refs #5943
- no longer assume the options in processOptions are set
- set where to a new GQL JSON-like statement object
- rather than setting options, add statements which can be understood by knexify
- pass the statements through knexify to build the query
refs #5602
- add "order" to default browse options
- parse order parameter in Base model
- accept "order" option in Post, User and Tag models
- add tests for posts order
- add tests for tags order
- add tests for users order
refs #5943
- removed featured, tag and author parameters from posts API
- featured was only used in tests
- removed role filter from users API
- role was only used in tests
- fixed up the tests, skipping those that don't quite work yet
refs #5604, refs #5463
- deps: ghost-gql@0.0.2
- adds code to wire up the filtering to a paginated query
- updated pagination plugin count query to use 'distinct' so it's more robust
- rename paginationUtils.query to addLimitAndOffset to be more explicit and make the code clearer
- add a new 'advanced browsing spec' set of tests for tracking these features as they are built out
Sitemap deletion is based on the page.unpublished event. The previous
logic was always sending post.unpublished instead. If page or post
event is triggered is based on the ‘page’ attribute of the model. When
the destroyed handler all attributes are already cleared from the model
which makes this logic always fall back to post.
The fix is to move to the destroying event which still has all the
model values in place.
- published_by should be set by business logic, rather than by users
Credits: An anonymous researcher working with Beyond Security's SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program
refs #5727, #5602
- Add new 'order' column to posts_tags table
- Migrate all existing posts_tags to have a correct value for 'order'
- Rewrite updateTags to not remove all tags, and to correctly maintain order
- Add transaction support for tag operations
- Many tests
no issue
- extract handlePermissions to utils
- added NoPermissionError when canThis() rejects
- omitted users.js because it uses special permission handling
- Post API understands, next.tags, and previous.tags
- Post Read request filters out those properties and does the right thing with them
- Prev/Next post helpers send extra include properties
- Tests updated
- use same event handling pattern as fetchAll
- add support for `fetching:collection` to post model
- add tests to check that url is fetched via findAll and findPage
- extends clobbers the first argument you pass to it, so that should not be a variable that is used elsewhere, if you're also assigning the value, as it will have unintended side effects.
- move default options / custom code into model functions
- move most of the filtering logic into base/utils.filtering (to be relocated)
- move the remainder of findPage back into base/index.js and remove from posts/users&tags
- move pagination-specific logic to a separate 'plugin' file
- pagination provides new fetchPage function, similar to fetchAll but handling pagination
- findPage model method uses fetchPage
- plugin is fully unit-tested and documented
refs #2896
- remove duplicate query-building code
- use the same approach for creating the count query from the main query
- restructure the code to match more closely across the 3 findPage functions (prep for further refactoring)
refs #2896
- moves repeated code out of models
- creates a new file for unit-testable code (this should be moved in future)
- adds a default for `page` as that seems sensible
- adds 100% test coverage for the new file
refs #2330
- Pass through `options` to all toJSON calls on posts, tags, and users
- Use options.context.user to determine whether it's OK to return
- Remove handling code from frontend.js
fixes#5104, refs #4348, #2263
- Create a centralised event module
- Hook it up for posts, pages, tags and users
- Use it in sitemaps instead of direct method calls
- Use it for xmlrpc calls
- Check events are fired in model tests
- Update sitemap tests to work with new code
- Fix a bug where invited users were appearing in sitemaps
- Move sitemaps and xmlrpc into a directory together
no issue
- We already maintain our own fork of showdown, this moves our custom extensions to our fork
- Code duplication is removed
- Tests are also moved to the other repo
- implementation based on #1545
- added integration test. Modified mocked posts because code requires published_at timestamps to be different.
- fixed 2 broken tests that depended on mocked posts to have "new Date()" as their timestamps
- added checks to only query db if next/previous post requested
- Run tag add operations in sequence instead of in parallel
since generateSlug will hand out duplicate slugs until one of
them is committed to the database.
- Add test.
- Misc cleanup of method parameter names and jshint hints.
No Issue
- Reorder promise chains to defer database queries until they
are needed.
- Execute database queries that are not dependent on each other in
parallel instead of sequentially.
- Reduce the number of variables used to hold state across multiple
promise blocks.
- Do not go async unless necessary.
- post model gets permalink format
- post model queries urlPathForPost to return computed url
- url helper modified to use post url
- urlForPost method abolished and replaced where necessary
- updated tests
- remove toJSON code which returns only IDs from objects
- don't auto-include tags & fields in post responses
- don't auto-include roles in user responses
- fix #allthethings that made assumptions about the auto-includes, or otherwise were only working because of the auto-include
- Add basic init and eventing scaffold
- Add sitemap-index.xml generation
- Broke out generators to individual files, added request handler
- Add page, author and tag xml files; add index mapping
- Add SiteMapManager unit tests
- Add Generators tests
- Cache invalidation headers for sitemap-*.xml
- Redirect sitemap.xml to index and rename to sitemap-index
- Handle page convert and publish/draft changes
- Add very basic functional test for route existence
- Add cache headers to sitemap routes