migration from usage of config() to just an object of config.
no relevant issue
- Change 'loadConfig' task to 'ensureConfig' to more accurately reflect
what it is actually doing. Its sole purpose is to make sure a `config.js`
file exists, and as such the name now reflects that purpose.
- Update config/index.js to export the ghostConfig object directly
so that it can be accessed from other modules
- Update all references of config(). to config.
This was a blind global find all and replace, treat it as such.
- Fixes to tests to support new config access method
- Allow each test to still work when invoked invidually
- Add a config.js file for the client which is used to configure
Ember.Application during runtime. The correct version of config.js
is copied into place by grunt via the copy:(dev|prod) task from
either config-dev.js or config-prod.js.
- Serve minified and production versions of libraries where applicable
including handlebars-runtime and ember-prod.
- Bundle third party libraries into vendor.min.js.
- Bundle Ghost's Ember app and templates into ghost.min.js
- Remove all fixture data and code from the client.
- Prevent navigation to the setup screen if Ghost setup
has previously been completed.
- Fix templates that were incorrectly using foreach instead of each.
- Add validation for minimum password length.
- Fix up functional tests and split out tests for setup to a separate
instance of casper because setup requires a new database.
- Add a cleanDatabase task to grunt which resets the database to
fixes#3171, fixes#2382, refs #3130
- Moved grunt init from travis into grunt validate, this makes sure we get verbose output from grunt init.
- Added `grunt test` task to run just the tests without building if you want
- Upgraded grunt-contrib-concat and added nonull property (had to switch to src/dist for this to work) #2382
- Upgraded bower to 1.3.5, which appears to resolve#3171
- Changed bower git assets to all be referenced the same and removed resolutions again #3130
- Remove clientold
- Remove clientold tests
- Cleanup old admin helpers
- Remove old routes from admin and controllers from admin controller
- Comment out / remove old and broken tests
- Cleanup Gruntfile.js, bower.js, package.json etc
Still TODO:
- cleanup / add removed tests
- do we still need countable?
- added oauth2orize library for server side oAuth handling
- added ember-simple-auth library for admin oAuth handling
- added tables for client, accesstoken and refreshtoken
- implemented RFC6749 4.3 Ressouce Owner Password Credentials Grant
- updated api tests with oAuth
- removed session, authentication is now token based
Known issues:
- Restore spam prevention #3128
- Signin after Signup #3125
- Signin validation #3125
- oldClient doesn't work with this PR anymore, session authentication
- PostsController orderBy function sorts posts with isNew to the top, otherwise their undefined dates fail to compare
- also catch when `updated_at` is undefined, happens when model is being written with results from the server
- catch objects of type Error in validation engine, helps catching client errors
- join server errors with BR tag in ajax util
- add `emberBuild` task to `grunt test-functional`
- add a test helper, `thenTransitionAndWaitForScreenLoad`, to test transitioning to major parts of the app
- add a test that transitions from Content to the Editor, and back to Content
- add FastClick library to Gruntfile.js
- add touch-editor to client/assets/lib/
- add mobile-specific utils to util/mobile-utils.js
- add codemirror util to set up TouchEditor only if we're really on mobile
- change gh-codemirror from having a default action to a named action. prevents Ember.TextArea firing action on change
- change gh-codemirror `cm.getDoc().getValue()` to `cm.getValue()` for portability
- change codemirror-shortcuts ES6 export/import style
- changed ghostimagepreview.js to check for Ember.touchEditor in addition to Ghost.touchEditor
closes#2855 , closes#2848
- New mixin that utilizes NProgress for displaying a loading indictor for all routes who's model issue a "loading" event (aka: when requesting data from the server during a route change).
- Also removing (the now unnecessary) "loading" template.
issue #2989
- Adds lodash for bind and isNumber - looking for a better solution for this
- Still needs the editor and flow tests porting
- Some of the tests are commented out awaiting further implementations
Closes#2988, #2752
Ref #1463, #2984,
# Shortcuts via Keymaster
- Added KeyMaster to bower dependencies. KeyMaster is a minimal keyboard
shortcuts library.
- Added `ShortcutsRouteMixin` for routes that will use shortcuts.
