- GET method returns { db: [exportedData] }
- POST, DELETE methods return { db: [] }
- 'delete all content' test updated
- Attach 'Content-Disposition' header on DB export for 'Save As' browser dialog
- Add DB API functional test for Export
Ref #2061
- Add canThis permission checks to settings api calls
- Add strict rules about accessing core settings without internal: true
- Omit core settings in browse() call unless internal: true
- Update unit tests to call api.settings with contexts
- Add a couple unit tests for new scenarios
- Update all api.settings calls in the app to call with internal context
- Re-arrange permissions.init in server startup so config.theme.update
can access settings without permissions error
refs #2606
- Use new API format when updating settings from the client side
- Add additional test to test new API format
- Adjust functional tests to work with the new format
- Add new get API route for all notifications
- Wrap API responses to comply with JSON-API
- Add new tests / adjust fixtures
- Adjust all occurences of passive notifications
- added error type
- added error property for validations
- wrapped errors in an array
- returns multiple errors for validation
- updated tests and admin
- add new logic to the api request handler to set a location header
when new objects are created
- added an api context to config.urlFor() to return the root url
- added functional tests for the affected routes
- added new format to user API methods
- changed all places where the user api was used
- updated tests and added more coverage
- little bit of cleanup in utils/api
- Refactor settings api responses to { settings: [ ] } format
- Update all code using api.settings to handle new response format
- Update test stubs to return new format
- Update client site settings model to parse new format into one object of key/value pairs
- Refactor to include all setting values
- Remove unused settingsCollection method
- Update settingsCache to store all attributes
- Update settingsResult to send all attributes
- Remove unnecessary when() wraps
- Reject if editing a setting that doesn't exist
- Reject earlier if setting key is empty
- Update tests with new error messages
- Use setting.add instead of edit that was incorrectly adding
- Update importer to properly import activePlugins and installedPlugins
- Update expected setting result fields
- Fix a weird situation where hasOwnProperty didn't exist 🤷
- added /view/ route to the editor. if /view/ is appended to
the url of a post being edited a redirect to the frontend
will occur
- updated controller to check for /view/ and built the
correct url for the post
- added test for the new route
refs #2660
- removed timeout from routes tests (since Ghost is used as module it
is restarted before logging in)
- Casper.js does only one login and the existing waits are executed
after testing login limiters
- gain: 8 sec :-/
- adding `forceAdminSSL: {redirect: true/false}` option to allow 403 over non-SSL rather than redirect
- adding `urlSSL` option to specify SSL variant of `url`
- using `urlSSL` when redirecting to SSL (forceAdminSSL), if specified
- dynamically patching `.url` property for view engine templates to use SSL variant over HTTPS connections (pass `.secure` property as view engine data)
- using `urlSSL` in a "reset password" email, if specified
- adding unit tests to test `forceAdminSSL` and `urlSSL` options
- created a unit test utility function to dynamically fork a new instance of Ghost during the test, with different configuration options
- added include parameter to api.posts.*
- changed toJSON to omit objects that are not included
- added include parameter to admin
- added include parameter to frontend.js
- updated tests
- removed duplicate code from posts model
**Known Issue:** It is not possible to attach a tag using an ID.
- Add new updatedAttributes() functionality to base models
- Update Post.edit(...) to pass along _updatedAttributes values
- Update Post.delete to set statusChanged to true
- Add checking for statusChanged to cacheInvalidationHeader()
- Update route tests that check for cache invalidation header
When setting the Content-Type header for the RSS feeds, the character
set is omitted. However, when running the feed through the
[Feed Validator](, it became apparent that
there was a problem as the encoding defaults to US-ASCII. See
[RFC 3023]( for further information
on the default XML charset over HTTP.
I have added a test and simple update to the 'Content-Type' header.
- Change tags browse() response to { tags: [...] }
- Update client side collection to use nested tags document
- Update test references to use response.tags
- If edit parameter is 'edit' redirect to editor.
- If edit parameter is anything other then undefined redirect to 404.
- Create edit post tests.
- Test redirect without trailing slash.
- Test redirect to editor.
