- this table was used an an experiment for member analytics
- as we rethink the strategy, we can take the opportunity to clean the table up
- this column is now a calculated value based upon the relation of a
member to a newsletter
- we should no longer need `subscribed`, so this migrations cleans up
the column in the DB
- When a scheduled post was published via the post scheduler, no `newsletter_id` option is passed when editing the post.
- When editing a post via the posts service, without the `newsletter_id` option, the `newsletter_id` option is automatically set to the default newsletter's id.
- Inside the post model, this new `newsletter_id` was not saved, because it was already set, and changing it is prevented.
- The `mega` service wasn't using the (unchanged) post's newsletter_id, but used the option instead, which contained the default newsletter's id.
- Always using the newsletter_id from the post and requiring the newsletter associated with a post to exist.
- This behaviour can be/is tested by publishing a scheduled post without any option.
Also cleaned up some `Object.assign` usages.
- allows newsletters API to work with Admin API keys
- updates fixtures to add permissions to admin integration role for new sites
- adds migration to update existing sites to have correct permissions for role
- whitelists add/edit/read/browse on newsletters API for integrations
- this commit adds a validation array of valid user `status` values to
the schema
- this also includes a migration to update users with invalid statuses
to `inactive`, which I've seen with `invited` and `invited-pending`
statuses that pre-dated proper invitations
- this also deletes tests that were wrong and written 7 years ago before
invites was added
- I originally started looking at this because I wanted to change the default of
`emails.recipient_filter` for old DBs to `status:-free`
- we changed these columns to a `text` type, which doesn't support
- the tables already have defaults set in the model, so the only change
needed here is to delete the `defaultTo` in the schema to avoid
- on the way, I ended up fixing 51498abb5c too
- we're removing the OAuth prototype and the table was never used, so we
should be good to drop it
- this commit adds a migration to drop the table
- The test fixtures should be using `authors: [{id:...}]` syntax instead of relyin on `author_id` or `author` - these are deprecated concepts that should go away from the codebase
- The `author_id` would be ignored as a parameter in the API or Post model, so would produce a falsy results if specific fixtures were used to compare test results
- The `author_id` column is gone, so is the support for filtering posts by single author's id. Using author's slug(s) is the closest alternative to achieve the same result
- The fixture manager has to initialize User/Roles fixtures first to be able to insert multiple authors as a relation in post fixtures. Otherwise the posts could not find correct authors and were failing trying to assign default "owner user" to each post
- The order of running fixtures matters, and till now the order wasn't taken into account at all when populating the db
- Since adding multiple newsletters, posts may be linked to a related newsletter
- We don't export newsletters, so the related newsletter_id doesn't exist and fails the FK check on import
- We're getting rid of the concept of api versions inside of Ghost
- Instead of storing the supposed api version a webhook was created with, store the current ghost version
- This way we can determine if anything signicant changes in future and we need to update webhooks or something
- webhooks are one of the remaining places where we need some sort of api version handling
- in order to fixup the tests for this, I wanted to first change them to use the e2e framework
- attempting to make our framework a one-stop-shop for all requires (except assert)
- using utils for tests instead of lots of requires makes it easier to reason about how our tests interface with our code
- helps with refactoring later, and making sure that tests really do what we expect
- the sender email addresses for newsletters require verification to set.
- this ensures there isn't a way around that by modifying an export file then importing it by setting it to null on import.
This pattern is similar to the current `members_from_address` setting which is excluded when importing.
- our api-key audience handling code is still relying on internal api version config
- the regex used is also buggy (it expects 3 parts, which isn't true without versions) and doesn't always match, in which case it can cause the tests to hang
- we already had some very similar code in the version-rewrite middleware which is also validates exact values for version and api type
- moved this code into a util inside api-version-compatibility-service
- using this code, all the tests still pass as is, but when I start to adjust them to cover more cases, none hang (test changes coming in a separate commit)
- updated usage of url-utils.urlFor to work with v3
Co-authored-by: Renovate Bot <>
Co-authored-by: Hannah Wolfe <>
- When writing to the database, the header_image is tranformed to the transformReady path
- When reading from the database, the transformReady path is transformed to an absolute path
- Includes a test when adding a newsletter
- Updates all newsletter who have a header_image to make sure it is saved in transform ready format
- Down operation is required to work with the old model logic and transforms it back to an absolute format
- For all the current versioned URLs, rewrite the URL as unversioned
- Add the accept-version header
- Add the deprecation header
- Add the link header
- This then does the content-version middleware afterwards, ensuring that rewritten requests get this in the response
For single newsletters, the unsubscribe link on emails auto unsubscribed member from the newsletter. In case of multiple newsletters, we were missing the newsletter information on unsubscribe URL that will allow us to auto unsubscribe member from that specific newsletter as they intended, while allowing them option to manage other newsletter preferences via Portal UI. This change -
- adds relevant newsletter UUID on the unsubscribe url in emails
- allows portal to auto unsubscribe members from desired newsletter
- Following the concept of having as little code in Ghost core as possible :) The email content generation is also needed to be reused in the version mismatch handling package.
- There's a need to reuse these utils in the version mismatch notification service. Having loads of tightly coupled dependencies makes it super hard to rip out this module for reuse
- It's a groundwork for extraction of the email-utils package
- Rewrote the unit tests that were written for these utils previously - they weren't testing anything useful. The goal of this util is to generate specific content based on provided data and available templates - now the tests do test those specific things, not the mailer itself!
- This is preparation work for getting rid of API versions
- The existing code used api versions for members, but the members API is not versioned
- This caused a bug as issuer was begin set to {{admin_url}}/ghost/api/undefined
- The updated code returns the correct value and is unit tested
- Whilst cleaning up I also swapped the usage of urlUtils to consistently use urlFor, as that is our main helper
- While creating a newsletter
- While editing a newsletter
- Includes tests and updated snapshots
- Igored sort_order to snapshot test because sort_order is different in CI than locally so had to ignore it in the snapshot.
- Asserting for the exact error message thrown was a bad idea
as it is different between different versions of Node... derp
- Also, don't really care, I'm just asserting that the serialize function errors under certain conditions
This reverts commit 9a0d143fb1
- main is now a precursor of 5.0 which should have email notification turned on
- had to add missing `err` in the errorHandler middleware as it was not triggering the versionMissmatchHandler otherwise
refs 275107d423
- Because there might be multiple authors being added at the same time with different values to the posts_authors table these operations should not be done in parallel! Making post insertion sequential fixed the deadlock
- Adds more coverage to the author reassignment method as it hasn't been covered much. It should put a good base to expand upon in case a bug pops up