We were allowing paid Tiers to be imported with non-integer prices which was
causing the Admin to be bricked when attempting to load them. This adds some
validation to the price data of Tiers.
- the create-release-branch workflow works by getting the most recent
tag, bumping it and using that to create the new tag
- now we've moved Portal into the monorepo, we've got two different
types of flags, but the Portal ones aren't valid semver so the
workflow fails if the most recent tag is one for Portal
- this fixes that by ensuring we only fetch tags matching the pattern we
use for tagging Ghost
- dynamically defined properties on the config service did not have
autotracking set up properly if they were accessed in any way before the
property was defined, this caused problems in a number of areas because
we have both "unauthed" and "authed" sets of config and when not logged
in we had parts of the app checking for authed config properties that
don't exist until after sign-in and subsequent config re-fetch
- renamed `config` service to `configManager` and updated to only
contain methods for fetching config data
- added a `config` instance initializer that sets up a `TrackedObject`
instance with some custom properties/methods and registers it on
- uses application instance initializer rather than a standard
initializer because standard initializers are only called once when
setting up the test suite so we'd end up with config leaking across
- added an `@inject` decorator that when used takes the property name
and injects whatever is registered at `${propertyName}:main`, this
allows us to use dependency injection for any object rather than just
services or controllers
- using `application.inject()` in the initializer was initially used but
that only works for objects that extend from `EmberObject`, the
injections weren't available in native-class glimmer components so this
decorator keeps the injection syntax consistent
- swapped all `@service config` uses to `@inject config`
no issue
- added cleanup of the `message` event handler added to `window` when the component is destroyed
- added a guard to the event handler method to abort early if a message is received whilst the component is being destroyed
- added failing test showing feature service `@feature` properties
weren't autotracking correctly if accessed before
authentication+settings fetch occurs
- shows labs and feature properties on the feature service are not
reacting to changes in the settings service
- removing the `@computed` on the `feature.labs` getter stops it being
cached but it then fails on the `feature.testFlag` computed property
- updated `settings` service to behave as expected with our current
version of Ember
- inspected the store schema for `Setting` to define the "proxied"
properties up-front rather than only after fetching
- updated the property definition to use `computed` so we're opting in
to the old style reactivity (required adding the `@classic` decorator to
pass linting)
- The 'vary' header with 'Origin' value should only be set when an OPTIONS header is processed. Otherwise we are prone to leaking the vary header modification to further down in the request pipeline
- The unit test was never using the "OPTIONS" request method, which did not actually trigger the full logic of the "cors" module used under the hood.
- Using the correct request method triggers all the right pathways and tests the state that's closer to the real world - for example the response does get "ended" instead of calling the "next" middleware.
Some parts of the codebase were not using the isSameCurrency helper
which meant that we were incorrectly filtering out tiers from the
upgrade screen. Tiers used to *usually* have a lowercased currency
property, but they now _always_ have an uppercased.
- Having a 'Origin' in vary header value present on each `OPTIONS` allows to correctly bucket "allowed CORS" and "disallowed CORS" responses in shared caches
- Having a 'Origin' in vary header value present on each `OPTIONS` allows to correctly bucket "allowed CORS" and "disallowed CORS" responses in shared caches
The data-attribute handler was not using the utils/api package but
instead reimplemnted the logic to create checkout sessions, this was
missed when moving to a redirect for checkout and so wasn't working
This value can be used for non-crucial data with a `public` option. For example: `public, max-age=1, stale-while-revalidate=9`.
The idea behind this option is that the browser would cache the value for the number of seconds in `max-age` and would use it for the number of seconds in `stale-while-revalidate` until it gets a "validated response" from the server. The behaviour should be almost unnoticeable for the end user but would make a big difference in the amount of requests to server.
- The codebase has ambiguous behavior with OPTIONS request. Adding tests covering edge cases for all possible variations of OPTIONS responses is the first step to solving cahceability of these requests.
- The obvious question if you look into the changeset itself would also be: "WTF did you do with test suite naming? What are these changes in admin and click tracking suites? You having a bad day Naz?". The answer is "yes" (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
- On a serious note. I've introduced multiple hacks here that should be fixed:
1. Forced test suite execution order for options request - extreme blasphemy. This was last resort decision. I went deep into trying to fixup the server shutdown in the "admin" test suite, which cascaded into failing "click tracking" suite, which has shortcomings on it's own (see notes left in that suite)
2. Exposed "ghostServer" from the e2e-framework's "getAgentsWithFrontend" method. Exposing ghostServer to be able to shut it down (or do other manipulations) was one of the pitfalls we had in the previous test utils, which ended up plaguing the test codebase. Ideally the framework should only be exposing the agents and the rest would happen behind the scenes.
- To fix the hacks above I've raised a cleanup issue ( I'm very sorry for this mess. The issue at hand has very little to do with fixing the e2e framework, so leaving things "as is".
- When testing OPTIONS requests there is a need to get all possible agents available in the system. The "getAgentsWithFrontend" serves exactly this purpose - create all possible agents while starting Ghost instance only once
- This is groundwork for OPTIONS request caching tests and improvements
The full customer object was not being passed to the StripeAPI service
when it already exists, this was resulting in inconsistent behaviour when
sending the customerEmail param to the API, causing `invalid_email`
errors to be thrown from Stripe and breaking the checkout.
Portal was relying on monthlyPrice or yearlyPrice being undefined as a
proxy to determine whether or not to show paid plans, this fixes it to
check for whether or not stripe is enabled.
I did consider using the portal_plans array to filter out unselected
Tiers, but wasn't sure of the repercussions, though it does seem like
the correct fix long term.
We were incorrectly assuming that all requests would have the
`customerEmail` passed in the body. Instead we were incorrectly
passing `undefined` or `''` as the `customerEmail` property to stripe,
which resulted in a validation error.
We've updated the code to pass `null` in the case of a falsy value,
which the Stripe API handles without error.
The issue here is two-fold, and specific to using Offers so was not
caught by any automated tests. First, we were incorrectly comparing
the to the - this is because the Tier objects id
property is an instance of ObjectID rather than a string.
Secondly we were passing through the cadence parameter from the
request body, but when using Offers this is not including in the
request, so we must pull the data off of the Offer object instead and
pass that to the payments service.
- migrated to native class syntax and glimmer component patterns
- removed use of jQuery, the workaround to trigger change events no longer appears necessary
The validation function for a Tier description was not returning the
validated value, which meant we were unable to set the Tier