refs #5091
- This tiny refactor opens the door for using channel config inside of helpers
- This means that ghost_head, and the next_post/prev_post helpers can be context aware
refs #5091
- occurred to me whilst documenting the custom homepage config, that RSS and pagination
need to be optional
- added a very quick if statement & tests
- needs further refactoring & test improvements
- this will not disable the RSS url output in meta data yet 😔
no issue
- 404 errors clutter up the log files and stdout when developing
- We don't really need these as more than a single line, like other requests
- This is how it worked in LTS
- This is also more consistent with other software (e.g. nginx)
- adds title, image and description to structured data to be rendered as open graph and twitter data.
- if meta title and description for a post exists already, the custom structured data will overwrite those for `og:` and `twitter:` data. `JSON-LD` (`) is not affected and will stay the same.
- adds tests
- adds new og and twitter fields to schema incl. migration
- inactive users are suspended users or the owner user on blog setup
- added a check to see if user is inactive in import
- passes all tests
- In certain cases, particularly in production mode, errors would be hidden
- E.g. fatal theme errors could not be seen, users instead saw "Failed to lookup view 'error' in views directory"
- This is extremely unhelpful, particularly for people upgrading from 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 where the disqus rule was added
afterwards and modified casper would error
- Ensure that we properly setup handlebars when we throw an error
- If engines is not set, set all the view engine related properties
no issue
- add 1.4 database migration to add two new fields to the database (use type text, because of max row size)
- handle global code injection vs. post code injection
- add tests
refs #8700
- if you used a url e.g. /page/2abc/ ghost would interpret the 2 as /page/2/
- these urls should have returned 404, but instead were responding correctly
- this effectively creates duplicate pages
- added a test, but needed a dirty hack to get it to work 😞
- TODO: update casper fixture and use it in channel tests!
no issue
- if you backup your database and you are in the middle of a transaction, the transaction was not fully forwarded
- we were running into a pool error in knex
- 1.3 post excerpt migration
- add 1.3 migration to add `excerpt` to post schema
- knex-migrator relies on the package.json safe version
- so right now Ghost is on 1.2
- the migration script is for 1.3
- if you pull down the PR (or if we merge this PR into master), you have to run `knex-migrator migrate --v 1.3 --force`
- knex-migrator will tell you what you have todo
- Bump dependencies
- knex-migrator@2.1.3
- Soft limit for custom_excerpt
- Extended {{excerpt}} to use custom excerpt
- when a `custom_excerpt` field exists, the `{{excerpt}}` helper will output this and fall back to autogenerated excerpt if not.
- Refactored behaviour of (meta) description
- html tag `<meta name="description" />` for posts, tags and author doesn't get rendered if not provided.
- fallback for `` removed
- fallback for `tag.description` removed
- structured data and for `post` context takes the following order to render description fields:
1. custom excerpt
2. meta description
3. automated excerpt (50 words)
- updated and added tests to reflect the changes
- when the ownership get's transferred, the id of the new owner is not '1' anymore
- we previously added a database rule, which signalises if the blog is setup or not, see 827aa15757 (diff-7a2fe80302d7d6bf67f97cdccef1f71fR542)
- this database rule is based on the owner id being '1', which is wrong when you transfer ownership
- we should keep in mind, that the owner id being '1' is only the default Ghost setup, but it can change
- blog is setup if the owner is locked
- This file has already been moved, might as well get the rename out of the way
- Especially as we don't migrate clients - everyone will now need to make just one change
refs #8756
- there was a bug in one of the last LTS releases, which produced duplicated attached roles to users
- we want to prevent that on import and take the latest created based on the autoincrement id
- remove mobiledoc parsing, it's reliance on SimpleDom makes it too
fragile when dealing with the unconstrained user-entered HTML that is
allowed in markdown
- we have to remember the old post id's when migrating a blog from LTS to 1.0
- otherwise we would break disqus comments, because they rely on the post id
- this should fix the discovered situation
- the serializer in our mobiledoc renderer didn't have the list of non-closing HTML tags passed in which meant that tags such as `<br>` in the markdown HTML output were being re-serialized to `<br></br>` which is invalid HTML which (at least Chrome) then attempts to fix by rendering it as `<br><br>` instead
- the elements with incorrect rendering that may result in unwanted "fixing" by browsers are `AREA`, `BASE`, `BR`, `COL`, `COMMAND`, `EMBED`, `HR`, `IMG`, `INPUT`, `KEYGEN`, `LINK`, `META`, `PARAM`, `SOURCE`, `TRACK`, and `WBR`
no issue
- this is usually an edge case, but i investigated because i thought that the importer is broken
- the importer logic is build like this:
- it creates a transaction
- this transactions runs through:
- beforeImport
- doImport
- afterImport
- afterImport corrects user references and if a user could not be imported, we have to protect that
NOTE: we could create two transactions to be more correct, but building this had no priority because of edge cases only
having two transactions would solve: you first add the data (error or success), then you correct the data
- usually a user can be always imported (!), but there are a few edge cases (e.g. multiple roles attached)