- stolen the CM shim from js-bin
- if we're on a touchscreen device, don't use CM
- if we're on a touchscreen device, show a coming soon message for uploads
issue #2385, issue #2108
- Separate out the various objects which form the editor into their own
- Decouple the modules where possible
- Rename and reshuffle bits of modules for consistency
- Minimise public APIs of the modules, and ensure they are consistent
- Add comments to the modules
- Remove libraries from shared/vendor
- Remove libraries from client/assets/vendor
- Add bower to package.json and postinstall
- Add bower.json with dependencies
- Add scripts from bower_components to concat/uglify
- Fix tests
- Serve jquery from /ghost/built/theme/
first 10 % of #2124
- added initial version of JSON API tests
- renamed error.errorCode to error.code
- renamed tags.all to tags.browse for consistency
address #2078
- removes private: true flag from package.json
- created .npmignore file and moved all of buildGlob
file patterns into here, negating all patterns as
the npmignore file defines what is to be excluded
and not included.
- gruntfile now uses the inverse of the .npmignore file
to define what files to include in a release
expected behavior of npm packages
- updates travis config to be more in line with
current dev steps
- fix `grunt-cli` warning from appearing when
running grunt
addresses #1789, #1364
- Moves ./core/server/loader -> ./core/bootstrap.
The bootstrap file is only accessed once during startup,
and it’s sole job is to ensure a config.js file exists
(creating one if it doesn’t) and then validates
the contents of the config file.
Since this is directly related to the initializing
the application is is appropriate to have
it in the ./core folder, named bootstrap as that
is what it does.
This also improves the dependency graph, as now
the bootstrap file require’s the ./core/server/config
module and is responsible for passing in the validated
config file.
Whereas before we had ./core/server/config
require’ing ./core/server/loader and running its
init code and then passing that value back to itself,
the flow is now more straight forward of
./core/bootstrap handling initialization and then
instatiation of config module
- Merges ./core/server/config/paths into
This flow was always confusing me to that some config
options were on the config object, and some were on
the paths object.
This change now incorporates all of the variables
previously defined in config/paths directly
into the config module, and in extension,
the config.js file.
This means that you now have the option of deciding
at startup where the content directory for ghost
should reside.
- broke out loader tests in config_spec to bootstrap_spec
- updated all relevant files to now use config().paths
- moved urlFor and urlForPost function into
- Removed deprecated `multipart` references.
- Setup `busboy` to pass along file streams and do a naive parse of form
- Updated logic in file storage and db import to handle file streams
instead of the temporary files created by `multipart`.
- changed cookieSession to session
- added session.regenerate for login and logout
- added bookshelf session store
- added session table to database
- added import for databaseVersion 001
- added grunt task test-api
- cleanup of gruntfile to start express when needed only
- moved api tests to functional tests
- moved core/test/unit/api* to core/test/integration/api/
- moved core/test/integration/model* to core/test/integration/model/
- moved core/test/unit/utils to core/test/utils
- moved core/test/unit/fixtures to core/test/utils/fixtures/
- changed gruntfile.js to execute api tests with target 'integration'
issue #1365
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions where absolutely necessary
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions in which keeping parameter
list added clarity to the underlying api, even when those parameters
are not currently used
- removed unused parameters in a few places
- This uses Bundler to install Ruby dependencies to handle explicit
dependencies in provisioned environments
- The initial Gemfile contains SASS dependencies (sass and bourbon gems)