Closes#3158, Closes#3143, Closes#3134
- Added `model.rollback()` when PSM fails to save.
- Added `showErrors` and `showSuccess` helper functions to PSM to abstract
closing and showing of notifications.
- Added `togglePage` action to indirect the setting of `page`.
- Removed `isStaticPage` property in favor of `togglePage` action
- moved `updateSlug` error catching to outer promise (slugGenerator promise)
- modifying the `page` and `published_at` properties will no longer cause a new post to save
- Close passive notifications on published date parse fail
- Removed promise creation in catch statements
- Changed tests to click on label, rather than the input for
- removes injection of user object in application route's beforeModel
- removes injection/cleanup of user object in signedIn/signedOut actions
- removes loading of user and passing to signedIn action in signup/setup controllers
- adds 'user' property to session object
- updates header nav to reference session.user
- sets model of settings/user route to session.user and forces reload
- on leaving settings/user, rollback any unsaved changes
-Replace javascript methods that are not available on all
supported browsers with lodash methods.
-Add returns to transitionTo calls in cases where the model
hook should stop executing immediately.
No issue
-Call notifications.closePassive after the resolution of the
promise that generates the notifications. Otherwise multiple
promises can stack up after notifications have been cleared,
which results in a bunch of stacked notifications.
-Remove some unnecessary propagation of rejected promises from
action handlers that can result in unhandled reject errors.
- add Notification model
- update injected Notifications object to handle persistent notifications
- load server notifications on setup if logged in otherwise on successful sign-in
- changed all existing notifications.closeAll calls to closePassive
- fixed dismissable/dismissible spelling in server API & tests
- add notifications.closeNotification method so DELETE calls can be made for server-originating notifications
- Remove clientold
- Remove clientold tests
- Cleanup old admin helpers
- Remove old routes from admin and controllers from admin controller
- Comment out / remove old and broken tests
- Cleanup Gruntfile.js, bower.js, package.json etc
Still TODO:
- cleanup / add removed tests
- do we still need countable?
- this is all about the validation engine
- add a option, `opts.model`, to use a passed-in model directly if needed
- handle validators that return an array of strings, array of objects, or both
- ajax util returns either an array of errors or a single concat'd string
- remove formatErrors function from the mixin and make it private
- allow validation options to be passed into `.save()` since ember-data doesn't take params on `.save()` anyway
- streamline control flow
* Implemnted the ember validator correctly for both reset request and actual reset (with the token)
* added reset validator
* changed the request route addresses to be `/authentication/passwordreset`
* changed the format of data to be `{ thing: [ {data } ] }`
* notifications
* tests for these use cases
- added oauth2orize library for server side oAuth handling
- added ember-simple-auth library for admin oAuth handling
- added tables for client, accesstoken and refreshtoken
- implemented RFC6749 4.3 Ressouce Owner Password Credentials Grant
- updated api tests with oAuth
- removed session, authentication is now token based
Known issues:
- Restore spam prevention #3128
- Signin after Signup #3125
- Signin validation #3125
- oldClient doesn't work with this PR anymore, session authentication
- PostsController orderBy function sorts posts with isNew to the top, otherwise their undefined dates fail to compare
- also catch when `updated_at` is undefined, happens when model is being written with results from the server
- catch objects of type Error in validation engine, helps catching client errors
- join server errors with BR tag in ajax util
- add `emberBuild` task to `grunt test-functional`
- add a test helper, `thenTransitionAndWaitForScreenLoad`, to test transitioning to major parts of the app
- add a test that transitions from Content to the Editor, and back to Content
- create a hook in the editor controller that fires on a model's save events
- use this hook to perform all the things that need to happen on save, regardless of where the save originated
- remove logic from instances of that now belongs in the modelSaved hook
- detach the model event listeners on willTransition in the editor routes
- update PostSerializer to use DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin
- create PostAdapter to include include=tags in query params for POST and PUT
- set include=tags for various GET post requests
- change PostModel to have { embedded: always } instead of { async: true }
- update Ember-Data to beta8 from beta7
- make call to get tags from model in editor.edit route synchronous since the tags now exist in the store
- change casper test to wait for call to posts api with `?include=tags`
- Change router to handle /ember/setup/
- Adjust doSignup to also handle setup
- Adjust tests and add new where necessary
- Add setup controller, setup validation, setup route
- Adjust casper emberSetup to handle new setup
- split clientold mobile interactions into their respective Ember routes/views
- create PostsView and SettingsView with mobile interactions
- place interactions for the publish bar into ApplicationRoute on init