* 🎨 run database population in transaction
refs #6574, refs #7432
- create transaction for creating tables
- if an error occurs or a container get's destroyed before population finishes, transaction is rolled back
* 🎨 simplify transaction creation and test
issue #7452
Remote oauth2 authentication with Ghost.org.
This PR supports:
- oauth2 login or local login
- authentication on blog setup
- authentication on invite
- normal authentication
- does not contain many, many tests, but we'll improve in the next alpha weeks
- Extend our dirty theme override cache clear hack to also reset the asset hash
_ This brings alpha into line with the LTS branch
- This still needs a rewrite for Ghost 1.0.0 🙄
- Don't let people start Ghost Alpha with non-alpha databases.
- Provide a new welcome message for development mode (a little bit of positive reinforcment)
- Provide a RED WARNING when in production mode (will still be used for developing, but we can ignore)
- Change package.json to 1.0.0-alpha.0, we won't relelase this, will bump to .1 for release
refs #6982
- create config util fn: getContentPath
- we can later let the user change the folder names in contentPath
- get rid of custom/default storage paths
[ci skip]
- add 008 migration
- added script to re-run 006/01
- re-run 006/01 migration for postgres in any timezone (transform formats only)
- re-run 006/01 migration for sqlite (transform formats only)
- rely on format checks for sqlite, do not check server TZ
* 🐛 fix direct update
- move sitemap initialisation into sitemap handler
- initialise sitemap on first request to sitemap
* 🐛 fix how we pass options to migration files
refs #7317
- clone options when passing them into the migration/fixture files
- do not use default sequence, because it does not clone the arguments
no issue
This PR takes the existing function `processUrls` in `data/xml/rss` and refactors it to be a stand-alone util.
The change is needed, as this functionality will be accessed from `apps/amp` to convert relative URLs.
- Add a concept of validity to each generator
- Refactor base generator to handle invalid (empty) nodes for both events & the initial generation
- Update the tests a bit, to fix some bugs in the tests
- Ensure the homepage is always present
closes#6588, #7095
* `ImageObject` with image dimensions (#7152, #7151, #7153)
- Returns meta data as promise
- returns a new Promise from meta data
- uses `Promise.props()` to resolve `getClient()` and `getMetaData()`
- Adds 'image-size' util
The util returns an object like this
height: 50,
url: 'http://myblog.com/images/cat.jpg',
width: 50
if the dimensions can be fetched and rejects with error, if not.
In case we get a locally stored image or a not complete url (like `//www.gravatar.com/andsoon`), we add the protocol to the incomplete one and use `urlFor()` to get the absolute URL. If the request fails or `image-size` is not able to read the file, we reject with error.
- adds 'image-size' module to dependencies
- adds `getImageSizeFromUrl` function that returns image dimensions
- In preparation of AMP support and to improve our schema.org JSON-LD and structured data, I made the following changes:
- Changes the following properties to be `Objects`, which have a `url` property by default and a `dimensions` property, if `width` and `height` are available:
- `metaData.coverImage`
- `metaData.authorImage`
- `metaData.blog.logo`
- Checks cache by calling `getCachedImageSizeFromUrl`. If image dimensions were fetched already, returns them from cache instead of fetching them again.
- If we have image dimensions on hand, the output in our JSON-LD changes from normal urls to be full `ImageObjects`. Applies to all images and logos.
- Special case for `publisher.logo` as it has size restrictions: if the image doesn't fulfil the restrictions (<=600 width and <=60 height), we simply output the url instead, so like before.
- Adds new property for schema.org JSON-LD: `mainEntityOfPage` as an Object.
- Adds additional Open Graph data (if we have the image size): `og:image:width` and `og:image:height`
- Adds/updates tests
* AMP router and controller (#7171, #7157)
Implements AMP in `/apps/`:
- renders `amp.hbs` if route is `/:slug/amp/`
- updates `setResponseContext` to set context to `['amp', 'post']` for a amp post and `['amp', 'page']` for a page, but will not render amp template for a page
- updates `context_spec`
- registers 'amp' as new internal app
- adds the `amp.hbs` template to `core/server/apps/amp` which will be the default template for AMP posts.
- adds `isAmpURL` to `post-lookup`
* 🎨 Use `context` in meta as array (#7205)
Instead of reading the first value of the context array, we're checking if it includes certain context values.
This is a preparation change for AMP, where the context will be delivered as `['amp', 'post']`.
* ✨ AMP helpers (#7174, #7216, #7215, #7223)
- Adds AMP helpers `{{amp_content}}`, `{{amp_component}}` and `{{amp_ghost_head}}` to support AMP:
- `{{amp_content}}`:
- Adds `Amperize` as dependency
- AMP app uses new helper `{{amp_content}}` to render AMP HTML
- `Amperize` transforms regular HTML into AMP HTML
- Adds test for `{{amp_content}}` helper
- Adds 'Sanitize-HTML` as dependendy
- After the HTML get 'amperized' we still might have some HTML tags, which are prohibited in AMP HTML, so we use `sanitize-html` to remove those. With every update, `Amperize` gets and it is able to transform more HTML tags, they valid AMP HTML tags (e. g. `video` and `amp-video`) and will therefore not be removed.