Currently, only routes can have shortcuts. See the extensive comment
at the top of `core/client/mixins/shortcuts-route.js` for a
description of how to implement shortcuts.
## Other Changes
- Injected popover service into ApplicationRoute
- Created `EditorRouteBase` mixin for the `editor.new` and
`editor.edit` routes to mixin.
- `StyleBodyMixin` now calls `this._super()` on `activate` and
`deactivate` to play nicely with other mixins.
## Shortcuts and Stubs implemented
#### Application-Wide
- `'esc':'closePopups'` shortcut **stub** to close popovers,
modals, and notifcations
#### Editor Shortcuts
- `'ctrl+s, command+s': 'save'` note that `command` is the
`meta` key.
- `'ctrl+alt+p': 'publish'`
- `'ctrl+alt+z': 'toggleZenMode'`
Refs #2986
-More thorough promise handling in bootstrap.js
-Catch rejected promises from the bootstrap module and force
a Grunt failure instead of an erroneous success
-Adjust the bootstrap unit tests
closes#2426, closes#2781, closes#2913
- Concatenate vendor files on change of js in core/shared/
- Add all the markerManager stuff to its own mixin
- make markers a shared object for all that mix it in. makes it easier to use helper functions in different modules
- add getMarkdown method, returns object with two keys holding the markdown: one with markers, the other without
- Clear markers when codemirror is destroyed
- make Editor subcomponents communicate through the Editor Controller
- Set Codemirror and html preview shared scrolling
- Set CodeMirror, html preview css scroll class with util
- Create 'scratch' property in Editor controller; prevents a model save wiping image markers due to markdown bindings
- Add editor and html preview actions to handle img upload start/finish
- disable codemirror when an image is being uploaded, enables on success or failure
- Fix editor wordcount when there are 0 words
- Add modal dialog when transitioning out of the editor with an unsaved post
- Add window.onbeforeunload handling with `.unloadDirtyMessage()` on editor controller
- and various other things
Ref #2699
- Introduce ember data dependency
- Add loadInitializers and refactor most initializers into one combined
- Add Post ember data model
- Refactor generateSlug to use title of post and ghostPaths
- Refactor post controller to not reference model.property everywhere
- Use RESTAdapter for posts, users and tags
- Setup author and tag relations in Post model
- Fix broken API calls by adding CSRF header
- Add initiaizer for csrf value
- Use actual User model for current user initializer
- Add action for setting featured post, test with actual api call
- Fix the sending of UUID's up to the server
- Refactor current-user to use ember-data store
- If a user is preloaded in the application, use pushPayload to put it
in the store
- Do a lookup on the store to get an actual User model for injection
- Fix posts/post controllerName in route/new.js
- Alter signup process to push user into ember data store
- We no longer need grunt-groc as we are going to use docker instead
- Compile docker to 'docs'
- Docker has a nice option for only building updated files
- Added a few files we didn't need dockering to exclude list
refs #2622, refs #1340
- added documentation to grunt tasks which will replace the wiki page, including reordering the tasks to make the documentation easier to read
- removed grunt changelog which is no longer used
- merged jshint:shared into jshint:server
- cleanup of quote marks, formatting, line lengths etc
- also fixed the incorrect version number for grunt-docker
- added route tests to coverage
- adds the `clean:tmp` task to the list of ember watch tasks
- adds the `clean:tmp` task to the emberBuild task
This ensures pruned ember modules are cleared out automagically.
- Refactor API tests from `/core/test/functional/api` to
`/core/test/functional/routes/api`, using supertest instead of request
- Remove `core/test/functional/api` folder
closes#2442, issue #2182
- Server start refactored - messaging is just messaging, deferred resolves the httpserver so that the connection can be closed
- Updated travis config to set node env
- Updated example config to be less travis-specific
- Route tests updated to use this new functionality
- Grunt test-routes simplified
addresses #2422
- creates settings user controller
- creates user model object
- updates user fixture to be compatible with user model
- updates settings/user template
- add validator to Ember Admin
- use validator to validate user model is valid
- add mock response to /users/me/ path
- creates models/base file for all models to inherit from
- add mock response to /ghost/changepw/ path
issue #2312
- The typography extension is still interfering in HTML blocks, reference style links and other bits and pieces it probably shouldn't be :(
- We'll add it back when it's ready.