- Test redirect to 404.
- moved ‚pagination‘ to ‚meta‘ property
- added response test for pagination property
- changed ‚next‘ and ‚prev‘ to be set to null and exist on every
- removed unnecessary call to API for RSS author
- added new format to post API methods
- added post object parsing and wrapping to admin
- removed unused ‚user‘ object from API response
- updated tests
issue #2273
- test draft/page/published label
- test green add new post button
- test status and author in preview header
- test edit post button
- test delete modal
- Refactor API tests from `/core/test/functional/api` to
`/core/test/functional/routes/api`, using supertest instead of request
- Remove `core/test/functional/api` folder
closes#2442, issue #2182
- Server start refactored - messaging is just messaging, deferred resolves the httpserver so that the connection can be closed
- Updated travis config to set node env
- Updated example config to be less travis-specific
- Route tests updated to use this new functionality
- Grunt test-routes simplified
- reserved 'feed' in the list of reserved keywords for slugs
- added a 301 redirect from /feed/ to /rss/
- added a route test, and realised that standard express redirects don't get the right headers
- fixed the headers across all 301 redirects & added tests for the admin redirects
- removed the redirect from /ghost/login/ to /ghost/signin/ as this happens automatically if you're logged out, and isn't very useful if you're logged in as it just redirects again to /ghost/
issue #2312
- The typography extension is still interfering in HTML blocks, reference style links and other bits and pieces it probably shouldn't be :(
- We'll add it back when it's ready.
- stolen the CM shim from js-bin
- if we're on a touchscreen device, don't use CM
- if we're on a touchscreen device, show a coming soon message for uploads
fixes PR#2395
- in editor_test.js line 272, I wait until the post settings menu appears, and THEN also wait until the delete post button appears, rather than just waiting for the first condition, this can result in a race condition which has been seen.
- in editor_test.js line 229, I click on the tag, then wait until it disappears, rather than asserting the tag doesn't exist immediately. This could potentially result in a race condition, but I have not seen it yet.
- in editr_test.js line 315, I click on the delete post button, and now wait for the modal container to appear before clicking the accept button. This could result in a race condition, but I have not seen it yet.
references #2273
- test tag creation and tag deletion
- tests image uploader appears after typing `![]()` in editor
- tests image URL matches url inside ``
- tests all input elements of post settings menu
- added routes for /tag/:slug/rss and /tag/:slug/rss/:page
- added support for tag in the rss controller
- added route tests for each extra case
- fixing a tiny typo in some test descriptions
references #2273
- added a test that clicks on both upload (image/cover) buttons and tests the same testing function on them since both modals are exactly the same
- the testing function checks for the '.js-drop-zone.image-uploader' selector, then clicks accept, and tests that a blank success notification appears
- shifted the test email test validation upwards so the ordering of tests matches the ordering of the UI elements
issue #2305
- changed validation for 'page' to expect '0' or '1', rather than 'true' or
- Added a 'can change a post to static page' test
- Added a 'can change a static page to a post' test
- Convert to new api usage for both server-side and client-side
- Provide way require a negative response for boolean methods in
- Add field validation functional tests
- Settings (General)
- Title length validation
- Description length validation
- postsPerPage, numeric, min, max
- Settings (User)
- Bio Length validation
- Location length validation
- Url validation
- Login
- Email validation
- Editor
- Title required validation
- Remove libraries from shared/vendor
- Remove libraries from client/assets/vendor
- Add bower to package.json and postinstall
- Add bower.json with dependencies
- Add scripts from bower_components to concat/uglify
- Fix tests
- Serve jquery from /ghost/built/theme/
* Added hbs template for apps listing
* Added settings to read the activeApps
* Added viewcontrol to activate / deactivate apps
* Added API handler to store activeApps (by `name` in the `package.json` file)
* On button click it turns the button into "Working" and changes class to `button` (grey one)
* On success, rerenders the pane, adds success notification about apps being saved
* On error, rerenders the pane, adds error notification with error message
* tests: couldn't figure out how to add mock apps with mock package.json data
* actually registering, etc, re #2140
* icon from the sidebar