- `{{amp_ghost_head}}`:
- registers `{{amp_ghost_head}}` helper, but uses `{{ghost_head}}` code
- uses `{{amp_ghost_head}}` in `amp.hbs` instead of `{{ghost_head}}`
- `{{ghost_head}}`:
- Render `amphtml` link in metadata for post, which links to the amp post (`getAmpUrl`)
- Updates all test in metadata to support `amp` context
- Changes context conditionals to work with full array instead of first array value
- Adds conditionals, so no additional javascript gets rendered in `{{ghost_head}}`
- Removes trailing `/amp/` in URLs, so only `amphtml` link on regular post renders it
- Adds a conditional, so no code injection will be included, for an `amp` context.
- `{{amp_components}}`:
- AMP app uses new helper `{{amp_components}}` to render necessary script tags for AMP extended components as `amp-iframe`, `amp-anime` and `amp-form`
- Adds test for `{{amp_components}}`
no issue
- Source out validation logic into a upload validation middleware for all upload types (csv, image, subscribers). This unit can be later used for Ghost 1.0 as a pre validation core unit.
- More usage of route tests than controller tests. These are use case tests, a use case only changes if the product changes
no issue
- sets `settings.activeTimezone` to best-guess based on current server time when performing the timezones migration in order to prevent unexpected changes in timezone when upgrading
- Send application/json requests to UpdateCheck service. New UpdateCheck service accepts JSON request
- If UpdateCheck service respponse has messages[] array, iterate over the array and create custom notifications intended for current version
- Save custom notification if its not already in the store AND its uuid is not in seenNotifications array
- When a custom notification is dismissed, store its uuid in seenNotifications array
- setup test fixtures to trigger tests properly
- api_notification_spec test to ensure custom notification can be added to store and added to seenNotifications when dismissed
- update_check_spec test to ensure custom notification can be displayed for a specific Ghost version
- added test to ensure messages meant for other versions don't create notifications
no issue
- changes xmlrcp & slack `init` function to be `listen`
- update the code to use `listen` instead of `init`
- changes the tests to make sure that event listeners are not wired up
- adds 100% test coverage
Since we added slack event listeners, the xmlrpc event tests have been throwing an error:
> Unhandled rejection Error
See: http://puu.sh/phvjZ.png
This is because both xmlrpc & slack are listening to `post.published` events.
xmlrpc didn't require any extra stubbing, but the slack listener did
By turning the listeners off after the tests, we reset the environment to not impact the next event test
We probably need to do more work like this to improve the systems around event handling and
make them more robust
refs #6933
Some hard timezones of the hard coded list where shown (`label`-property) with a `GMT`-offset incl. DST. All offsets are now without DST.
Removes `offset` property as it is not used and `Greenwich Mean Time` from label.
issues #6406#6399
- all dates are stored as UTC with this commit
- use moment.tz.setDefault('UTC')
- add migration file to recalculate local datetimes to UTC
- store all dates in same format into our three supported databases
- add option to remeber migrations inside settings (core)
- support DST offset for migration
- ensure we force UTC in test env
- run whole migration as transaction
- extend: Settings.findOne function
- add NODE_LEVEL to print errors while running tests
- try/catch while parsing translations file
- run setup/teardown as promise or callback
- some general error improvements
- adding timeZone Service to get the offset (=timezone reg. moment-timezone) overall available
- new publishedAtOffset date as CP using timeZone service and moment-timezone to calculate offset incl. DST
- removing timezone-obj transform as it became obsolete with moment-timezone
- reading timezones from configuration/timezones api endpoint
- adding a moment-utc transform to only work with utc times in backend
- when switching the timezone in the select box, the user will be shown the local time of the selected timezone
- added clock service to show actual time ticking below select box
- default timezone is '(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, London'
- if no timezone is saved in the settings yet, the default value will be used
- showing local time in 'Publish Date' when it's a draft and no actual publishedAt value exists
- Removed the format 'DD MMM YY @ HH:mm (UTC Z)' which resolves to '01 Jan 16 @ 14:00 (UTC +02:00)'
- Changing the date.js helper in core/server for moment-timezone
- Fix timezone select: updates `selectedTimezone` to return the matching object from `availableTimezones`
- Including timezones in test for date-helper
- update to moment-timezone 0.5.1
- moving form-group of 'selectTimezone' further up so
- Tests:
- Set except for clock service in test env
- adding fixtures to mirage
- adding 'service.ajax' to navigation-test.js
- adding 'service:ghostPaths' to navigation-test.js
- Code improvements
- Changing clockservice to ES6