no issue
- removes the few uses of `Ember.on` for lifecycle hooks or event hooks where order may be important
`Ember.on` use is discouraged so although we haven't used it often I felt like we should ensure we're consistent throughout the codebase. There's a great article with details of why it's discouraged here:
issue #6270
- Exposed getBaseUrl on the config class.
- Fix formatting config index as array was more then 140 characters long.
- Updated getBaseUrl to handle secure by replacing http with https if true.
- Fixed ghost_head helper to output canonical base url no https.
- Fixed ghost_head helper to set secure correctly for the rss link.
- Fixed navigation helper to pass secure in each nav item, so that urlFor can u$
- Fixed {{url}} to pass secure correctly to config.urlFor.
- Fixed test to use urlSSL over https besides for canonical.
- Add tests for {{url}} and to make sure they output https for absolute and secure.
- Update twitter and og url to use the canonical url.
- don't set the `slug` attribute if we get an empty string back from the slug generator to prevent dirty attributes being triggered for `null` getting changed to `''`
refs #5779
- adds a timeout of 4 seconds to step 3 submission so that we transition even if we haven't heard back from the server yet. Notification alerts will be displayed asynchronously once all server requests have returned.
- adds a message to check e-mail configuration to step 3 invitation failure alert
- update the `_onChange` event handler in `gh-selectize` component so that the re-ordering process isn't hit when the underlying objects have changed
- Added createImageNodeFromDatum to BaseSiteMapGenerator
- Refactor some defaults code that was unnecessary
- Add tests for posts, tags, users and posts with images
- curly braces and back-tick should also be replaced with a dash
- other symbols and chars in ascii table are either removed or replace
- not all the replacements are sensible, but better than having odd chars in the slug for now
refs #6274
- adds `active-link-wrapper` mixin that tracks the `active` state of child links and adds/removes a `.active` class on the mixed-in element
- removes the passed-in `active` attribute on `gh-posts-list-item` component that forced every item in the content list to be re-rendered each time the currently selected post changed
- any time the search content is refreshed, start with a clean array instead of performing expensive object comparisons to remove existing content