refs: TryGhost/Toolbox#147
* Replaces all references to isIgnitionError with isGhostError
* Switches use of GhostError to InternalServerError - as GhostError is no longer public
There are places where InternalServerError is not the valid error, and new errors should be added to the @tryghost/errors package to ensure that we can use semantically correct errors in those cases.
We fall back to existing behaviour if no API key is present, or if there
is an error communicating with the Twitter API. We're also currently
requesting all the data, which will be thinned down once we understand
what we need.
This also includes a custom renderer for embeds of type "twitter" which
will be used to output the custom HTML for emails
- our themeErrorRenderer is only used in the frontend.. move it there
- this required exposing prepareError as shared middleware
- TODO: move these shared compontents to @tryghost/error
refs: 0799f02e80
refs: 5e931e2e37
- with the referenced two commits I replaced our old HTML renderer with some code borrowed heavily from finalHandler
- I had intended to modify this further to out put our message, context and help error messages
- However, I ended up doing this in prepareError so it's done for all error renderers
- There's now very little point keeping duplicated code from finalHandler just to output the status code
- If we remove this code, express will fall back to finalHandler anyway, so the output is near identical
- got rid of old _private & variable pattern in favour of const and module.exports
- changed weird capitalisation naming conventions to be camelCase
- removed some very old TODOs that we're never gonna get TODONE
- these are mostly old ideas that never made it, and it's been so long they're clearly not important
Lint rules prevent:
* Invalid naming conventions for new migrations
* Loop constructs in migrations - these should be used with caution
and are therefore a warning rule, use `// eslint-disable-next-line
no-restricted-syntax` to prevent this rule from firing where a loop is
* Returing within a loop - this is usually meant to be a
* Multiple joins - these can be badly performing migrations, so should
be treated with caution, disable the rule for the line if the risk is
understood / the migration cannot be written without it
refs: 4474ca1a1d
refs: 0799f02e80
The BasicErrorRenderer was created as a fallback for when we needed to not render templates, which is
chiefly when we're trying to render a 404 for an image. Using a template puts us at risk of an infinite 404 loop
if the missing image is referenced in the 404 template.
As of 0799f02e, the HTMLErrorRenderer no longer uses templates - instead we serve a very simple HTML page.
This can be used instead of the BasicErrorRenderer, as it results in a properly formatted error.
Even when sending responses in plain text, the content type is returned as HTML and therefore having an
unformatted error makes no sense - if we really need a non-html format I guess there should be no body at all.
- Having an "options" parameter in the controller definition was missleading as if the `url` or `ref` parameters were expected as a part of the qurey parameter. These variables should be provided as a part of the request body, thus having them in "data" attribute is more accurate
- Having tight coupling with backup file path calculation for redirects makes it extremely hard to test. In addition, having it injected will make it easier to swap this dependency to the mechanism similar to one used for routes files
- The custom redirects services belong in the initServicesForFrontend because frontend depends on these to function properly. When placed in general init section the middleware would not get initialized properly before it's used by the "frontend express app"
- The pattern we use accross the codebase is a single "options" object passed into a constructor instead of passing multiple parametes. Fixed the broken pattern in CustomRedirectsAPI constructor
refs 91efa4605c
- Referenced commit introduced a double json-stringification to uploaded redirects.json files.
- The endpoint has no stability index of any sort and is meant to be dropped in Ghost v5. It's best to rework the redirects to the yaml format as descirbe here -
- moving this middleware because we're about to add a second piece of middleware
- it's easier to see what we have when each middleware is in its own file rather than in one big middleware.js file
We use Offer names for the Stripe Coupon name - which has a limit of 40
characters. We are now introducing a limit of 40 characters to Offer
names too. This migration ensures that all our data in the DB is valid.
- When we handle errors in Ghost, we are supposed to use a pattern of supplying 3 messages:
- message: what went wrong
- context: details about why how or where the error happened
- help: where the user can go to get help with this error
- We do this in many places and our JSON error handler and CLI error logging tools are designed to output this extra information
- However, stack traces, which start with message as the first line and then output the stack are totally missing this
- By injecting the additional messages into the stack once an error has been "ghostified" we should get clearer messages everywhere
- I've additionally injected a "Stack Trace:" line that makes it easier to read the error vs the stack
- This code looks a little weird because the lines are inserted backwards, but that allows us to always to the insert at position 1 as per the comment,
so we don't have to keep track of whether we already injected something or not
refs: 2af9e2e12
- This new HTMLErrorRenderer is borrowed heavily from finalHandler
- This is the module that express uses to render errors if there is no custom errorhandler
- It just renders a really simple html page wrapping err.stack in a <pre>
- This results in a nicely formatted, but unstyled error page
- I also updated BasicErrorRenderer to use the same res.statusCode + err.stack pattern rather than err.message
Note: This error renderer is _only_ used for renderering errors on the `/ghost/` route
- In almost all cases, errors here are rendered by Ember
- The only error that can be rendered here is a missing template error see: 2af9e2e12
- If the admin templates default.html or default-prod.html are missing, don't throw a 500
- Instead throw a well considered 400 error with extra help for what to do to fix it
- Reduced our maintenance middleware code down to the bare minimum!
