Our importer would set the default value of all posts_meta keys to
`null`. This is an invalid value for the `email_only` key which only
accepts booleans.
Since we are already looping over the schema to create the default
values, we can use the `defaultTo` property in the schema to use the
intended default, and fall back to `null` if it doesn't exist.
We've used the `Reflect.has` function to determine if the `defaultTo`
key exists, as opposed to a truthy check, because it's possible that a
falsy value (e.g. false, in the case of email_only) can be used as the
- During the work of the UI and moving `email_only` flag to publish menu it created the situation where the publishing of the post was at the same time as adding `email_only` flag, resulted in not picking up teh `sent` status as the `posts_meta` model and record were's available during save.
- Adding the incoming attribute check for email_only flag covers this situation
Writing code outside of Ghost which deals with the models is currently
done by passing the models which are needed to the external module,
rather than the instance of ghostBookshelf. This does not give us a way
to create transaction to run queries in. This method is designed as a
simple way to give all models the power to create a transaction for
This will be used in @tryghost/members-api for example to ensure that
failures in communication with the Stripe API will rollback the related
inserts in the database.
This includes the update to @tryghost/members-api which includes the new
MemberBREADService which is used to handle the logic for controller
methods outside of the controller.
With it, we've introduced the concept of a dummy subscription for comped
members. This gives API consumers a way to get the created_at date for a
comped members access to a product.
The @tryghost/members-api module is being updated to export a BREAD
service which will be used to move the logic from the controller into.
This service is currently designed to returns objects rather than
models, as it has to do manipulation of the returned data at the object
level. This update to the serializer will allow a seamless transition to
the use of the BREAD service and allow us to pull out the logic from the
controller sooner!
refs 3f0bab4389
- the internal `request` lib we had was replaced with `@tryghost/request` in
the referenced commit
- this lib was not deleted, so it's still lingering around
- this commit deletes that file to clean it up
The bluebird library is unecessary in this module, as all uses of it
were wrapped in `async` functions which will return a native Promise
rather than a bluebird one.
- `:root` selector wasn't working as expected and ended up matching HRs within content
- switched to wrapping the post html inside a `<body>` element before parsing so that we have a proper top-level element for direct child selectors to match against
- the new `email-cta` card allows surrounding dividers to be added when rendering, however if the card is at the beginning or end of the post then these would double-up with the already existing dividers at the beginning and end of the post content in the email template
- not wanting leading/trailing HR's is specific to the email template so it made sense to adjust the renderer output in Ghost's email generating rather than forcing all mobiledoc->html rendering to remove leading/trailing HR's
The @tryghost/members-api module needs access to this model in order to
create events when members access to products are updated.
We need a relation between members and their product events so that we
can pull out the events for a particular member to generate the start
date of their comped access to a product.
This adds the initial bulk actions endpoint used for the members
filtering feature. The idea is to eventually move bulk destroy into this
endpoint to and provide a consistent interface for applying bulk actions
to members.
The @tryghost/members-api package has been bumped to include the new
bulkEdit method.
The sinon.restore in tests was moved to an afterEach so that stubs did
not effect other tests.
In order to bulk remove relations between members and labels we need a
way to get hold of all of the existing relations between a label and a
set of members.
This table is to track events related to members be given or having
removed access to products. It will allow us to provide start dates for
access for complimentary members, as well as being able to track access
to products over time, either for individual members or for aggregates.
no issue
- The method was super hard to read with unintuitive catches in multiple places and lots of conditional logic. There's still more to reshuffle here, but that would be for the next time. At least now the data flow is clear within the method
no issue
- Logic with slightly more complex structure belongs to the service. Extracting it there also show's how little of an API the oembed service should actually expose
- The feature has moved to GA from behind alpha flag. It's skipping the beta phase as it's not needed in this specific situation
In order to order products by their monthly price we need to apply a
join with the stripe_prices table when querying so we have access to the
amount column of stripe_prices.
As this ordering is core to how the tiers feature is intended to work,
we have added it as the default order. But this can be overriden by
manually passing the order option.
Also ensured that we do not create duplicate products in test fixtures
- Relying on uuid instead of slug makes the posts less discoverable and partially soves discoverability through overriden robots.txt files
- The module contains a service class and not an api index as index.js file should. This rename also fixes an ESLint warning around index.js file being too complicated.
- The serivice should ideally be extracted into the member repository in the future iteration
- alpha flag for Admin feature that allows for replacing a snippet's content without having to delete and recreate it manually
refs 9e2b21578a
Since the ref'd commit the labs middleware was moved to the shared labs module
and this require path no longer exists. This does not break anything as any module
still using this would error when reading the labs property
- Unquestionably, at some point we need to rework the API code so that we have less stuff everywhere
- However, the max-lines index.js rule exists as a proxy to find index.js files which are not exposing Public API, but rather contain logic
- These 6 cases are all valid index.js files as the expose the Public API of the module
- Therefore, I've added an override and an override notice explaining.
This refactor pulls out the core logic so that we can easily add other
bulk operations without having to duplicate even more logic.
It also gives a consistent return value between bulk operations, renaming
`unsuccessfulIds` and `unsuccessfulRecords` to `unsuccessfulData`
We also add a bulkEdit method which will be used to bulk unsubscribe members
from the newsletter.
Since we had a bug where members with a canceled subscription would have
a status of 'comped' we must fix any existing members in this state.
We update all members which have no products to a status of 'free',
which is the definition of a 'free' member.
- Emails posts should be not explorable by the rest of the frontend similarly to the draft or scheduled posts. Email posts should also keep the content gating, so that specific parts of content can still be gated based on the post's visibility setup
- A separate frontend router was chosen to implement this part of the system instead of a moutable express app due to increased complexity to introduce the latter approach.
- All "sent" email-only posts will be accessible through the `/email/:slug/` route
- The internal API is needed to be able to fetch email-only posts through email router. The concept is similar to Preview API with a difference that only posts with `sent` status are accessible and there is content-gating present.
- We need to track email-only posts that have been sent out. New status was chosen as a way to differenciate such posts.
- Introducing a new "email post" type, conceptually like "page", was considered. Because there is no clear roadmap for "email post" becoming a bigger part of the product yet and a lot of uncertainty around this concept, overhead needed to introduce a new type was just too much to do at this moment. It's still a possibility in the future
This moves the logic out of the controller and into the members-api
member repository. Removing complexity from the controllers and
out into services is desirable to reduce code in the Ghost codebase
and move logic into modules which can be tested easier.
- The `/email/` route will be a home for email only posts. We are adding the route preemptively to have the crowlers update their caches before the feature sees the light of The Internet
- The frontend route `/email/:uuid` is aliased to the preview as a temporary solution. It fulfills the premise of the email-only post anyway - not being accessible publicly and only shared through email.
- The tests for the new route are missing as adding them was way more problematic than I envisoned. They are in the works and will be added as a follow up commit next.