap.js" will be renamed in the follow-up commit to have a clean history of how the file evolved
- "routerCreated" call was causing a need to create a dependency on the frontend Router level which didn't fit nicely with the refactor of the bootstrap into a class, it's also makes way more sense having it as an independent parameter instead of a call on a module (makes testing way more readable too!)
- The 'settings.timezone.edited' event triggers a roundtrip chain of calls in the frontend routing to the url services. It was all handled by event listeners and handler that clearly don't belong there.
- Extracted event realted listeners/handlers into methods and moved most of the logic to the "bootstrap" module, which soon is going to become a "RoutesManger"
- The result of this refactor - no more events going back and forth between frontend routing and the backend!
- core/shared/i18n is no longer used. Remove it to prevent temptation!
- this class needs merging with the one in themes, but for now just co-locate them as that's quicker and easier
- Now that i18n.t has been removed everywhere, we can cleanup the final usages
- Still TODO: merge the i18n logic into themeI18n, and get rid of shared/i18n entirely
- The match helper allows for basic equals and not equals comparisons,
{{match title "=" "Getting Started"}}
{{match slug "!=" "welcome"}}
- There's a lot more functionality we want to add here, so that it ends up being a replacement for {{#has}}
- However, this first iteration is already useful, especially in the context of custom theme settings
- Therefore we are adding it early, and will document it along with custom theme settings when that goes GA very soon
- updated schema validation to allow `'image'` through as a known setting type now that Admin has support
- added transformation of setting values for `'image'` types because they will be URLs and should be stored with `__GHOST_URL__`
- No matter what, a handlebars helper outputs a string. So if you return true, you'll always get 'true'.
- SafeStrings are handlebars's way of passing around a string whilst also maintaining a record of the original value e.g. new SafeString(true) results in {string: true}
- We need this for the match helper, so that we know when doing a comparison that we're meant to be comparing against a boolean true, not a string true
- Therefore, we need to putput SafeStrings, but also process them when passed in
The logic
- Figuring out the correct logic here has been a little tricky but essentially:
- {{match safestring}} with a single arg, will return true for any truthy value
- {{match safestring "=" true}} does a direct comparison with the original value of the safe string, so if it was a boolean true, the match will be true else false
- {{match (match something) "=" true}} will therefore work for any level of nesting
- this can result in slightly inconsistent results, but feels correct and documentable
This is documented extensively through the test cases
- We need to decouple all frontend services from URL service as much as possible. "bootstrap" module is now a central point to substitute (proxy really) function previously done by the URL service and this move changes direct usage of URL service to "bootstraps" internal proxy function
- By becoming a parameter in the routing bootstrap process URL is Service no longer a "require" inside the frontend controllers but rather becomes a part of the "internal API" of the bootstrapper. This is not the end form of it, rather a step closer to decouplint routing from the URL serivce.
- The bootstrap module needs a facelift to have cleaner distinction between init/start methods. This is left for another time