Closes#3105, Closes#3175
- Removed notification on successful post's `page` status change
- Removed notification on successful post `featured` status change
- Added `closePassive()` notifications on error in the post-settings-menu
- Persistent notifications will close whether their `DELETE` request was
successful or not.
#### Misc
- Added `name` attribute to `post-setting-menu.hbs` inputs to facilitate testing
- Removed `return <Promise>` from action in `PostSettingsMenuController`. Actions should only return `true`
- Toggling `post.featured` won't fire NProgress.
- added `/ghost/api/v0.1/uploads/` endpoint
- removed upload method from `controller/admin.js`
- moved removal of temporary files from storage to endpoint (needed to
account for failed uploads)
- changed and moved tests
- Oversight: I think that we use `.otherwise()` and `.catch()` a bit
too extensive and mask the real error objects. We probably need an
error handling strategy at some point in the future.
Closes#3254, closes#3138, closes#3245
### Settings Routing and View refactoring
- Refactored `SettingsView` to handle transitions between mobile and desktop layouts
- `SettingsRoute` will only transition to `settings.general` if the screen is large enough to show both the menu and the content
- Added `SettingsIndexView` to handle showing the settings menu on mobile screens
- Added `SettingsContentBaseView` to be inherited by any settings view that is not index.
- Updated Settings templates appropriately to work with new views
- Removed extraneous `active` class from `settings-content`
- Changed settings menu to use `gh-activating-list-item`
- Retooled settings tests
### Mobile Utils
- Renamed file to `mobile.js`, since it's inside of `utils/`
- Added `mobileQuery` MediaQueryList to help detect layout changes
- Removed unused `hasTouchScreen`, `device.js` should be used instead.
- Removed unused `smallScreen` function
- Moved FastClickInit to codemirror-mobile
- Change validations on both server and client to allow the
Website field to be empty or a valid URL.
- Add new schema validation helper isEmptyOrURL.
- Remove duplicate call to UserValidator in the save action
of the SettingsUser controller.
- User.last_login and User.created_at are already Moment objects
so Moment#fromNow can be called on them directly.
- updated to use new change password method
- have all save settings use notifications
- create assetUrl helper for creating asset paths with subdir's properly
- move all url based helpers onto a url object in ghost-paths
- Created `NProgressSaveMixin`, which extends the `save` method of a model
to fire NProgress.
- Extended `UserModel`, `PostModel`, and `SettingModel` with the new
- NProgress can be disabled by passing an options hash to the save function with the `{disableNProgress:true}`
- Now that the ValidationEngine isn't the only thing playing with options inside of `model#save`, refactored it to pass the options down the super chain.
- Add a UserValidator to the validation engine that runs a set
of validations based on the user status.
- Added validations for invited users and active users.
Issue #3160
- Use notifications API to display available update notification.
- Remove update_notification handlebars helper as now both the
check for an available update and the notification handling
is run from the server's admin controller index method.
- Bind the notification's location property to a css class
for styling.
- Refactor Ember notifications to better handle notification
objects. Move responsibility for css class generation onto
the notification component.
- Refactor gh-notifications component to take a location argument
that's used to assign a css class and filter notifications.
- moved setup to authentication API
- added `POST /ghost/api/v0.1/authentication/setup` to execute the
setup process
- added `GET /ghost/api/v0.1/authentication/setup` to check if blog is
already set up (needed for #3145)
- removed unused methods from api/users.js
- Remove dependent property from the computed content property
that is used to build the active theme selector.
- Add validation to the Settings model so that it rejects
attempts to set an activeTheme that is not installed.
- new ```resendInvite``` method on the User model encapsulates all logic
- only sending users email address when re-inviting, since the user already exists on the back-end
- ```revoke``` calls DELETE on /ghost/api/v0.1/users/:user_id
- Created `ApplicationView`
- Added `js-close-sidebar` classes to navbar navigation links
- Clicking on a navigation link in the sidebar will close it
- new controller and template for invite-new-user-modal
- actually triggers email invite via POST /ghost/api/v0.1/users/
- setting default language value (on the client) when creating a user
- only available role is "Author" - pending 3196
- updates to UsersIndexController to allow dynamic property calculation and template rending
- new "users" resource, with matching controller and template
- fetching real data from /ghost/api/v0.1/users/
- updated "user" route to accept a :slug as a URL parameter
- updated labels everywhere (from "user" to "users")
- updated "profile" link to header to point to proper "users/:slug" route
- updated core/client/.jshintrc to recognize moment as a valid global function
- adjusted DOM selector used in Casper to properly identify the new screen
- adding "slug" as a new property of the user data used during the Casper functional tests
- Uses jQuery's `.fadeOut` whenever a popover is closed.
- Reordered `gh-popover`'s code into something a bit more logical and, if
I may, pretty
- Renamed `open` property into `isOpen`. `isOpen` should only be
manipulated via `close()` and `open()`
- Added `closing` property to help track state in the case of rapid clicks
on a popover's button, allowing us to abort
` Added `open()` function
-Fix validation so that all values are validated instead
of just values that evaluate to true.
-Ensure validation methods consistently return promises
and switch error handling from try/catch to promise.catch
to get rid of unhandled rejection warnings.
-Add 0 and 1 to list of acceptable values in boolean validation.
Closes#3158, Closes#3143, Closes#3134
- Added `model.rollback()` when PSM fails to save.
- Added `showErrors` and `showSuccess` helper functions to PSM to abstract
closing and showing of notifications.
- Added `togglePage` action to indirect the setting of `page`.
- Removed `isStaticPage` property in favor of `togglePage` action
- moved `updateSlug` error catching to outer promise (slugGenerator promise)
- modifying the `page` and `published_at` properties will no longer cause a new post to save
- Close passive notifications on published date parse fail
- Removed promise creation in catch statements
- Changed tests to click on label, rather than the input for
- removes injection of user object in application route's beforeModel
- removes injection/cleanup of user object in signedIn/signedOut actions
- removes loading of user and passing to signedIn action in signup/setup controllers
- adds 'user' property to session object
- updates header nav to reference session.user
- sets model of settings/user route to session.user and forces reload
- on leaving settings/user, rollback any unsaved changes
-Replace javascript methods that are not available on all
supported browsers with lodash methods.
-Add returns to transitionTo calls in cases where the model
hook should stop executing immediately.
No issue
-Call notifications.closePassive after the resolution of the
promise that generates the notifications. Otherwise multiple
promises can stack up after notifications have been cleared,
which results in a bunch of stacked notifications.
-Remove some unnecessary propagation of rejected promises from
action handlers that can result in unhandled reject errors.