no issue
- these tests were a mess
- we had many duplicated tests
- it was very hard to work with the exporter files
- i have tidied up the whole file
- first section: all general importer tests based on the current Ghost version
- second section: 1.0 tests
- everything is now JSON based (much easier to control)
refs 9742
- when we've introduced Ghost 1.0, we have noticed that we broke Disqus comments
- Disqus comments use a unique identifier, which is the post id
- that means if you have exported your LTS content and imported it into 1.0, all resource identifiers are regenerated
- but the Disqus must use the original post resource id
- that's why we have imported the old post id and remembered it in the `amp` field 🤠
- that was the only field which was available and un-used
- now in Ghost 2.0, we would like to rename the `amp` field to `comment_id`
- string length: 50 (i thought it might be safer to not use 24 characters, because who knows if support other comment id's in the future)
- perform a HEAD request on a url if we don't find a matching provider, following any redirects until we hit success response before looking up providers for the resulting url
refs #9601
- on resource update/add we have cached mobiledoc, html etc
- we have to ensure we exclude the fields (same procdure happens on bootstrap)
- these excluded fields don't have to be cached
- otherwise memory usage is higher in general
- ensure we cache relations with a minimal field set on resource update/add
refs #9742, refs #8719
- make it possible to import more tables (optional)
- available tables: clients, trusted domains
- by default we won't import these tables, you have to tell Ghost using `include` (same syntax on export)
- we won't announce this ability for now (stays hidden)
refs #9742, refs #8719
- you can now use `include` to export extra tables e.g. `include=clients`
- admin client won't make use of this option yet, maybe later and optional
- we won't announce this new ability for now (stays hidden)
no issue
- add a new migration for 1.25 to insert the draft demo post for existing blogs
- ensure new blogs get the draft demo post as well
- tested on sqlite3 + mysql
- added handling if Ghost Author user doesn't exist anymore (fallback to owner user)
We've identified some changes we need to make to the HTML output of the [new Koenig editor]( for future proofing and consistency across cards.
- the `<div class="kg-post">` wrapper around post content has been removed
- for image cards the `.kg-image-wide` and `.kg-image-full` classes have been changed to `.kg-width-wide` and `.kg-width-full` and applied to the `<figure>` element rather than the `<img>` element
<div class="kg-post">
<figure class="kg-image-card">
<img class="kg-image kg-image-wide" src="...">
<figcaption>example wide image</figcaption>
<figure class="kg-image-card kg-width-wide">
<img class="kg-image" src="...">
<figcaption>example wide image</figcaption>
refs #9742
- Ghost 2.0 is coming
- all doc links in 1.0 must use concrete links e.g. or
- if we release Ghost 2.0, will show 2.0 docs
- this is a short term fix to proof that Disqus comments on preview pages no longer appear on other threads
- this is not a full solution to the problem
- the private API still returns /404/, which is right now inconsistent, but not critical in any way
- the url helper will now output the post preview url if you serve a draft/scheduled post
- this should register unique page urls at Disqus and ensure uniquness for threads
- i still don't understand why the cross posting happens at all, because we also pass an unique identifier to Disqus (the post ID)
- it could be that comments, which are added on the preview page, won't appear on the published urls, because
the published url !== preview url. I wasn't able to figure this out via testing or reading their docs
- added `DomModifier` class to walk a SimpleDom document and modify as needed
- adds `id` attributes to `h1`, `h2`, etc heading tags
- converts H* tag content to a dasherized string for the id attribute (dasherized id's are different to the smushed ids that are generated by our markdown converted but there are no backwards-compatibility concerns here)
- if a duplicate id is detected then add a `-1`, `-2`, etc suffix to the id
- use `DomModifier` after converting mobiledoc to SimpleDom but before serialising to html
- switched top-level var declarations to es6
refs #9601
- this was already working for collections or channels
- but the `routeName` was not parsed for static routes
- ensure we push the route name into the context object
e.g. /about/: about
-> name of the route is "about"
no issue
- discovered while testing (issue doesn't exist)
- with dynamic routing we have introduced a bug
- we pre-generate urls and if your permalink contains a date (dated permalink),
we have to regenerate the urls, otherwise the dated urls do not respect your blog timezone
- collection router has to subscribe to the timezone event
- collection router must trigger an update on it's url generator if the timezone changes and the it's permalink is dated
- ensure we also update the urls on import
no issue
- reported in the forum:
- the defaults are defined in two places
1. on the schema level (defaults for the database)
2. on the ORM (model layer)
- the defaults on the db layer are set correctly when inserting a new resource
- but if we don't apply all defaults on the model layer, it will happen that model events are emitted without the correct defaults
- see comment in code base
- it's caused by the fact that knex only returns the inserted resource id (probably caused by the fact knex has to support x databases)
- components/modules are listening on model events and expect:
1. a complete set of attributes
2. a complete set of defaults
3. sanitized values e.g. bool, date
- this commit fixes:
1. added missing defaults for user & post model
2. sanitize booleans (0|1 => false|true)
3. added tests to ensure this works as expected
4. clarfies the usage of `defaults`
- the post event was emitted with the following values {page: undefined, featured: undefined}
- the urlservice receives this event and won't match the resource against collection filters correctly
- NOTE: the post data in the db were correct
refs #9601
- replace jsonpath with [NQL](
- jsonpath was just a temporary solution (a short-term fix)
