- Change titleScratch from being bound to the title to being
set when entering the editor so it is not overwritten on a
model refresh.
- Ensure that the "unsaved content" dialog is shown when there are
changes to the "scratch" fields after a post-settings-menu change.
- Add tests to prevent regression.
Closes#1990, Ref #3810
- Add `js-` prefix to jQuery calls throughout code and templates
- move MarkdownComponent classNames to template
- Fix back button on posts content preview
- Remove dead code for preview tabbing jQuery
- Add togglePreview action to controller
- Implement action and bind attributes
- Remove the now pointless
- Update to comply with issue suggestions
Refs #3667, Refs #3776
- If saving a post fails, revert its status back to the
pre-save value.
- Added tests to check post status after failed save attempt
on both new and existing posts.
- Popover Buttons now have an `open` class applied to them when their popover is open
- The open class is removed from the popover button at the start of the popover's fadeout
- Consolidated common code into popover-mixin
Closes#3511, Closes#3512, Closes#3526
- show* methods now close existing passive notifications by
default. They also now take an optional options object where
existing parameters such as "delayed" and "defaultErrorText"
can be passed in as well as the new "doNotClosePassive" flag.
- Removed all explicit calls to notifications.closePassive except
for the few places where it makes sense to call it separately.
Basic notifications are unnecessarily verbose and, in some instances, even cause line-wrapping to occur. This change shortens them to short, concsise statements to indicate what action has taken place.
Closes#3029, Ref #3469
- Editor shortcuts are now built in a separate file, which uses `ctrlOrCmd` to correctly set OS specific shortcuts.
- Removed `newLine` and `selectWord` shortcuts
- Adds redirects based on roles as defined in the case
- Adds new mixin `CurrentUserSettings`
- For authors, all settings pages redirect to `users/self`
- For editors, all settings pages other than specific users redirect to `users`. Any user that is not self or an author redirects to `users`
- implementing server-side pagination for /users API
- passing /users?limit=none will return all users
- passing /users?status=invited will filter base on user status
- creating 3 mixins (route, controller and view) to keep pagination logic DRY
- updating route, controller and view for Posts to use new mixing
- implementing infinite scrolling for Users Management screen (using new mixins)
- Users Management screen displays all invited users, but paginates active users
- Created `NProgressSaveMixin`, which extends the `save` method of a model
to fire NProgress.
- Extended `UserModel`, `PostModel`, and `SettingModel` with the new
- NProgress can be disabled by passing an options hash to the save function with the `{disableNProgress:true}`
- Now that the ValidationEngine isn't the only thing playing with options inside of `model#save`, refactored it to pass the options down the super chain.
- Add a UserValidator to the validation engine that runs a set
of validations based on the user status.
- Added validations for invited users and active users.
- add Notification model
- update injected Notifications object to handle persistent notifications
- load server notifications on setup if logged in otherwise on successful sign-in
- changed all existing notifications.closeAll calls to closePassive
- fixed dismissable/dismissible spelling in server API & tests
- add notifications.closeNotification method so DELETE calls can be made for server-originating notifications
- this is all about the validation engine
- add a option, `opts.model`, to use a passed-in model directly if needed
- handle validators that return an array of strings, array of objects, or both
- ajax util returns either an array of errors or a single concat'd string
- remove formatErrors function from the mixin and make it private
- allow validation options to be passed into `.save()` since ember-data doesn't take params on `.save()` anyway
- streamline control flow
* Implemnted the ember validator correctly for both reset request and actual reset (with the token)
* added reset validator
* changed the request route addresses to be `/authentication/passwordreset`
* changed the format of data to be `{ thing: [ {data } ] }`
* notifications
* tests for these use cases
- PostsController orderBy function sorts posts with isNew to the top, otherwise their undefined dates fail to compare
- also catch when `updated_at` is undefined, happens when model is being written with results from the server
- catch objects of type Error in validation engine, helps catching client errors
- join server errors with BR tag in ajax util
- add `emberBuild` task to `grunt test-functional`
- add a test helper, `thenTransitionAndWaitForScreenLoad`, to test transitioning to major parts of the app
- add a test that transitions from Content to the Editor, and back to Content
- create a hook in the editor controller that fires on a model's save events
- use this hook to perform all the things that need to happen on save, regardless of where the save originated
- remove logic from instances of that now belongs in the modelSaved hook
- detach the model event listeners on willTransition in the editor routes
- Change router to handle /ember/setup/
- Adjust doSignup to also handle setup
- Adjust tests and add new where necessary
- Add setup controller, setup validation, setup route
- Adjust casper emberSetup to handle new setup
Closes#3036 Refs #3012
-Enable validation for settings/general
-Turn on functional tests for the validations
-Move notification closeAll calls so that notifications
are cleared on attempted saves instead of just on
successful saves
- Inject notification object into router
- Listen to didTransition / observe currentPath to close notifications
- Close notifications on successful save actions
closes#2991, references #2172, references #2453
- moved and separated tags logic from EditorTagsView into PostTagsInputController/View
- call out to PostTagsInputController when saving post to ensure an incomplete tag is completed before save
- added Tab key support for suggestion selection / tag completion
- don't show suggestions list when input field doesn't have focus
- added code for #2172 but left commented-out as it causes side effects with completion on save
- updated suggestion highlighting so it doesn't bork on html/regex chars (#2453)
Closes#2976, Closes#3017
- Move logic to signup controller
- Add ValidationEngine mixin to signup controller
- Add signup validator with code from clientold login view
- Add signin validator and integrate into signin controller
- Add validation to forgotten controller
- Switch to button action to support hitting enter in text field to submit
- Clear all notifications in notifications.closeAll
- Modify ValidationEngine.validate to not format errors based on option
- Update casper test for signin to wait for notification before trying
to do another signin
closes#2855 , closes#2848
- New mixin that utilizes NProgress for displaying a loading indictor for all routes who's model issue a "loading" event (aka: when requesting data from the server during a route change).
