- Added ForgottenController which handles the form submit event
- Modified the forgotten template
- Added Paths utility tool to get the root/subpath
- Added ajax fixture
addresses #2422
- creates settings user controller
- creates user model object
- updates user fixture to be compatible with user model
- updates settings/user template
- add validator to Ember Admin
- use validator to validate user model is valid
- add mock response to /users/me/ path
- creates models/base file for all models to inherit from
- add mock response to /ghost/changepw/ path
no issue
- this ports over screens from old admin to
allow people to begin working on aspects of the screen
- All logged out screens have been imported: Signup, Signin,
Forgotten password, reset password
- Those screens are now ready for behavior to be ported over
- This also updates templates to be more in line with how they were
in the old admin
- Littered through the code are @TODO comments of functionality that is
missing and will need to be resolved before this is production ready
- Also scaffolds out the settings screen and every tab
- Adds the images to `core/client/assets/img`
- Adds css with ember hacks to `core/client/assets/css`
- Configures middleware to provide assets as static files at url `/ghost/ember`
- Adds ember option to assets helper
- Modifies default-ember.hbs to use ember option on asset helper
- Remove inline style definition in editor.hbs
- Modifies .gitignore to include ember-hacks.css (in ignored `core/client/assets/css` folder)
references #2273
- test tag creation and tag deletion
- tests image uploader appears after typing `![]()` in editor
- tests image URL matches url inside ``
- tests all input elements of post settings menu
- added routes for /tag/:slug/rss and /tag/:slug/rss/:page
- added support for tag in the rss controller
- added route tests for each extra case
- fixing a tiny typo in some test descriptions
references #2273
- added a test that clicks on both upload (image/cover) buttons and tests the same testing function on them since both modals are exactly the same
- the testing function checks for the '.js-drop-zone.image-uploader' selector, then clicks accept, and tests that a blank success notification appears
- shifted the test email test validation upwards so the ordering of tests matches the ordering of the UI elements
* Adding **user fixtures** for signin
* Adds an initializer for the **current logged in user**.
The created singleton object is injected into all controllers + routes.
It can be used inside routes + controllers with this.get('user').
For simple development the object is instanciated with a userFixture.
Once a proper login and api mock is in place, the fixture needs to be removed.
* Added **route 'login'** on url '/ghost/ember/signin'
* Added authenticated route with an error hook that redirects to the login route, if status 401 (unauthorized) is returned from REST API.
* All "secure" routes now extend from authenticated route
* Add /ghost/ember to noAuthNeeded routes in middleware
hooking into when ghost has finished loading
addresses item 9 in #2078
and makes progress on #2182
- has files that startup ghost return a promise
that is resolved once ghost has finished loading
- moves getSocket into config file
- removes models.reset() as it's not used anywhere
- update functions in server startup
- remove unused version hash variable
- Change fixture response of posts route to actual format.
- Extracted classNames logic of routes into style-body mixin.
- Additionally replaced all double-quotes with single-quotes for style conformance.
issue #2305
- changed validation for 'page' to expect '0' or '1', rather than 'true' or
- Added a 'can change a post to static page' test
- Added a 'can change a static page to a post' test
- Convert to new api usage for both server-side and client-side
- Provide way require a negative response for boolean methods in
- Add field validation functional tests
- Settings (General)
- Title length validation
- Description length validation
- postsPerPage, numeric, min, max
- Settings (User)
- Bio Length validation
- Location length validation
- Url validation
- Login
- Email validation
- Editor
- Title required validation
- Remove libraries from shared/vendor
- Remove libraries from client/assets/vendor
- Add bower to package.json and postinstall
- Add bower.json with dependencies
- Add scripts from bower_components to concat/uglify
- Fix tests
- Serve jquery from /ghost/built/theme/
- added check for tag in coreHelpers.meta_title and use if set
- added test for correct title on tag pages
Rewritting to tag - blogtitle based on comments from PR