- When uploading a zip of images in Settings > Labs > [Import], it will skip images that have an uppercase extension, citing an 'unsupported file type' error.
- Cause: Glob ignored those files when matching extensions in ImportManager
- Fix: Added nocase option where needed
- Extended tests to also test the processZip method of ImportManager with getFilesFromZip
- Added isValidZip for zip with uppercase image
- Cleaned up JSDoc in ImportManager, and replaced some older JS syntax
Fixed zipContainsMultipleDataFormats error never thrown:
When a zip combines two data formats, no error was thrown.
- The promise error was only returned in an _.each loop, but never thrown
- Previously when combining multiple data types in a zip file, no error got thrown
- Added a test for this error
- Also added a test for noContentToImport error
Other errors and fixes:
- Added missing length in getBaseDirectory check
- getContentTypes fixed (returned duplicate values). Type error came up after adding all JSDocs
- updated tests to match real types from JSDoc and pass type validations
- Rewrote some methods in the async await syntax
- Added tests for ImportManager clean up