- Also removing (the now unnecessary) "loading" template.
- bubble promise rejection on post model validation/save error so that it doesn't bubble as resolved
- prefer `.catch()` for promise handlers as per recommendations
- check if `.save()` is being called from model.destroyRecord() and forgo validation if so
- normalize output for both `.validate()` and `.save()`
Closes#2984, #3020
Ref #1463, #3019
#### Shortcut Values
Shortcut values can now be either strings (as before) or objects like
{action:string, options:hash}.
#### Markdown shortcuts added
- 'ctrl+alt+u' strkethrough
- 'ctrl+alt+1' h1
- 'ctrl+alt+2' h2
- 'ctrl+alt+3' h3
- 'ctrl+alt+4' h4
- 'ctrl+alt+5' h5
- 'ctrl+alt+6' h6
- 'ctrl+shift+i' image
- 'ctrl/command+k' link
- 'ctrl+l' list
Left behind commented out stubs for additional markdown shortcuts.
#### Editor Controllers (New and Edit)
- Moved shared init function into editor-base-controller.
- Removed MarkerManager mixin from editor controllers as it's included in
the base.
closes#2893, issue #2850, issue #2856
- this is a stable, but quick and dirty validations layer for the time constraints
- this could be replaced with a unified server/client layer later. the infrastructure is there.
- create a validation engine mixin to match validators with models
- override the save method in the mixin to perform validations first
- create a post validator
- fixup calls to .save() to make sure they catch errors properly
Closes#2988, #2752
Ref #1463, #2984,
# Shortcuts via Keymaster
- Added KeyMaster to bower dependencies. KeyMaster is a minimal keyboard
shortcuts library.
- Added `ShortcutsRouteMixin` for routes that will use shortcuts.
Currently, only routes can have shortcuts. See the extensive comment
at the top of `core/client/mixins/shortcuts-route.js` for a
description of how to implement shortcuts.
## Other Changes
- Injected popover service into ApplicationRoute
- Created `EditorRouteBase` mixin for the `` and
`editor.edit` routes to mixin.
- `StyleBodyMixin` now calls `this._super()` on `activate` and
`deactivate` to play nicely with other mixins.
## Shortcuts and Stubs implemented
#### Application-Wide
- `'esc':'closePopups'` shortcut **stub** to close popovers,
modals, and notifcations
#### Editor Shortcuts
- `'ctrl+s, command+s': 'save'` note that `command` is the
`meta` key.
- `'ctrl+alt+p': 'publish'`
- `'ctrl+alt+z': 'toggleZenMode'`
- handle undefined argument in openModal function
- catch whether a model is deleted in Editor routes to aid transition
- move updateTags function to the PostModel
- add call to updateTags in delete-post modal
No issue
Misc Places
- Removed expired, irrelevant, and fixed todos
- Fixed "Written" vs "Published" text logic
- Removed single quotes from property names
EditorBaseController, MarkerManagerMixin
- Aligned var declarations
- Commented out unfunctional code for feature request #2398
- Switched `isPage`, `isFeatured` to be computed properties in `Po
- use `toggleProperty` in `PostController.action.toggleFeatured`
- Created `boundOneWay` util to extract common pattern of having a oneWay property that doesn't break its binding after being set
- Changed `EditorControllerMixin.willPublish`, `PostSettingsMenuController.publishedAtValue` and `.slugValue` to use the new `boundOneWay` util
closes#2426, closes#2781, closes#2913
- Concatenate vendor files on change of js in core/shared/
- Add all the markerManager stuff to its own mixin
- make markers a shared object for all that mix it in. makes it easier to use helper functions in different modules
- add getMarkdown method, returns object with two keys holding the markdown: one with markers, the other without
- Clear markers when codemirror is destroyed
- make Editor subcomponents communicate through the Editor Controller
- Set Codemirror and html preview shared scrolling
- Set CodeMirror, html preview css scroll class with util
- Create 'scratch' property in Editor controller; prevents a model save wiping image markers due to markdown bindings
- Add editor and html preview actions to handle img upload start/finish
- disable codemirror when an image is being uploaded, enables on success or failure
- Fix editor wordcount when there are 0 words
- Add modal dialog when transitioning out of the editor with an unsaved post
- Add window.onbeforeunload handling with `.unloadDirtyMessage()` on editor controller
- and various other things
Ref #1351.
- Refactored `PostSettingsMenuController` to appropriately set and display
slug and publish date and their placeholders.
- Removed api spam on title change by putting `slugPlaceholder` generation
inside of an `` call.
- Renamed `gh-blur-text-field` to `gh-blur-input`
- Created `SlugGenerator` class to abstract slug generation.
- Added `timestampVerification` function to `utils/date-formatting`
- `utils/date-formatting` now uses `strict` parsing of dates
- Added more acceptable date formats to accommodate strict parsing
- Moved `isDraft` and `isPublished` computed properties from
`EditorController` to `PostModel`
- make a PostSerializer to embed the tags objects in the posts POST/PUT request
- on editor save, clear out tags from the post and data store that have `id: null`
- `editor-base-controller`'s `save` action returns a promise with the model
after saving
- `EditorNewController` will transition to `EditorEditController` upon a
successful save (model has an id)
- Removed a console.log in editor's save function