- We have an old maintenance middleware in place to handle when a site is forcibly put into maintenance mode, or the urlService hasn't finished booting
- This maintenance middleware was mounted on every sub app, instead of globally for reasons I no longer remember
- Recently, we introduced a new, static version of maintenence middleware to show during the boot process so we can get the server started earlier & not drop requests
- This version has its own HTML template and doesn't depend on any of Ghost's error rendering code
- To simplify and help with decoupling, this commit merges the two middleware, so that the new independent & static middleware renders its template for any one of the 3 possible maintenance modes
- It only needs to exist in the top level app 🙌
TODO: move the maintenance middleware to its own file/package so it's not part of the app.js as that is weird
- throughout the theme activation flow there are several missing awaits and necessary async keywords
- we should be waiting on these processes, not letting them complete indeterministically
- It's a step to making the module follow class+DI pattern before fully extracting it into an external libarary
- Reminder, doing in Ghost repo instead of substituting big chunks all at once to have clear history of how the service evolved prior to the extraction into external lib!
no issue
When switching the oembed service to async/await the error handling was not correctly refactored. `this.errorHandler(url)` was returning a curried function so it could be used as `.catch(this.errorHandler(url))` but that's not how it's being used after the async/await change meaning we were returning a function rather than the result of that function.
- `this.errorHandler(url)` is now only used in one place where `url` is available so removed the method and moved the body of the curried function inline into the `catch` handler
- added a message to the logged error so it's more clear what the log refers to
- Without sensible defaults the web app was not initializing either the backend nor the frontned parts of the application. Fixed the defaults so the problem doesn't happen again and optimized mock-express-style initialization to only initialize the frontend routing
no issue
- `startsWith` method is way easier to read and understand. also, **probably** has better performance comparing to building up a regexp and then matching
- When instantiating new Urls/Resources object in the UrlService's init on every test suite start it was loosing track of past events (softReset wasn't doing the cleanup properly). Not initializing new classes "fixes" the problem partially, by not loosing track of those event listeners. The real fix should be proper even listener cleanup on every soft reset!
- Allows to turn off overwriting urls/resources JSON file caches on testing environment. This is needed to have predictable state when running multiple test suites that stop the Ghost process and try to persiste URL cache.
- This extracts the file storage knowledge out of the URL Service an allows to have optional features based on the environment - for example turning off writing cache for when running tests
- To be able to reliably start ghost instance without a frontend the process needs access to urls/resources caches
- Storing the configuration in "paths" for now as there's no better place for it untill we are able to mock the content folder in pre-boot
- These flags are meant to control initialization of sections of the boot sequence depending on the needs - with or without bakend (API)/frontend (public handlebars site)
- Ideally these flags should not be passed deep into the components, and if the are (like in the web/parent/app case) it's a smell that we need to move things up into the boot process!
- These two things are meant to improve performance at the cost of reliability.
- Perfect for testing, however I think they make a minimal impact on modern SSDs :(
- Still worth a shot to see if it helps with CI
- `cheerio` isn't needed during the boot but it takes time and memory to
load the library
- this commit moves `cheerio` requires later into the code to when they
are needed
no issue
- if we encounter an unexpected error whilst fetching embed details we return a generic validation error so we're not leaking any details about the URL that is being hit, however that meant the error logs were only showing validation errors making debugging difficult
- added explicit logging of the unexpected error before throwing the generic validation error
- These are simple functions that get data from config in a specific format
- They are also used by the topmost part of the application
- Config helpers seems like a reasonable fit to get them out of the web folder
- Functions have also been renamed to try to get them to make more sense
Added ?format=json to the URL in an attempt to mitigate any issues with
weird caching and receiving HTML rather than JSON.
Used `type` in place of `card_type` to closer follow how the bookmark
card/embed works.
Removed the html & width/heihgt properties which are not needed at all.
- moved top-level `tenorApiKey` to `tenor:apiKey` and added `tenor:contentFilter`
- added base config to `defaults.json`
- updated `public-config.js` and API output serializer to use the new top-level `tenor` key
The transaction no longer commits in the promise chain, which wasn't
valid logic for a transaction, since it is commited automatically when
the promise chain resolves, and rollsback automatically when the
promise chain rejects.
This makes code which fails during the transaction error in the right
place, instead of getting stuck here. (Especially good for writing
The tests for this code can now live in the integration folder.