no issue
- If the brute store throws an error and the `handleStoreError` is called, then the storage is unable to get/set values.
- This is not a PermissionError. The result is that the user has no access, because the brute store has problems reading/writing to the storage.
- use the current date any time a post is fetched if the database contains an invalid date
- raise an error any time an attempt is made to save an invalidate date via the API
- if you send a tag name with a hash, it's an internal tag
- ensure that the visibility property is forced to `internal`
- add a proper test
no issue
- preparation for #9001
- no need to require the settings API, we can simply fetch the data from the settings cache
- the settings API uses the settings cache anyway
- set `linkify-it` `fuzzyLink` option to false so that it only auto-links URLs starting with `http(s)://` or other valid schemes
no issue
* Comment current state of toJSON for user model
- currently the user model does not return the email if the context is app/external/public OR if there is no context object at all
- i am not 100% sure why if there is no context we should not return the email address
- i think no context means internal access
- maybe change this condition cc @ErisDS
* Extend our access rules plugin
- we already have a instance method to determine which context is used
- this relies on passing options into `.forge` - but we almost never pass the context into the forge call
- added @TODO
- provide another static method to determine the context based on the options object passed from outside
* Use the new static function for existing code
* Add comment where the external context is used
* Remove certain fields from a public request (User model only)
* Tests: support `checkResponse` for a public request
- start with an optional option pattern
- i would love to get rid of checkResponse('user', null, null, null)
- still support old style for now
- a resoure can define the default response fields and public response fields
* Tests: adapt public api test
* Tests: adapt api user test
- use new option pattern for `checkResponse`
- eww null, null, null, null....
* Revert the usage of the access rules plugin
no issue
- it's not allowed to change/add these attributes via the API
- created_at = is only once set on adding the resource
- created_by = is only once set on adding the resource
- updated_by = is set on the server side when updating the model (based on who is logged in)
- updated_at = is set on the server side when updating the model
* Revert the usage of the access rules plugin
- because of our API layer refactoring, see
- we can now see that code was written wrong because of this horrible API bug
- this fixes the formats parameter for querying a single post
no issue
- the logic here bypasses filtering options!
- that is wrong, because if we filter out certain options e.g. include
- the tests from the previous commit fail because of this
- if we don't fix this logic, the tests won't pass, because as said, you can bypass certain logic e.g. remove roles from include
- this has worked before, because we passed the wrong options via the API layer
- was introduced here 014e2c88dd, because of
- add proper tests to proof that these queries work!!
no issue
- this has a big underlying problem
- each task in the pipeline can modify the options
- e.g. add a proper permission context
- if we chain after the pipeline, we don't have access to the modified options object
- and then we pass the wrong options into the `toJSON` function of a model
- the toJSON function decides what to return based on options
- this is the easiest solution for now, but i am going to write a spec if we can solve this problem differently
🐛 Fixed author role permission to change author
no issue
- To be able to fix this bug, we had to solve tasks from #9043
- This bug affects the private / undocumented API only
- Author role users should not be allowed to change the author of a post
no issue
- we store dates without milliseconds in the database
- our test environment does not use our model layer to insert data, this is related to
- so it can happen that the test env inserts unix timestamps instead of a formatted string
- e.g. adding data via the model layer (e.g. via the API) the format is always normalised to `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss`
- if we fetch the date from the database, we have a hook which sorts out knex returning different formats for dates
- this hook wraps the returned date into a UTC moment date, but adds the current milliseconds on top
- which can collide in tests when you have specific assertions
- use `startOf` to ignore milliseconds
- furthermore: remove the mentionings of `pg` (postgres)
refs #8602
- Add the wiring to pass attributes around the permission system
- Allows us to get access to the important "unsafe" attributes that are changing
- E.g. status for posts
- This can then be used to determine whether a user has permission to perform an attribute-based action
- E.g. publish a post (change status)
no issue
- our public API is still a beta/labs feature
- from
> The API is still under very (very) heavy development and subject to regular breaking changes.
