refs #9192
- Instead of `setupRoutes` function in apps that gets passed a router, there is now a registerRouter function as part of the proxy
- Moved towards a route service, which will know about all routes
- Using classes to abstract away shared behaviour
- changing the app proxy didn't result in a test failure!
- structure of route service is totally new and may change a lot yet
refs #9178
* Add eslint deps, remove old lint deps
* Add eslint config, remove old lint configs
* Config for server and tests are different
* Tweaked rules to suit us
* Fix linting in codebase - lots of indent changes.
* Fix a real broken test
refs #9178
* Moved app handling code into services/apps
- Apps is a service, that allows for the App lifecycle
- /server/apps = contains internal apps
- /server/services/apps = contains code for managing/handling app life cycle, providing the proxy, etc
* Split apps service tests into separate files
* Moved internal app tests into test folders
- Problem: Not all the tests in apps were unit tests, yet they were treated like they were in Gruntfile.js
- Unit tests now live in /test/unit/apps
- Route tests now live in /test/functional/routes/apps
- Gruntfile.js has been updated to match
* Switch usage for settingsCache
* Add tests to cover the basic App lifecycle
* Simplify some of the init logic