- Adds client and server-side validation for tag names starting with commas
- Trim tag names before adding in PSM (tag attributes are already trimmed before saving in TSM)
issue #5652, closes#5641
- removes inline errors for empty fields
- separate validation routines for sign-in and forgot password
- highlight fields with errors when trying to submit
issue #5483 & #5652
- trigger the close menus action every time a route transition is successful
- close nav menu when clicking "collapse sidebar" button (action chain was incomplete)
- use `transition: left` instead of `transform: translate3d`
- fixes issue where translate3d moves the element immediately then animates resulting in invisible hit areas that cause unexpected hover behaviour whilst animation is in progress
- translate3d is sometimes faster as it doesn't need to constantly re-calculate layout, however in this case the element is positon:absolute and we're only animating opaque elements so the benefit is marginal. Tested on Late-2012 13" retina MBP and framerate was consistently 100fps or higher.
issue #5659
- Fixes occasional issue with `Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of undefined` errors appearing when navigating quickly to/from the editor. I traced the `save` action calls back to the `autoSave` method - it may warrant further investigation to find out why the throttled/debounced calls are sometimes made when the editor element is non-existent.
- Modal button position tweaked, removed extraneous margin
- Fix user profile full name field and mobile profile-picture
- Added chevron to tag settings men, corrected chevron colour
- Fixed regression in delete-tag button caused by removing flexbox from buttons
- Fixed regression in button positioning on about-ghost page caused by removing flexbox from buttons
See #5652
- Lighter dropdown shadow
- Removed display:flex from .btn because safari can't handle it on <button> elements, where it will immediately set all text-alignment to "left" with no way to change. I haven't been able to find any regressions for this change so far. Can't remember why buttons were supposed to be flexbox anyway. Maybe for icon alignment within buttons, but I can't find any such examples within the app.
- Safari thinks that user-select: all; means a single click should SELECT ALL THE THINGS. Removed/replaced with user-select: text; which makes it behave like Chrome; click and drag to select.
- Increased hit area for "?" button
- Removed :active style for post-edit button on content management screen, adjusted position
- Increased contrast on tag description, tag count, and view blog links
See #5652
refs #5315
- adds call to loadServerNotifications so that notifications are loaded after setup
- fixes user invite so that you can't invite someone with the same email as you created the owner with