- add api and User model methods for generating and validating tokens
- add routes and handlers for reset password pages
- add client styles and views for reset password form
- some basic integration tests for User model methods
- added tests
- added request module
- added status codes to API calls
- fixed return values of API calls
- fixed that drafts caused an error when being deleted
- fixed X-Invalidate-Cache headers
- moved testUtils.js to utils/index.js
issue #1365
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions where absolutely necessary
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions in which keeping parameter
list added clarity to the underlying api, even when those parameters
are not currently used
- removed unused parameters in a few places
- Increased post-settings width to properly display "Static Page"
- Changed templates to display "Static Page" if set
- Added unit test for body_class helper
issue #938
- rather than using escape, use node-validatiors santize function which is designed for preventing xss vectors
- added listener for changes to both editor and settings page
- added more sanitization to the user model
- consistently use triple-braces when outputting blog post titles
- Modified post collection to have default values for paging.
- Added scroll handler to content view to check for more posts and load
as appropriate.
- Sanitized result from server-side post paging, ensure page # is
returned as an integer.
- Added a functional test stub.
- Exporter will read meta data to determine the tables which are present and export all data from those tables
- Exporter figures out which version to export, rather than requiring that information
- deleted old exporters
- Removed the alpha software warning
- Better error message output for the whole app - can now specify an error, a context, and a help message
- Improved invalid node version, start and stop messaging
- Listens for Ctrl+C and exits nicely
- Minor improvements to handling and errors with old DBs (temporary)
issue #632
- removed old schemas
- updated base model to reflect all of the consistent behaviours and properties across the models
- updated all models to match the new schema
- no fixtures are currently loaded except settings
- need to rename properties across the codebase
- Added new Backbone view for post settings menu
- Moved sass styles to global.scss for post settings menu items
- Added field to change post slug (permalink) using existing slug
* I use SendGrid for sending the emails, and it works fine (provided you supply the correct credentials in `config.mail` in `config.js`)
* Generates a random 12 char long alphanumeric password, replaces user's pw, and sends an email about it.