- users should expect breaking changes in any release (independent from semver versions)
- the public user API never returns any email addresses to decrease the information we expose
- there is no need to keep the support fetching a user by email address
refs #9043
- this is preparation for adding Author-specific tests later
- the changes the posts_spec.js, so that all the tests are inside an "As Owner" describe block, similar to the users_spec.js
- Added new util for creating a specific post
- This will make it easier to do routing tests on the post model in future
- Our `index.js` file in test/utils really needs a bit of love 🙈
- Also added all the framework for author role tests in post_spec.js
- Added a single test, showing we can edit posts, including author_id
no issue
- this bug fix affects all endpoints for the public user access
- we allowed fetching `roles` via the public api by accident
- see our docs:
- we only allow `count.posts`
- returning roles via the public api exposes too many details
- this was never intentional
refs #9043
- Move api util tests into api section
- Adding export test to utils to see the amount of functions which are exported
- Adding basic handlePermissions tests
refs #9028
- if you upload a redirects file and a redirects file exists already, we backup this file to `data/redirects-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss.json`
- decrease chance of random test failures by not comparing date format with seconds
no issue
- this endpoint does not exist anymore
- if you want to add a new user, you have to invite him via the invites API
- on invite accept, the user is inserted
no issue
- this bug fix affects all endpoints for the public user access
- we allowed fetching `roles` via the public api by accident
- see our docs:
- we only allow `count.posts`
- returning roles via the public api exposes too many details
- this was never attentional
refs #9043
- Split public-related and context code into logical components
- Split tests up to match
- Ensure we have 100% unit test coverage
- General cleanup
refs #9028
- add two new endpoints for uploading/downloading the redirects (file based)
- reload/re-register redirects on runtime
- migration for 1.9 to add permissions for redirects download/upload
no issue
- use latest casper in test fixtures
- never ever use the root content folder for tests
- if we start/fork Ghost for the tests, we use a tmp folder
- this change is required to for an upcoming PR (#9029)
- i've added a TODO to create a helper fn for stopping the ghost server, so we can cleanup the tmp folder
* Care about TODO's in our channels spec
- add the 1.4 compatible casper theme to fixtures
- so as soon as you start Ghost, the test env will provide the content folder in /tmp something with the activated latest default casper and the 1.4 compatible old casper
- there are tests which tests different logici e.g. pagination
- therefor we need a different theme, we are simply using our 1.4 casper
There are four cases:
- unsplash setting is empty (default), admin can enable the app by default (hardcoded isActive:true)
- unsplash settings are set, unsplash is disabled, admin detects that app was disabled on purpose
- unsplash setting is set, unsplash is enabled and has a key, app is enabled, old key get's ignored and overridden on the next save
- unsplash setting is set, unsplash is enabled and has no key, app is enabled
- We don't need the config option for Unsplash anymore
- The private endpoint (/configuration/private) was introduced for Unsplash
* Improved log output for welcome email error
no issue
- if Ghost is unable to send a welcome email, the server log printe a huge error log
- the reason was that each component wrapped the original error into a new error instance
- so the stack grows and grows
- the golden rule should always be: the smallest/lowest component should instanitate a specifc error
- the caller can expect to receive a custom Ghost error
* Tidy up error messages for mail failures and fix tests
- We never use "Error:" notation in our translations
- Make the error messages consistent and show a reason if possible
no issue
- mirror LTS behaviour to master
- if your blog or admin url is configured to http, it's still possible that e.g. nginx allows both https/http
- that's why we should generate the api url without protocol in this case
- so it depends how you serve your blog, example:
- blog url is
- generated api url for the sdk is // (dynamic protocol allowed)
- you serve your blog via, protocol is https
- you serve your blog via, protocol is http
- no need to add a migration, because when we'released 1.0, OAuth was never an option
- it was disabled in April, 1.0-beta was released in June
- remove all remote authentication code
no issue
- if you blog runs on a custom domain, but your admin panel is configured using a different domain
-> Ghost losts the origin header
- we had this situation once with pretty urls (your request get's redirected from /posts to /posts/, see
- we've moved all our redirect logic to Ghost and ran into the same situation
- i've added proper test to ensure it won't happen again
- this is a temporary fix to only show update notifications for minor/major releases
- the notification refactoring is in the pipeline, but not yet merged into 1.X/LTS, see