- with NQL we are able to filter collections more powerful in the near future
- NQL is not feature complete
- we still support `featured:true` for collections
refs #9601
- you can now use `rss:false`
- ability to define a custom rss url with a target template (+ content_type)
- ability to disable rss for channel or collection
refs #9601
- refactor architecture of routing so you can define a channel
- a channel is a different way of looking at your posts (a view)
- a channel does not change the url of a resource
Example channel
controller: channel
filter: tag:football18
data: tag.football18
- added ability to redirect resources to a channel/static route
- support templates for channels
- ensure we still support static routes (e.g. /about/: home)
- ensure pagination + rss works out of the box
refs #9601
- support data, limit and order for collections
- limit definition in routes.yaml is stronger than theme package.json limit configuration
- ensure we update hbs template options
refs #9601
- the home.hbs behaviour for the index collection (`/`) is hardcoded in Ghost
- we would like to migrate all existing routes.yaml files
- we only replace the file if the contents of the routes.yaml file equals the old routes.yaml format (with home.hbs as template)
- updated README of settings folder
- if we don't remove the home.hbs template from the default routes.yaml file, home.hbs will be rendered for any page of the index collection
- the backwards compatible behaviour was different
- only render home.hbs for page 1
- remember: the default routes.yaml file reflects how Ghost was working without dynamic routing
refs #9601
permalink: /{slug}/
- the name of the collection is remembered as `routerName` (in the case above: "podcast")
- the name of the collection is important for two things
1. context value
2. template name
- the context value is available for specific theme helpers e.g. is helper, body_class helper
- we auto-lookup the collection name in your theme e.g. podcast.hbs
- this logic does not apply to static routes
- if you define templates on your collection, they are stronger than the collection name
refs #9601
- implementation of resource listener updated
- if you define two collections: `featured:true` (1) and `page:false` (2) you can run into the following bug:
- you create a published post (owned by (2))
- you change the status to featured
- still owned by (2), because the filter still matches (it's still not a static page)
- this adaption fixes the behaviour
- less smart logic, but less error prone
- with dynamic routing the first collection get's the "index" context attached
- the index context signalises the main post listening route (first collection)
- this behaviour was present < 1.24 - we have to keep this behaviour
no issue
- if you define no collections, but a static route, it can happen that the target template to render
makes use of the {{ghost_head}} helper
- the {{ghost_head}} helper tries to create the primary rss feed url
- at the moment: no collections, no primary rss feed url
- if we offer the option to define custom rss rules, this function might need an extension
no issue
- this mock eat already too much of my/our time
- the idea of adding a knex mock was definitely a failed approach/try
- it's too much to maintaince and have not found a module which does this already
- we have to support any query format
- this is too crazy
- the idea was to use the knex mock for model unit tests, because if we want to unit test models we have to
run through bookshelf, because the whole model layer depends on bookshelf e.g. events
- for now we simply use the real database
- we could use the sqlite3 memory mode, but that would mean every unit test runs on sqlite3
- something to consider for later e.g. run unit tests on one matrix
- run the rest on another matrix for sqlite + mysql
- with dynamic routing we have introduced a breaking change, which we have overseen
- Ghost does not return absolute urls, that's why the clients need to concat the blog url and the resource url
- with 1.24.0 Ghost returned resource urls including the subdirectory
- this caused trouble for e.g. zapier or the preview feature in the admin client
- revert breaking change and ensure we only expose resource urls without subdirectory
- add `oembed-parser` module for checking provider availability for a url and fetching data from the provider
- require it in the `overrides.js` file before the general Promise override so that the `promise-wrt` sub-dependency doesn't attempt to extend the Bluebird promise implementation
- add `/oembed` authenticated endpoint
- takes `?url=` query parameter to match against known providers
- adds safeguard against oembed-parser's providers list not recognising http+https and www+non-www
- responds with `ValidationError` if no provider is found
- responds with oembed response from matched provider's oembed endpoint if match is found
no issue
- was introduced with dynamic routing beta:
- the slug param wasn't forwarded correctly
- you were not able to render a custom tag or author template e.g. `tag-news.hbs`
- the collection router had a hardcoded default context "home"
- this is wrong
- the context array get's automatically filled for the collection
- if you are serving a page e.g. /page/2/ -> it's "paged"
- if you are serving / -> it's "home"
- same for {{body_class}}, it outputs "home-template" on "/"
- this is the same behaviour as in 1.23.x
no issue
- reverse must happen once in the constructor
- otherwise we reverse the array on each request
- Ghost would randomly pick the first and then the second template
no issue
- from now on: you have to manually reconfigure your slack hook after importing your data
- we were running into trouble that Ghost had import slack hooks, because it can happen very fast
that you are importing someone's slack hook
no issue
- there was a timing bug in Ghost
- we do operations in parallel on bootstrap
- 1) we fetch the resources as early as possible
- 2) we do all the rest (express bootstrapping, theme loading, router registration) etc.
- it can happen that (2) happens too slow and ends in the situation that the queue, which is responsible
to handle both parallel actions, does not wait for the routers and closes the event
- this is a short term fix
- i need to reconsider if there is a better long term fix